Anybody know what these are?

i they belonged to a long dead family member. didn't know he was a nazi?

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ask /k/.

they look like pins

not sure but they look Luftwaffe to me

at least something to do with aircraft


they have screws on the back of them with writing that i can't read

take a picture and post


Latvian, by any chance?

That L. Kaleju inscription is someplace in Riga I think. Weird.

yep, latvian

He was probably either Luftwaffe, or in the Latvian Legion. Germany occupied Latvia since around 1941, it makes sense his insignias were produced in the same country if he was recruited there.

Is it a pouch or is the leather just to hold the pins?

Check this dude's insignia. Latvian Luftwaffe division.

thank you. that gives me more to look into,

it's a pouch

See, same eagle with chain.

Thats mein grandmothers purse

See more pics here

tfw never found any cool Nazi stuff.

sweet, thanks again dude

here's another thing

You're welcome. Who knows, you might even find him.

Have a nice day, and honour your ancestors.

Looks a lot like Latvian Silver Wings badge.

i try to. it's too bad i can't ask him about it.

Check this about the tiny winged swatiska.

He was definetely a pilot who got a bunch of awards. Please, don't ever sell them.

>kale ju
>kill jew

The swastika was a big thing for air force.

Also, good website. Has the big eagle and the smaller wings.

Nazi Germany air force lapel pin i don't know what the middle one is.

>Please, don't ever sell them.
i wouldn't dream of it


Those are aviator swastikas lad, not nazi ones

Very good. So far, we know he was a pilot, officer in the Latvian Luftwaffe, graduated from the German army flight school and received silver wings. The eagle doesn't seem gilded, but it may be old.

Check this list as well. Do you know his name?

the screws on the back are bright gold, and pardon the potato pics but the eagle is gold in person, just tarnished. i'm sure they're gold plated or something, they're not solid gold or anything. some of the gilding has worn away and you can see the metal underneath

If gold, he was definitely high ranking. It explains the silver wings badge looking gold as well.

i know his name, he's not on that list. shit i never had any reason to google him before this

spoils of war/ war memorabilia

this is not unusual, American attics tend to be full with grandpas souvenirs

You might have some chances to find him. This is a huge opportunity. Did he survive the war ?

he could've taken that stuff from somebody (a dead pilot) else

This was common

Looks like a pouch made from Juden hide, possibly an Ashkenazi judging by the poor quality.

SS officers also made Lampshades out of Jews too, don't forget. *Rubs hands intensely* Goyime.

i know exactly who he is, i never meant to give the impression i didn't. apologies if it came off like that.

he did survive the war. the story goes that he and his wife 'escaped' latvia (because of the nazis) to germany for a couple or 3 years, and then immigrated to the US

Pouch looks dirty. Needs cleaned with jew fat soap

I think you can put the pieces back together, now, with what we've found.

i am at a loss for words.

I personally think that's a pretty badass past. Luftwaffe pilots were one of a kind, especially decorated aces, like it seems he was.

On a side note, it doesn't mean he had to be a nazi. Pilots used swastikas as good luck charms since WW1, and the tradition carried on in the Luftwaffe.

fuck yeah. i just found out i have war heroes on both sides of the family. my grandfather was an alamo scout.

That's absolutely amazing ! Be proud of your blood. I personally descend from Prussian knights, and do my best to help other people trace back their glorious roots as well.

i appreciate your time, truly.

My pleasure. I'll go to sleep now, it's nearly 3am here kek. Have a nice day.

rest well