Why terrorism continues to exist
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Mate, I'm not going to join ISIS because I am poor.
Culture is a big part of it too.
eyyy whatsa matta? too stupid to get behind solutions?
I hope to KEK that Trump's foreign policy is like Ron Paul's. He seems to simply want to do business with others.
This was debunked long ago. There is no correlation between poverty and extremism.
>Why terrorism continues to exist
because islam hasn't been eradicated yet and the middle east hasn't been glassed
i agree with you to a point. there's poverty and then there's angry poverty. angry that your cousins on the other side of town were collaterally damaged in their sleep. no doubt.
If like the video says, you really believe that people can be educated out of joining ISIS, then that education needs to come in the form of being taught that the values that the Koran an Muslim ideology teaches are wrong.
so many join the american military because of financial incentive and to add personal value to themselves. to think this doesn't apply to other less affluent cultures is dangerously ignorant.
If you think it's related to poverty, then you're a complete moron. I don't see any poor North Koreans, non Muslim black Africans or Middle Americans blowing themselves up. Also another great example: during the Iraq civil war most suicide bombers were Saudi NOT (poor) Iraqis
Zarya a cute. CUTE!
Middle class college educated Saudis lead by a billionaire attack the United States because they are poor?
Pull the other one.
It's culture + ideology + poverty
A much better explanation for terrorism. (hint: it's because of islam)
Here's a shorter and more relevant video from the same guy:
good for you for at least acknowledging that poverty plays a role.
This, europe went through lots of poverty aswell and there wasn't no terrorism and this bullshit.
Fucking hilarious that they pretend that being poor somehow universally makes yourself want to blow yourself up or cut heads off of non muslim people.
It's not someone who uses any excuse to hurt you.. nono.. that's not at fault, it's because we complain that people are being hurt, if we just stopped complaining about islamic terrorism savagery everything would be fine..
Much like.. if there's a fire, if you extinguish the fire the fire wins.. If you kill your enemy somehow he wins aswell.
I mean we shouldn't put bad people in prison either, because then somehow crime wins? right?
Tell that to the victims assholes..
>humanity party
>known for pushing islamic and globalist agenda.
Fuck off mate.
Infact people who make these deeply delusional and in-denial videos about that it's the victims fault and that the aggressor is somehow the victim, are complicit in it and have blood on their hands from not helping to stop it at the cause of it.. Which is radical islamic terrorism..
You don't desire to blow up or massacre non muslims just because you are a random person or and poor, i don't give a shit how crazy poor you are.. It's no mystery how these assholes come up with the exact same idea and happen to be of the same ahem "persuasion" shall we say.
>>humanity party
>>known for pushing islamic and globalist agenda.
no doubt they push for a global government. but islam? lol make like a tree and get outta here.
for the love of GOD where do I find a woman like this to crush my pelvis
obtuse, obtuse, obtuse. the poor of Europe never had an angry religion to cling to.
>for the love of GOD where do I find a woman like this to crush my pelvis
>the poor of Europe never had an angry religion to cling to.
Then it's not the fucking poverty that is the problem now is it! Exactly.. penty of poor people in the world, somehow they don't cut heads off of non muslims or blow themselves up on a regular basis..
Every time one of you twats claim that these are victims whenever yet another muslim savages some non muslim which happens all over especially in middle east quite independent of ISIS etc. btw.
You have blood on your hands and make these lives of no effect, because you ask not to do anything about radical islamic terrorism but infact you are helping them..
These filthy collaborators should be scolded almost just as much as the ones who did the act itself.
You just destroyed your own argument without realizing it. Congratulations.
Also btw. the islamic caliphates ran around murdering people for 1400 years, it's only since 1922 that they have solo jihadis and smaller jihadi groups which aswell there is justification for in the sunnah when they do not have an empire..
These are not victims nor are these things happening because of a few decades of the west interfering in middle east.. this is essentially business as usual in those areas, before the west secularized the middle east after 1922..
Nigga did you watch the video?
