This cannot go unignored
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jesus fucking christ
So we should ignore it?
Hitler is one of Poland's strongest allies in the international fight against nazism
It can't go unignored? So you'd rather it goes ignored? Ok. Ignoring.
>Saudi Arabia fights terrorism
>by sending money to ISIS
Yeah, okay.
The Soviet Union is one of the U.S.'s strongest allies in the international fight against communism
aw man you stole my meme
And building mosques all around the world.
what a fucking joke
when will trump start shitting on saudi arabia
>This cannot go unignored
American educational system or just a Mexican?
Fucking disgusting.
Even my once great country is fawning over these backwards creatures, the only man with balls, Boris 'the bull' Johnson called them out yesterday and was almost sacked.
Fuck their money, dignity is worth more in the long run.
Jeb is that you? Your phone is so low energy it gave it away
Yeah, I mean how are we even going to have a fight against terrorism without these camel fuckers?
Did they have to clean the sand and camel shit off the furniture after that meeting?
>fund 9/11 and terrorist groups
>best ally against terror
We should make this a meme like the Trudeau eulogies.
>McDonald's is one of the U.S.'s strongest allies in the international fight against obesity
If everyone is a terrorist, no one will be. :^)
How high are you right now?
how retarded are you all the time?
>goyim/normies will belive this
Evryone's usa gratest ally from Somalia and Poland to Russia and China.
how much of london does saudi arabia and the emirates own at this point?
It depends on the terrorism. They're one of our strongest allies in the fight against Iranian-backed terrorists. Out of purely selfish reasons, obviously, and it ignores their backing of other terrorist groups in the region, but the Saudis are definitely leading the charge against Hezbollah and the Houthis.
god damn
Do they though? ISIS attacks Saudi Arabia and constantly calls for the destruction of the Saudi royal family.
Qatar invests heavily in the UK. They're helping the UK's economy instead of their own.
>iranian-backed terrorists
fake news
>Hezbollah doesn't exist
user what the fuck
you must be some kind of newfag
I know about that but it was from 2014 when they first over ran Iraq and sunnis loved them for fighting against maliki.
>mfw Saudi Arabia is a member of the UN Human Rights Council
The UN is beyond a joke.
That's because they have to keep rotating. Rwanda and Chin are on it too.
remember islam is the religion of piss.
It makes sense if you don't think about it
Poland was supposed to be one of Hitler's strongest allies in the fight against international communism :(
Saudi Arabia is directly funding radical islamic mosques here in France.
The misunderstood dindus who blew up the concert venue last year, all went to mosques funded by the Saudis.
I don't think they're allowed to do that here anymore (its strict at the very least) but just because they go to a mosque funded by them doesn't mean its them when you consider how many mosques they fund.
Thank you Saudis. We will name a fast food side in your honor.
they did not even scratch their balls for this statement
>create terrorism
>steal resources
>claim you are fighting terrorism
How long is this fight going to last? Longer that when they had bows and arrows?
>they go to a mosque funded by them doesn't mean its them when you consider how many mosques they fund.
Fucking leaf.
>i-its a coincidence that all the mosques they fund advocate djihad and shariah law
They fund the mosque. They don't run it. The terrorists went to the mosque. Mosques are primarily just for prayer. The same prayer they'd make anywhere else. How hard is this to understand?