I dont care what your thoughts are. Watch the video and decide for yourself. Since you fags won't go look it up yourself.
Flat Earth is real. Or something like it of course
Other urls found in this thread:
LOL this is some top notch ear rape
If this is your model for flat earth, explain why it takes 14 hours to fly from Dubai to Seattle and it takes 11 hours to fly from Santiago, Chile to Auckland, New Zealand.
its not my model
/end your comment
Flat earth is silly. You should spend energy looking into Antarctica and operation high jump.
I'll bite
If it's not your model, why did you post this picture then?
Can you also explain why it is now summer in the southern hemisphere? how is this possible in a flat earth?
For some reason a lot of flat earth idea explorers refer to a link between these maps. Even so, not all flat earthers as they are called like this map, its very crude and apparently the dementions are not all correct, etc.
Here's a video that crudely gives ideas about how the seaons may work. Not saying that its 100precent right but hey, its something.
I'm familiar with this. Flat earth is not silly.
It's an interesting theory
To be honest, I was a flat earther until I learned more about various flight paths.
Basically I don't see how you can fly direct from Santiago to Auckland in any of the maps of the flat earth that I have seen in less time than it takes to fly from Dubai to Seattle, unless the earth has some curvature to it.
I read through the 101 proofs that the earth is flat, but I just can't get past the flight paths.
And in this video, I would like to see a superposition of night and day to go along with this theory.
>To be honest, I was a flat earther
Are there actual real life flat earthers? Like, for real? I cannot even fathom how stupid you'd need to be to consider it to be real even for a short length of time. You'd have to be either retarded or black.
>Burger ''''''''''''''''education''''''''''''''''
Saged and kys
>You'd have to be either retarded or black.
So you would basically have to be irish?
I'm not exactly sure what you meant by superposition of night and day but heres a link to a gif of how they say it works.
It's section 2.2
Also.. like I said the maps havn't been fully configured yet so flight paths will seem odd with any maps I've come to find to this date. Also a person mentioned jet streams which also have something to do with travel speeds, reverse jet streams as well? I don't know.
Have you done any research into the fake moon landings... They help take off the blindfolds of globe earth theory..
Lol somehow racists have merged there way into this thread, I love it.
Nothing like good laughs
Oh well guys, he posted a YouTube video.
This seals it, the earth is flat, everyone go home.
Damn straight I posted a youtube video.
Irish people are neither of these things, so no.
time cube anyone?
I can confirm. Its flat. I almost fell from its edge once when I was a child. One of my goats fell from its edge. Miss her. Fellow shepherds have told the same story over and over.
I think it is more likely that we live on a round earth, and that our earth at a certain depth, is hollow.
Take the following into consideration. If you fill a bucket full of water and tie the bucket to a piece of rope, and you spin the bucket in a vertical circle fast enough, the water will not fall out of the bucket as it pushes against the bucket at all times.
Apply this same line of thinking to the plasma in the deeper layers to the earth. As the earth spins and this plasma is pushed against the upper layers of the earth, certainly there must be a resulting void space. This would also feed into the expanding earth theory.
Now, the center of gravity of a sphere is still at its center irrespective of if it is hollow or not.
Jet streams do have something to do with travel speed, yes. But not enough to make up for this difference. For example. A flight from Vancouver Canada to Hong Kong is around 14 hours and the return flight is around 12.5 hours. Not a huge difference relative to the distance traveled.
Are you one of these migrants from reddit or tumblr?
We are not referring to this model when you say flat earth. You have some research to do. We've all heard this before.
>As the earth spins and this plasma is pushed against the upper layers of the earth, certainly there must be a resulting void space.
if there was enough centrifugal force to push material in the centre of the earth against the edges that would mean everything on the surface of the earth would fly off into space.
Please don't breed.
>American ejaculation.
If you go North, South, West or East, you always end up where you started.
How come?
Pics or didn't happen.
>I disagree with your bucket theory, I'm sure the inertia to keep all the water on earth would be quite felt and not easily opposed with a simple leap in the air.
>You assume you know what the inside of our lands look like when we've only dug eight miles.
>About the travel times of jets: It's still being worked on but there is still no formidable evidence to totally disprove Flat Earth theory. It just hasn't been fully or atleast to my knowledge, fully diverged yet.
>I am not from reddit or tumblr. I've been to reddit a few times. Never to tumblr. I hardly even know what it is, all I see if a few funny pictures or words people say from the site.
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
This has never been done in history.
So let's say flat earth is real and the sun and moon are traveling in circles. Why would you not see the moon traveling away from you in certain areas of the world? You would be able to see it getting smaller and traveling away from you.
Why are all the other planets round?
How do you explain seasons?
Do you think the earth just drops off at a certain point in space? Why?