The US military isn't a terrorist group or extremism.
>Then it's not the fucking poverty that is the problem now is it!
the poor of every culture act out in their own way. the Christian European does it a bit differently than the backward Arab Muslim. The "twats" behind Humanity Party despise religion, especially violent types like Islam. But eliminating religion is not a feasible goal and you fucking know it. so what then? poverty.
Because it has been proven an effective tactic throughout history
Post more Pablo
i agree, but from the perspective of someone who has been collaterally damaged the Arabs see it differently.
I wish she looked like that
This one isn't even shopped
She's fucking ridicolous.
Let's see if people can spot Pablo in this one.
who is this and what the fuck is wrong with her
>people say claims
>no arguments
Refute what?
The claim that Buddhist monks are growing up angry due to growing up in Buddhist monasteries is the craziest claim of all.
Pablo is a mexican name gaylord
Brasil's most common name is probably João or Pedro.
Tell me, why does she wear the mask?
So he's Brazilian? I thought he's Mexican.
>you can't ban islam
Oh yes you can, especially in the west that islam tried to invade for 1400 years.. slovakia and others are already starting to do this. When will you stop being an idiot and realize one religion is far different from the others as shown time and time again aswell as historically by its practicing members.
>if we eliminate poverty they'll stop being terrirsts
No they'll still try to make sharia law the law of your nation and turn it islamic..
And no it's not our responsibility to make them "not poor" either.
The only thing that should be done is.. either they understand to behave properly if they want to stay in western nations or they leave.. we should not change our entire society because they refuse to move out of the 7th century arabian mentality.
Besides, this where I got the name Pablo from.
I still would for notoriety.
Kind of like banging Opera.
Are we chloe posting?
>non Muslim black Africans
I almost never see a black African blowing himself up. It is usually a man that is either Arabic or could pass for white...
We can't allow the west to turn into a society where they want to practice those laws and go after people who speak out against it including within their own ranks.
Even they don't want to live in it, but if you let the radicals set it up exactly that way in the west also, then you don't have to read it in headlines with someone being beheaded cause a muslim felt offended or whatever. You'll see that up close and personal like they do in pakistan and many other places on a regular basis.
You and others like you inability to put your foot down towards radical islam does the following a) you help radical islam by not shaming this behaviour but essentially saying that it's not their fault that they did it (OFCOURSE IT IS) b) you then allow more to be radicalized by these elements since they are not clamped down on hard enough but instead coddled for some strange irrational reason.
If you think majority muslim nations the reason they persecute non muslims is because they are poor, you are a fucking idiot.. Weither majority or minority, practitioners of sunni islam in particular, constitutes a serious security risk and because of how islam is constructed (the more they grow the more they are instructed to become oppressive towards non muslims via abrogation) , the primary way to negate this is keep them as a very small minority if you should even allow them to practice it at all in your nation.
>When will you stop being an idiot and realize one religion is far different from the others as shown time and time again aswell as historically by its practicing members.
You're putting words in my mouth. All religion is evil, especially Islam.
>And no it's not our responsibility to make them "not poor" either.
the goal is not simply to give the poor MONEY. the goal is to eliminate poverty by providing each individual human the basic necessities of life. universal basic income is a BAD idea.
I can do that polefriend
But trying to tackle world poverty has absolutely nothing to do with radical islamic terrorism, they are two entirely different things that exist because of entirely different reasons.. So why do you try to say that one can solve the other.. Even if muslims are rich they will still go after you especially if they are majority and you are minority. Go see what happens in the gulf states or places like saudi arabia..
Holy fuck that one has to be shopped. No way her arms are that big.
You cunt I was trying to post this and got the duplicate file bullshit
Hello, Susan.
Islamic terrorism doesn't exist because of poverty.. So you trying to tackle world poverty which is a very noble idea, however does nothing to sort out islamic terrorism.. Because one is an ideology and another is a monetary condition separate from it.
I mean fine say you want to deal with world poverty but don't fucking say you're trying to fix islamic terrorism by leaving it alone entirely and pretending that something else than this is responsible for it..
