Everyone on here always talking about reddit

>everyone on here always talking about reddit
>go on there
>get into economic argument
>this is what they actually believe
Jesus fucking Christ how is this even possible. Can't even fucking comprehend this thought process
>inb4 >reddit

Please stay there



So leaving the echo chamber is frowned upon?

It's indoctrination, if you try to discuss it with them they attack you for not using the phrasing that (((economists))) use and refuse to debate you, saying that you are too ignorant to have an opinion.

basically the most Jewish thing conceivable, you have to prove you're in their club before your opinion won't be dismissed outright.

They get hung up on the nitty gritty of economics and stick to broad strokes where cheaper == better

Why be nuanced when you can take the moral high ground with such little effort?

>le Sup Forums is an echo chamber meme
No, really. Go back.

I went there once during the election.

I found out it's more of an echo chamber than anywhere else on the web. From making one post, I'll never go there again. I could find more intelligent conversation on a Justin Beeber fan site.

Laughed. No one on the internet talks about economics, unless it's a DNC email to dethrone the middle class and sell guns to terrorists.