It has never been done because you have never done it? Flat earth screams "scary science is witchcraft" to me
CGI freelancer and geometry expert here. It is absolutely impossible to 3D unwrap the earth as flat without stretching at least one area and especially with Antarctica as the barrier.
Everything about projecting a map of earth falls in line with what is expected of a sphere.
Anyone who buys into FET is literally bad at math. Stop posting this garbage if you believe in flat earth you actually legit have an Australian abbo tier IQ.
You think the jews will let a measily mortral like me destroy pizza gate? As soon as they capture some scape goats and the mass media brain washes people into believing something has been done about the worlds pedo problem it will turn into history like all accounts of (((them))) playing tricks on you guys.
Also if you seriously think its the pizza place or even some emails that makes this conspiracy a conspiracy no, your wrong. The whole idea behind pizza gate is to bring attention to your minds that satanic pedophilia might actually be a thing. Don't get me started...
The whole sham in my opinion is to keep you focused on the world as we know it, instead of knowing what the world has to offer. Keep that in mind.
get out.
Yea we know, the maps arn't as neatly drawn as you'd like them to be. The are so appealing to the eyes arn't they. Turns out they don't actually look the way they do in real life as there portrayed on maps.
Also your projected sphere maps have been photoshopped. Nasa confirmed they photoshop every picture. And the renditions of pictures in space they have are merely artistic renditions draw by how they are desribed.
Nellie Bly did it in 72 days
>telling people not to breed
My sides
I base that theory as an explanation for why the earth might be expanding.
This makes more sense to me than the pangea theory.
And who is to say that the earth isn't in the process of destabilizing and doing as you suggested?
I will admit, I am impressed though. I have debated this with some of my friends who are geologists and they have yet to suggest that the earth would fly off into space.
big dipper is usually seen upside down in some countries and in others it's right side up
flat earthfags btfo
Oh god my sides XD
Shill confirmed.
The earth is hollow.
>I base that theory as an explanation for why the earth might be expanding.
your theory wouldn't imply the earth is expanding you retard. That would only make sense in the context of your theory if the earth spin was speeding up.
>And who is to say that the earth isn't in the process of destabilizing and doing as you suggested?
I didn't suggest it would "destabilise", i suggested everything would instantaneously fly off into space. Like if you cut the rope on the bucket on the bucket you were swinging, it wouldn't keep swinging around you before "destabilising", it would instantly fly off away from you in the direction it was traveling when you cut the rope.
>I have debated this with some of my friends who are geologists and they have yet to suggest that the earth would fly off into space.
They are probably afraid of hurting your feelings, or being accused of being racist for being critical of you.
Are you the same jew who was creating those DAPL spam threads?
You argue like a grill....
Runs off a globe model. Doesn't work for me m8.
You should look into operation fish bowl.
Hollow earth makes the most sense.
(((Pangea))) in a non expanding earth is easily debunked because a part of Siberia is on the North American plate and no models really account for that. Basically we are supposed to believe that all the continents just magically drifted to be how they are today. Not this goy.
I think people made pangea
This shit is basically a thought experiment to test how stupid someone is
center of the disc is magnetic North, if you go East or West using a compass, you will go round. Pic related is Trophy Jules Verne circumnavigation of Earth.
Yup because east and west are clockwise and counter clockwise, not left or right
The flat earth meme was never funny, good job making this board look like morons
I'm not. Dont be scared lol
Those videos don't disprove flat earth. I'm just as fixed on flat earth as you are globe earth, except I'm the one getting called retarded by people of different views.
I've been to the south pole.
Was it cold?
It's not about being neat.
It's about them being mathematically impossible.
I'm scared for my lack of repeating integers.
Another interesting video regarding our sun
>Yup because east and west are clockwise and counter clockwise
Yes, that's how that works on a disc, discs are round.
How wouldn't it imply that the earth is expanding? We are told to believe that the pacific ocean is shrinking and the atlantic ocean is expanding because the pacific plate is being pushed under the north american plate, turning into some plasma form and reappearing on the other side. Why would it seem unreasonable that some material from the center of the earth is being pushed to the surface and as it is cooled in the ocean, the ocean floor gets bigger.
You say this because basically if the centrifugal force was so great, the upper layers of the earth would not be able to weigh enough to counter this force. This would in turn do as you said and blast everything into space.
But since the earth rotates, is it not unreasonable to conclude that the plasma in the lower layers of the earth is rotating as well? Is it possible then that the earth could become hollow? Or is there already an equilibrium reached? If this is the case, what drives the movement of the tectonic plates?
Didn't know you could be racist to white people. You wouldn't know that though. At least normies think Irish are white.
pack it up everyone
I'm on your side man
The fact it is close invalid Eratosthenes main assumption that all Sun's rays are parallel and therefore destroys entirely his experiment designed to deduce of Earth's curvature from the shadows cast by the Sun.
