/ptg/ President Trump General - Big Guy Edition

>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS

>Trump on NBC Today 12/7/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NV 12/6/16
>Pence Rally in New Orleans LA 12/3/16
>Trump on F&F 12/2/16
>Trump/Pence on Hannity 12/1/16
>Trump Rally in Cincinnati OH 12/1/16
>Trump Speaks at Carrier in Indiana 12/1/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Trump ditches press pool to get steak dinner
>Trump Meets with Obama 11/10/16
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16

>Martha Raddatz Starts To Cry Over Trump Victory
>Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Trump Saltmining

>1/20/17 (Teaser)
>Donald Trump on Getting Revenge
>Just The Two Of Us
>Inauguration of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R


Other urls found in this thread:


bump for Trump


>Wisconsin: ONGOING - Must be completed by 12/13/16 | Trump ahead 22k
70% of the recount complete
Hillary has gained a cumulative 82 more votes
>Michigan: DEAD | Trump Wins
Federal Judge upheald MI appeals court ruling killing the recount after after 3 days of work.
>Pennsylvania: DELAYED - Must be completed by 12/13/16 | Trump ahead 44k
Stein has a hearing in federal court 12/9/16 for a suit she filed to initiate a recount
>Nevada: ONGOING - Must be completed by 12/9/16 | Clinton ahead 26k
Partial Recount initiated by Roque "Rocky" De La Fuente with the goal to "balance out" recounts in the midwest
Recount is ongoing in 93 precincts (84 of which are in Clark County which Hillary won by 52.4% to 41.8%)
NV recount is expected to cost $14k which Rocky is paying and no taxpayer money is being used
>Florida: UNLIKELY | Trump ahead 120k
Three voters in FL have filed a suit claiming that Clinton actually won but due to electronic manipulation and hacking (which they have not proven) the results were illegally altered for Trump


>pic related (source: greatagain.gov)

This man is a disgrace to the country and acts like a teenage girl on twitter. Even Pence would be better.

Ever heard of no bad publicity?


can't pike the kike

What happens if I try to rub its belly?


So, has Trump gained at all in Nevada?

>Goebbels is National Policy Director

I'll never get over this.

Please shoop lightning coming out of Pence fingers.

>tfw my shoop skills are very poor ;_;

Why is CNN still going after him? What's their endgame?


try it and see

hello everyone as per my friends dying wish I am making a post here to inform you that crusaderkun has passed away, he took his own life last night

he wanted to thank you all for Trumps great victory and all the fun he had in this forum

his only regret was missing out on Trumps inauguration ceremony but he died with a smile on his face

he also wanted to apologize for being a cancerous tripfag

thank you for being his friend

I couldn't find any info. Latest story was from the 5th of Dec.

See here: fox5vegas.com/story/33918250/election-recount-underway-in-nevada

Kikes whores were made for white dick

That is Rape Sloth so who knows.

It evolves into a Spurdo

Can YouTube read captions? They probably banned the fox news steam based on the mention of "fake news". They know that "fake news" = "pizzagate" = delete

>tfw you can't read a shotacon hentai of barron

Why live?


delet this


they are cocksucking faggots

JFK can finally rest in peace now. He's boning angels in heaven now.

too bad his brother stabbed us in the back

JFK can't rest until the fed gets audited.


He lives, he dies, and he comes back again. There's no confirmation if he's shiny and chrome however.

Ntnn anyone?

I don't know guys... Bernie says some pretty interesting things...

JFK was so fucking based, especially for a Democrat. He was the first to warn of the globalist plot. But (((they))) couldn't have that, and we know the rest.


that poor awooo....time to put her down

cnn is owned by time warner

trumps name being on a rival networks show (nbc) is problematic

>what do?
open the latest thread in browser when you run the program, or display all of the trump generals currently active?

Bernie unironically had good policy positions like reintroducing Postal Banking

I hope Trump can outdo him in stats.

Was he awaited in Valhalla?

>JFK was so fucking based, especially for a Democrat.

Democrats in the 1960s weren't anything like the Democrats of today.

Why can't you fucking morons just participate in the conversation?

What is wrong with your brains

I'm done for the night. I've updated the OP with the most current, working links. Feel free to keep it going or just let the bot get it.

Goodnight /ptg/!

>the fed gets audited.

That's going to be an absolute shitshow.

(((They))) are going to call on every weapon they have to try and disrupt it.

Chimpouts, (auditing the Fed WILL be labelled as rayciss and misogynistic, and the lefties will fall for it,) riots, assassination attempts, RINOs jumping ship, all the cucked EU cunts trying to bully us etc.

Shit's gon be the Happening of our time.

He has some good points, and so does Communism!

Still a post-FDR Democrat

That sounds suspicious... are you a Clinton?

