Did you ever hear the tragedy of Hillary Rodham Clinton?
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Hillary Rodham Clinton?
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It's a Democrat legend
Why do you trip fag? Your shitposting is worst than the fuxking leafs.
She became so powerful, the only thing she was afraid of was losing her power...which, eventually of course, she did.
Sheev objectively best Sith/Villain
Unfortunately, he taught his opponent everything she knew. Then his opponent arrested her in her concession speech. Ironic. He could save others from prison...but not herself.
*stares in maple syrup*
So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause
The Democratic Party is the pathway to many positions some consider to be degeneracy
You must be new
>why do you tripfag
go read some vg cats erin. nobody likes you. dumb bitch.
are you queen yet?
Anne Erin did you used to tripfag on Sup Forums in LOST threads?
Don't understand the reference but okay.
From 2009 - Present.
>still visiting Sup Forums in 2016
That place is so shit ever since green oval died
I'm SHF btw
Dude, I bought some DMT a few days ago. Gonna burn 50mg next month, I'm so hype, you used to build that shit up so hard.
that chick used to post on Sup Forums saying she was the queen of Sup Forums she was an avatarfag that used one of the cats from vg cats.
pretty much everyone told her she was stupid and then shed talk about how she had trolled them all.
never tried DMT; did lots of Salvia though
>it's an anti-tripfag user turns a thread into a tripfag attention feast thread
>that chick used to post on Sup Forums saying she was the queen of Sup Forums she was an avatarfag that used one of the cats from vg cats.
I think you're confusing me for someone else.
I wonder what happened to DAVEY, DEM!!LOV, Kaiji, and Carnage and all the other tripfags of old
I don't. Except for davey, it sounded like he got his life together then it all went to shit then he vanished, I hope he didn't kill himself, he was one of the all time greats.
>implying im wrong
dont think ive forgotten about you. you cant keep getting away with this.
I heard he got a boyfriend and is getting pounded every night
He got cucked, conveniently around the time cucking was becoming a big meme
this, did literally nothing wrong
Heh tough luck Dave-o