I hate niggers

Can we get a nigger hate thread going?

>be me
>working shitty call center job
>Call out to random people
>is ooga booga there
>smacks lips what u say my last name is?
>oooga booga
>dat what i thought boy
>listen nigger you should go back to africa. I'm sorry your last name is unpronounceable to anyone who is not a nigger
>hang up on the nigger

Other urls found in this thread:


u can clear see it on the subway clock
>blaze it

Is that a roastie on that webm?

Also short story

>8 y/o
>Enjoying a nice swim in a hotel pool in Cabo
>Only kid at the pool
>2 kid nignogs joins
>tought "sure, lets play with them, we are the only kids"
>Started to play wrestling
>Everything was fun until nogs chimped out of nothing
>Nogs tries to drown me
>Head stomped a nog in the nose to break free from him and his little nog brother
>Jaquisha chimps out against my mother because her kid dindu noffin and evil whitey beaner hurted him
>Mother calls for hotel manager
>Apparently nogs were not staying at hotel and got expelled

This is when I realised that nogs are animals and not common humans

the sooner we all know nigs are animals the better

This is false, nogs can't swim

how do u think they got to america?


We were in the shallow part of the pool, I actually had to swim over the deep part in order to scape, my mother was on that side, but now that you say that, actually they didnt tried to follow, dont know if because of the nog with the bleeding nose or because they didnt know to swim

Good job on the nose stomp mexibro

>I thought he was on PCP
>mfw he starts literally FUCKING SMOKING








Congratulations, you gave everyone in that pool AIDS




>how to survive as a woman in africa

Wont lie, they genuinely scared me and overpowered me, it was a defense reaction from the only part that had free, I liked to play wrestling a lot with siblings and friends and never saw that saddism in people before, it was when I was a kid and havent met anyone outside of black race to play wrestling with that level of chimp, with my fellow beaners always stayed as a game and if you enraged or got mad while playing you were labelled as "putito" (little faggot) for not endure the game


the fuck is up with this bitch

Holy fucking shit.

Do these monkeys really think?

Like do they honestly think they will get away...then they'll just go home and wait for everything to blow over? Show up to work and/or retrieve his car afterwards?

Fucking niggers should be fucking hanged when committing crimes...they need to be punished

>tfw she found the pizza tunnels

what the fuck did i just watch

An advanced African agricultural technique that is suppose to make cattle produce more milk, so they think lel

This one always makes my blood boil.

It's just human nature. He went into fight or flight mode because he knew he was fucked.

does anyone know
see when you see these heroic videos of people saving others who have fallen onto tracks
and they jump down and pick them up
i know subway is electrocution risk but not many others
--> does anyone know a safe method for jumping down onto tracks to save someone? or are you always better off avoiding the risk? can't find advice online as every response is from cucks saying "muh stay off the tracks muh" yeh thanks

what in the fuck is going on here

context srsly plz


And what kind of African technique is this? What is their objective?

>Show up to work and/or retrieve his car afterwards?
>Show up to work

>implying Jamal is the registered owner of the car
>Implying he didn't steal the clothes he has on
>implying the gun is registered
>implying dindus think

And the weak blooded liberal whites say these animals are equal to us. God I wish we could correct their ancestry mistake that bred modern faggots today.

Human nature, or retarded planning? Human nature doesn't really make you hide a gun in your car then decide to draw it on the police.

I'm not sure this is how nigger hate stories are supposed to work, OP.

>or retrieve his car afterwards?
>his car


>God I wish we could correct their ancestry mistake that bred modern faggots today
Doesn't help a bunch of the best men get killed in WW1&2

the third rail usually has a hood over it, and is to the side of the rails that the train rides on.

avoid the risk 100%. being near sources of electricity that you do not fully understand is very very dumb.

Just watched this video.

Shit is fucking crazy. He survived a second or two of the electrocution, which usually would kill someone instantly. He even cries out.

Once he started cooking shit got really crazy. The person who was with him (Maybe his mom, relative, or friend) was oblivious to the fact that he died minutes ago. "What can happen to someone if that happens?" asking a bystander if they know if he will be seriously wounded...The kid was fucking dead, smoke was pouring out of his flesh.

She even tried instructing him to move to his right to stop getting electrocuted. He was so fucking dead at that point.


What the fuck, guys. She was so fucking clueless. He was probably watching her from the afterlife thinking "baka how this bitch not know I'm dead"

Fuck sakes I need to know how this turned out..

That's actually fairly impressive.




I hope he died, if not then he 100% paralyzed.