Trump has 21 patriotism

Didn't he get killed at a convention?

your friends a fucking pussy
>thank you for being his friend
>online friends
>real friends

No wonder your friend DID HIMSELF IN, he's clearly a BUSTA


Thanks and goodnight! Publix is still a shit

I hope he gets the help of Ron Paul, the original meme-candidate

>We will design new planes for $25 million
>That's right, it will only cost $170 million
>Can you believe you are getting such a deal for $1.65 billion
>High quality jets at the low cost of $3.2 billion
>You must be very happy to have two of the most high tech jets for only $4 billion

Everyday until Boeing bends the knee.

post-FDR Democrats weren't socialists.

Was there a president who had a 21 in wizardom?

This. Hot Jewesses are summoned via child sacrifice and blood libel. They are brought into this world to steal strong Aryan seed. They are literal succubi. Just know that if you ever do sleep with one, your spawn will forever be Jewish.

>the "really makes you think" spam that happened during the primaries is back

>He was the first to warn of the globalist plot
Tell me more..

Their Claim:
>HARDHITTING and FAIR News and journalistic standards! OY VEY
>We report NEWS. If it's NEWS, we report it, goy. Trump tweets are NEWS.
>We will hold EVERY president's feet to the fire! Trump, like everybody else, WILL be held accountable! OY GEVALT

>Trump punked us so hard and our coordinated efforts to derail his campaign and dogpile negative headlines to get clinton elected didnt work
>Our ratings are shit
>we forfeited journalistic integrity this election to stop him and everyone knows it
>so like petty, vindictive children that dont learn we're gonna DOUBLE DOWN on pushing narratives and dogpiling negative trump headlines to ruin his image as a president

Really gets the grey matter going.


kek wills more generals in the cabinet

He had a quote about there was a plot trying to enslave humanity.

What have we created Sup Forums....

Thats not how genetics work.

All that is happening is Ashkenazi DNA is being diluted out of existence...It wont even leave a remnant like neanderthal DNA because their(Your) population percentage was so low when interbreeding began.

You played yourselves

Not Robby. Ted


stop you're getting me hard

A high priest of Kek.

>The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

This isnt actually him is it

I saw him on Hannity and he was super quiet and awkward

Why are Hillary and Huma still openly strolling around Washington DC like they own the place?

Makes me nervous desu, it's like they know somethings about to go down

>mfw we're getting a Sup Forums Christmas

I'd be more relaxed if they'd fled to Dubai/Saudi Arabia by now.

Don't they know what's coming their way when Trump gets sworn in? Are they that confident in (((themselves)))?

After having two brothers die, he didn't want to be the next.

Truly causes one to wonder.
Certainly gets the neurons firing.


But it's true, though.

There used to a jewish girl on deals forum that I used chat with sometimes that was real cute. I love that super curly hair and her legitimate craziness.
I'm sure she wouldn't make a good mom but would've not minded fighting with her nonstop for the rest of my life

How do you become verified?

It should be real.

Something beautiful.

Keep in mind this is the brother of the sitting president of the United States.

>tfw too intellligant to understand what he meant by this.

You know, I just saw a trailer for a movie about the wife of Kennedy, made by the kikes at Hollywood.

To summarize the trailer, it made the narrative that "Look how much women suffer when their men are killed, look how unfair it is to them!!!"

Reminded me heavily of this Hillary quote.

>tfw poor chink
>will never get a dumpling in a shrew jewess' steamer
Growing up in Jewsey suburbs ruined me.

If he does the entire US will be reborn, stronger and better than ever after the fire, it's something normies don't really care about so I wonder how he was courting by mentioning it.

Rare occasion that a lefty check mark on twitter gets it right. They are about 18 months behind.

Has any president had any thank you tour like Trump after winning?

We...we broke him. All he knows now is memes.

He is like a recovering alcoholic who turns to religion for a new life. But instead of religion...it's memes.

He is a born again memer.

Anyone else seeing the raid on Sup Forums?

A bunch of cuckold or blacked porn with "really makes you think" and what I can only assume is a counter offensive with hentai and yuri using the same caption.

What is going on?

How was the Iowa rally?

This is actually true.

Shitposting with Iranians, Canadians, Syrians, Japanese, and Argentinans on Sup Forums has brought me more feelings of togetherness than all the multicultural propaganda in the world.

>Thats not how genetics work
>All that is happening is Ashkenazi DNA is being diluted out of existence
As if that's a bad thing.
You must give her your strong Aryan seed.


"we aren't ready for trump! we are too stupid"

they finally realize, but it is too late.

So what happened to star wars? Are they that butthurt?

JIDF is reaching it's final form

The men just lose their life.

eh its fun posting probably organized by some other group. Let them go for it. Its kinda slow now and I like the action.

You can put them in ovens and turn them to soap and lampshades though apparently.
Which is a way more fitting death for the kikes

Oh, man. That Hannity interview had some great emotion.

What an eloquent motherfucker

Did he ever specify what he was referring to?

Jew Jew has always been a super butthurt liberal.

That hag needs to be smacked around.