Give me all of your finest woke jews, Sup Forums. Here's me, I give myself a 7/10
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Why would you do this user?
Cornell/NYC jew checking in
w-what about me user!~
this is good, let them all gather in the same place...
I'm going to breed with your women
Howdy partner
jesus christ man shave your face
I'd send you flying if I ever saw you walk down th street
sorry senpai, your thread isn't getting noticed
fucking go for it, do you think we want to have anything to do with them? loud-ass whores can't even do normal woman things like cook and clean, they just whine and bitch.
friend test
But you'll be making more Jews in the end, its Jewish men who need to racemix to lower their population
Sorry man, gotta keep my beard goin strong. It's a jew thing.
dailystormer is so woke breh!!! fuk these fat jews and their stupid ineffective alex jEWns guy!
is bob filner your uncle?
go home adam
how do i not reveal py power level irl
My fucking sides
gay jew here
reporting in
most of my family was for Her and their tears are the sweetest of nectars
if you are woke, then you know you have to go back
Someone dox this cunt so I can mail anthrax to him
You'll be first on the day of the rope you hideous KIKE
thats not a beard, it facial pubic hair
i don't even understand anything she says
Dora the Explorer is deeply concerned, but at least she's redpilled for life now.
>posting your face on Sup Forums
You have goofed.
This guy's face looks like somebody was trying to have a laugh with the Oblivion character creator.
You're names Andrew right?
>*incomprehensible gibberish* HE'S A GOY HE'S A GOY *incomprehensible gibberish*
Fuck off back to r/the_donald you golems.
I'll have 1 cheese pizza please.
This jew
Originally from NYC area, currently studying in Houston. Does anyone know any groups that see Ashkenazi as Europeans? Would love to join something like project Europa. Also, so long as I get to visit Europe and America, I'm definitely alright with an entirely ethno-national world. Anyone else feel this way? Of course, staying in USA would be preferred.
>Does anyone know any groups that see Ashkenazi as Europeans?
Genetically, culturally?
Well, both. We're the descendants of Jewish men and Italian women for the most part, and have been in Europe for well over a thousand years. We've been artists, inventors, and of course merchants. And Jewish culture has been heavily influenced by European culture, as most generations of Jews really do just want to integrate, but have only recently been allowed to. That's not to say there has been no influence from Jews to Europe. At one point, the majority of people in Portugal had some kind of Jewish ancestry, and there's quite a bit of speculation on possible Jewish ancestry of Spanish royalty in the 1400s/1500s, iirc.
As a European who just moved to Houston myself. Fuck no. Kikes are mostly associated with American academia and media to us Europeans other than ash tray jokes. You're not considered European. As a Scandinavian I don't really like slavs but slavs are still more European than jews.
>At one point, the majority of people in Portugal had some kind of Jewish ancestry, and there's quite a bit of speculation on possible Jewish ancestry of Spanish royalty in the 1400s/1500s, iirc.
Yeah I did some digging and it turns out I was descended from an Italian Jewish family who were forced to convert to Christianity. Doesn't 23andme classify Ashkenazis are European anyway?