He ain't walking no more

>South African preacher makes his flock drink PETROL

well fuck me he really is doing gods work

yeh it's more incase a loved one fell down
wouldn't risk it for a random

isnt the third rail supposed to conduct the electricity?
he doesnt seem like electrifying (people who electrocute soon start to burn and smoke) and he is just mo-
forget it i just saw the whole video, he smokes alright

Just don't touch the third rail. It's an elevated rail on the far side. That is the only electrified rail


This is why we need the death penalty everywhere

Oh yeah. The proto-numale college students were sitting all nice, safe and cozy while true men were fighting and dying in cold trenches over fucking retarded serbs.

Throw stuff at them.

Even a kitten can't relax around blacks.

BTW, since this thread is about googles, this reminds me of one. Although it is not my personal one.
>Man's dog runs away
>Guy hangs up posters of missing dog with his number posted
>He receives call from young teenage niglets (12 to 15yr old range)
>the young googles say they have his dog
>demand money for the dog, or this will kill it
>Guy tells yes, anything just don't hurt the dog
>googles hang up, but call back later
>googles torture dog over the phone for owner to hear
>google keep calling at various points for a week always hurting the dog on the phone
>cops don't do anything
>googles make one final call to owner
>Owner pleads for them to let the dog go
>googles kill the dog


>15 posts by this ID


>he is just mo-
>forget it i just saw the whole video, he smokes alright
what is wrong with you?

God, that one gets me every time.

I'm a zoologist of sorts

he dead

>still squared up even while knocked the fuck out
I laugh every time.


Why don't they have gopros in the ghetto? I want Syrian jihadi style hood-shooting videos.

Seeing people get knocked unconscious like this gives me even more respect for pro-wrestlers safely faking this shit.

Can anyone explain this technique applied to the losing fighter?

fuckin' boss. too bad dude 100% sure got expelled over that.

thousands of brazil nigger videos.

how much fucking crack did she just snort
>probably "all of it"

>getting kicked out a nigger infested school
Smartest thing he could do

Please explain. Why is he getting a cock rub?

He didn't even steal the bag or anything. Senseless, pointless assault.

It's a woman.

Because of muh dick

Endless supply of entertainment Brazil is

I asked the same thing m8, who knows?

kys reddit

He definitely dieded

This is at a church. Fucking niggers

Seeing shit like this always reminds me how good our nigs have it. Something like this would never fly in the States.

I notice something hilarious in this video: All the black guys that shoot cops? They kind of just barely hit the cops, and they get fire returned like crazy. The white guys that shoot the cops pretty much take one shot and then it's over.

Just a good old fashion "knock out game"

>be me
>visit friend's house which is half a mile away from lake michigan
>nigger children playing outside next door (ages 8-12) ask where we're going
>tell them we're going to the beach
>they're convinced we're lying about there being a beach or lake anywhere nearby

Do googles really need an excuse?

>pick the pizza images
>2nd time in a row

some heavy disassociative, probably PCP or one of it's analogues

No kidding. That was perfect.




This one grinds my gears. Where the fuck is the white trash mother that lets this go on?

Nigs are the worst when you're a kid. You expect them to be rational and react the same way the rest of the kids react but they always end up in some violent outburst. It was really confusing to me why they just didn't at like everybody else until I realised they are fundamentally different from the rest of humanity.

stimulate the nervous system so he wakes up faster.

pretty sure dude in blue didn't intend for that to happen when he grabbed shorty. Fucking Rowdy Nigger Piper there took him the fuck down

>Guy tells yes, anything just don't hurt the dog
>googles hang up, but call back later
>googles torture dog over the phone for owner to hear

Are they really so stupid that they didn't actually try to get the money when the guy said he would give it?

Both fathers actually got interviewed about the clip on the news.

As you can imagine, both look like complete trash bag pieces of shit

>be me
>nigger friend asks for ride
>drive him to nigger part of town
>pull up to his friends house
>everything goes black
>wake up in street with blood all over head
>car stolen, wallet stolen and phone stolen
>bystander niggers call the cops, they were pretty nice honestly
>tell cops license plate
>They find car and friend 2 hours later at his underage girlfriends house
>find hammer he whooped my ass with still covered in blood in car
>goes to prison for attempted murder and robbery and bunch of other charges
>in hospital in and out for over a year getting surgeries
>I'm blind in one eye and deaf in one ear

Kek, I was so fucked up it turned my sjw sister in law into a full blown nigger hater. Never relax boys.

I've been calling a lot of poor black ppl for temp work. Why do so many of them have smoke detectors with dying batteries? Do they not know what that loud beeping means??

no fucks given, put them down cold af

as a public transit enthusiast I always wondered what happened when someone touched the third rail. Thanks