What does Sup Forums think of Seth Meyers attack on the alt-right?
What does Sup Forums think of Seth Meyers attack on the alt-right?
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He's a massive cuccboi
These people aren't talking to anyone but themselves when they 'call out' the 'alt right'
wtf I hate the right wing now
Who finds rhis guy funny? The laughter is so forced its cringey.
He's pizzascum.
Who is the alt right
>Steve bannon
How to spot a liar.
Good, let them flail at ghosts and startle at shadows.
Haven't thought about it at all
He seems like a piece of shit talking absolute rhetoric with no argument to try and brainwash his audience.
Me and three other blokes from Estonia.
It was a strawman
I don't care, since I'm not alt-right.
Is this the famed American humor I keep hearing about?
American """humor""" is pretty embarrassing right now desu
Every single fucking "comedy show" is just a nonstop barrage of political snobbery these days
it's really fucking annoying
>it didn't work and got Trump elected but surely if I yell and demonize half of the country even more they'll start to listen to me!!
Seth has BTFO'd Trump before. At this point, he's kicking him whilst he's down!
This is just cruel!
I don't watch the idiot box.
>right now
Don't even need to watch. Seth Myers clearly won we are all fucked and Trump is going to lose the election.
Awful low energy kike. Why is he bashing the media when it only works for the left?
oh boy a new channel to subscribe to just so i can thumb it down every time something new comes out. it's basically a full time gig at this point.
>Trump doesn't even give them the pleasure of a reaction
Fucking based. Can't wait for next year's White House Correspondent's Dinner.
>alt-right is the name they gave themselves
Wasn't that the cuckservative who got made at anons for roasting him on Twitter?
>first the Pope
>then Colbert
>now Seth Meyers
Who will it be tomorrow, Sup Forums?
>the alt-right
Seth Meyers will be killed on 9/12/18.
this cuck's on at 12:30 lmao
>lets not call them by the name they chose
They "Normalized" race mixing
They "Normalized" faggotry
They "Normalized" transgenders
Fuck off
That's a very specific date. Can you give us a hint as to why this will happen?
Such a sycophantic little weasel. All these shits that replaced the old guard of late night TV are all faggot propagandists. Not that Leno and Letterman weren't but it's at a whole new level now.
dude thats my birthday wtf
I think it's ridiculous how conflicted people are about the alt-right. There are people who speak about it from a distance, people who worry over it, people who try to investigate it, and those that have a characterization of it ahead of time and will give them no quarter. It's bad that the latter is the most prevalent.
When the fuck has the media ever normalized alt-right?
You have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums
(((((((((((((((((((((((((Seth Meyers))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
That Austrian guy isn't even alt-right though...
> His paternal grandfather was Jewish, and although Meyers has performed at several Jewish Community Centers, he does not consider himself Jewish.
He's just a good (((goy))), keeping you Nazi's in check.
>media person attacks media scapegoat
K... Keep me posted
not this shit again.. alt right is non existent jesus fucking christ........
when a "liberal" has a view and you point it out or counter argument his view he will shame you (racist nazi etc) alt right is just something that they made it up...
This is supposed to be funny? When will US kill all it's kikes?
I haven't watched it, but I assume it's equal part smug and patronizing while preaching to the choir about something he doesn't know anything about based on lines he's reading off a teleprompter for the first time that were written by "comedians" a few hours before
What the fuck is the alt-right?
>thats the name they choose
>you dont have to call then that if you dont want
that is the same people that want to shame you into calling a men wearing a wig, a woman
They're nazis, Jerry! NAZIS!
>People of Color are the names they gave themselves
>If it looks like a chimp, talks like a chimp, and knuckle drags like a gorilla...
>When will US kill all it's kikes?
When the generosity reaches lethal doses.
Anyone watched the power of nightmares by adam curtis, cause what they did with alqueida is exactly what theyre doing to the alt-right
Talks like a snake, looks like a ugly guy with a big nose must be a kike
"Alt right is the name they picked for themselves"
Was this before of after he attended 65k hotdog party paid for with taxpayer monies?
>"If zombies wanted to be called "post life brain foodies", we'd still call them zombies".
>"If that obese women's studies student wanted to be called "quasi panam bi racial interdimensional gender non binary Cisco routing protocol sexual", you better do it or you'll be doxxed and lose your job.
I went from being a hardcore leftist to right leaning because of bullshit like this. This kind of garbage is everywhere in Canada. You can't say anything without offending 8 different groups and being accused of rape.
Fuck the left, fuck these made up words, fuck this degenerate world. Drop them off in Saudi Arabia and see how far their tolerance gets them.
not an argument
I think he's a fag and his shit's all retarded
I don't know who Seth Meyers is and I'm perfectly happy to continue in this state of ignorance
He gets shanked and gang raped by the other prisoners for being a pedo?
Sup Forums doesn't know because no on watches that shit.
>what happened to calling everyone i don't like hitler
>oh right that was what lost us an election
>well never mind i'll just keep on doing it
>fucking media
What a hopeless moron.
Thank you, KEK.
Who cares. He will be the first to go on day of the rope, 6/2/2017
Wer Identitär hier?
hier uezs
#ibster #racewarnow #gasthekikes
Ja heil
daily reminder that the alt right is 95% strawman
stop posting pictures of yourself martin
>Media normalizing Alt-Right
you have to go back
käsekop gib a ruh
turn off the electric jew
pls no bully
this alt-right narrative that every media shill is pushing is so boring and obvious.
and by 'they chose' he really means 'what the MSM has labeled them'
came here to say this
the phrase "alt right" is such a forced meme
It's a movement and Sup Forums is part of the movement and so are you. Spencer is our great leader
Who the fuck watches all these late night cucks
"alt right" dates to radix journal like 2 years ago and existed long before mainstream ever heard of it (or you, apparently)
>Ameriniggers wanting to be nazis
top kek
If he doesn't attack the right, his husband Lorianne Michaels will cut him off from SNL money.
Yeah, and they got criticized for it too.
But we are the alt-right since we are pro-Europe and pro-Israel
If the humour isn't American it's shit.
we chose the name Alt Right........ yeah sure... Lügenpresse mal wieder voll am Werk...
I didn't watch it but I'm going to take an educated guess and say he's reached maximum over-salt.
People take this guy seriously jesus christ
reminder he almost broke out in tears on live television because the one with the vagina didnt win the presidency