Some things may be contributing factors, but in the case of islam if you have something that essentially encourages you to kill all non believers wherever you find them especially if they somehow critique or go against islam or whatever.. Then you have a situation where it takes pretty much nothing to piss that person off, and then it's not about you giving them special priveledge where you walk around them with feather shoes.. no then it's about them needing to pack up their temperament, in this case this ideology because then THAT is what is the major issue and one should not pretend that the contributing factors are the real problem.
Again point and case the entire rest of the world where there's all kinds of bad fates and poverty, but you don't see them react in that murderous way about it.
She's a big girl
>Again point and case the entire rest of the world where there's all kinds of bad fates and poverty, but you don't see them react in that murderous way about it
I think we can agree that Islam is the motivating factor in joining ISIS, and poverty exacerbates it.
Terrorism exists because mudslimes have been allowed,historically,to breathe and trade.
Europe and the Christian world should've ridden the world of the cancer named mudslam and its dung beetles pushing the shit ball inside Europe
muh dik
how much would it cost to fug a girl like this
it costs nothing if you're at least 6 feet tall.
LoL poverty and no perspective in life is literally what helped hitler to gain power
And Germany fucked the world up good
and if not?
Saudis are so poor, yeah right.
5 dolla
stefania ferrario
You must think Saudi royals make up the majority population of Saudi Arabia. Sorry to disappoint you.
who dis
>who dis
Heavenly Mother
bump for THumP
more like this please, and less of the obese woman in OP's post
Hot, everytime
obese?! imagine grabbing that soft belly of hers. hnng
Chloe has more test than Trump!
Fighting for isis is really pretty sweet if you're a shitskin living in that hell hole. Get free guns supplied by white countries, kill infadels for the glory of allah, and when you die you get 72 virgins. Id probably do it too if I was one of them
who is this man and what is his endgame?
ISIS has doctors and engineers
Osama bin Laden left behind a billion dollar construction inheritance and created Al Qaeda
his partner was a medical doctor, kek
>im poor, society made me do it
fucking liberals don't understand what responsibility means
To be disgusted.... WITH NO SURVIVORS!
It's true that poverty does contribute to terrorism, but pretending that it's the only reason serves no one any good.
One such example is Osama Bin Laden, the most well known and famous terrorist in the world. He was from an extremely wealthy family, one of THE most wealthy families in Saudi Arabia, and still remains so today. His beliefs come from the his religion, and the intolerance and bigotry that Islam teaches, and from the history of Islam itself. If you actually study Islamic history, you can see how Muhammad was essentially a warlord, someone who treated his enemies brutally, with beheadings, poisonings and murder. A person who enslaved women and children for sex, a person who led what would be considered a pogrom / genocide today. A person who killed and taught his followers to kill those who left his cult.
Islam itself is a barbaric religion with barbaric roots. You can only reform something that is based in an incredibly violent inception so much. There's a reason why Islam itself tends to lead people to such extreme measures, the violence in the history of Islam's foundation, and violence preached within the Qu'ran itself lead to extremist views and methods.
you're talking leaders, i'm talking grunts.
You have running water, electricity and are a white american male. You aren't the target demographic.
YOURE A FUCKING WHITE MALE is not an argument. The differences are cultural and not limited to race or skin-tone. They simply want things that we culturally reject
We come from peoples that never wanted to globalize or let go of their culture or traditions because of stipulations imposed by high courts. They didnt want to give up their ways. So the peoples around the world are torn in half. One side promotes this free market capitalist society and exploit the richess of the lands. And hire armed bodyguards to take care of their investments. These body guards instead form their own syndicates that usually begin to rob the people and create employment, creating ranks, for protection. They realize they have an opposition, that is called the extreme left. These guys dont like the opportunity the extreme right is bringing. They consider it exploitation. And they bomb and kill eachother. And things escalate and play out in the news. Because this is where today's politics seem to focus on. Because it focuses on the contributions and investments of the 1%.