And you my good sir
Thanks user. That was hilarious. I watched part of it on 2x speed and it was a series of shots of the horizon and shit and then at the end the voice says WHERE IS THE CURVATURE? I laughed my ass off.
Every since taking the red pill, I have been very reluctant to believe anything is real. Thus, I have become someone who entertains everything no matter how outlandish it is. I have been lied to my whole life and have learned that things that were absolute truth are fake. Really fucks with a guy.
In the case of flat earth, they made some interesting points, but in the end, it doesn't make sense.
>first day on the job.
Take a pic of your work station
why did you laugh? cognitive dissonance setting in?
Keep digging man. Look up A world beyond poles. Let your imagination open up some
Who's that semen demon
Some facts that destroy it:
>In a flat earth model, the sun should move much faster through the sky around midday. But instead we see the sun move through the sky at a constant arc/second
Also pic related
Ay these people. There are literally pictures of earth from all angles
I can't understand your post.
I can't do it. I understand why airlines follow the coast.
The truth behind flat earth is that it is used to discredit legitimate conspiracy theories.
Unless you can explain why it takes less time to fly from Auckland to Santiago than to fly from Dubai to Seattle, I can't take it seriously.
>The earth is surrounded on all sides by an ice wall that holds the oceans back. This ice wall is what explorers have named Antarctica. Beyond the ice wall is a topic of great interest to the Flat Earth Society. To our knowledge, no one has been very far past the ice wall and returned to tell of their journey. What we do know is that it encircles the earth and serves to hold in our oceans and helps protect us from whatever lies beyond.
I really hope they send multiple expeditions to Antarctica in search of the edge of the world. It would be a hilarious end for them.
Its cool man, if I ever get to that point I'll try and figure it out but as for now too much evidence points me to believe I've been lied to. And just like you I'm on the path to discovering what it is. The world may not be flat, but it sure as hell isn't a globe, and that alone changes my ideas what what reality is immensely.
One of many theories.
Yeah thats an excellent point. And it wouldn't make sense on the other side of the world because they would need to move fast during their day as well.
>He is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth, which
>he did by applying a measuring system using stadia, a standard unit of measure during that time period.
>His calculation was remarkably accurate. He was also the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis (again with remarkable accuracy). >Additionally, he may have accurately calculated the distance from the Earth to the Sun and invented the leap day.[4] >He created the first map of the world, incorporating parallels and meridians based on the available geographic knowledge of his era.
all this work is based on the assumption that the Sun's rays are parallel.
The red pill is basically realizing that everything that we have learned is a lie.
It isn't the Mandela effect, but it has a similar effect on someone. It basically makes you second guess everything.
I don't know how old you are, but if you have gone to university, question everything. It is more fun that way.
How would you calculate the distance to the sun?
Seems impossible. Maybe you could use the other planets somehow?
Lunar cycles don't fit a flat earth
The coriolis effect doesn't fit a flat earth
The Horizon would stretch on forever in a flat earth and there would be no sunset
Seasons also don't work in a flat earth
Lol of course. I think the objective of my post has been met for now.
>all this work is based on the assumption that the Sun's rays are parallel.
Wouldn't that imply that the sun is flat?
>>In a flat earth model, the sun should move much faster through the sky around midday.
wrong, this isn't the flat earth model at all.
Was it to distract us from the pizzagate evidence?
No. Pizzagate in itself is a distraction lol.
It's literally a guy going around with a camera saying that because he can't see the earth curving it must be flat. Then he goes straight into some obviously wrong math because the Earth curves less than 4 feet in 6 miles and obviously idiotic because he started off with the assertion that the canal was perfectly flat, but if the Earth is curved and gravity is pulling things towards its center then it can appear perfectly flat at any one point but still be curved. There's no way to assert that it's perfectly flat without constructing a 6 mile long level. Morons will believe anything that will make them feel intellectually superior to others. It's pitiful really.
If you're standing next to a straight road, and a car drives by, it will appear to move past you much faster as it approaches.
Point a finger at the car as it drives by. When the car is far away, your finger doesn't move very much. But as the car approaches, your finger starts moving faster and faster. When the car passes right by you, your finger zips quickly to keep up with it. Then slows down again as the car recedes into the distance.
However, now stand at the middle of a circular track with the car driving around the outside. As you track the car, your finger will move around at a constant rate.
This is why the flat earth model, which has the sun moving above the earth in a parallel fashion, doesn't work.
If you know math, you can do this calculation easily using derivatives. But since you believe flat earth shit I know you don't know any math
No assumption, observable evidence.
We could care less who is smarter dude. We just want answers.
Nasa has definitely faked a lot of images they have put out but Im not so sure the earth is actually flat. The arguments the flat earthers have can be pretty good at times though. Its interesting to look into stuff like this imo