The realest journalist out there on youtube. He is literally the embodiment of Sup Forums when it comes to pizza gate
His subs are exploding because he's telling the straight truth unlike alex jones
The realest journalist out there on youtube. He is literally the embodiment of Sup Forums when it comes to pizza gate
His subs are exploding because he's telling the straight truth unlike alex jones
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, niggerjew.
stop shilling gold and silver, get a real job
literally who?
CTR shills scared of the truth
He was a journalist at Huff Post. He literally got fired for questioning Hillary's health.
who is the chick in his videos and why is she wearing so much goddamn makeup
Shilling bitcoin, pizzagate and being shit on by HuffPost. That is all you're going to see here.
David Seaman is great. I am hosting all of his videos off site at
Find me @ aconcernedcitizen.
he got fired from huff po for critisizing hillary and since then he went full maga
>not having bitcoin
>not believing in pizza gate