>uncut penis
>looks repulsive
>smells repulsive
really makes you think
>uncut penis
>looks repulsive
>smells repulsive
really makes you think
1. uncut penises are natural and require no lube to get a wristy and such. You also have way stronger orgasms because you dick is still intact and have all the sex cells still attached to your penis.
2. It all comes down to the girl. smart girls aren't into jewish looking dicks.
3. wash better and be thankful theres no tastebuds in a vagina. how hard is it to just clean yourself like a normal fucking person?
>cut penis
>looks jewish
>is jewish
no thanks.
>id rather not have something than have it
okay meme lord
Fuck off, kike.
Says the fucking burger that got his penis sucked off by a STD-ridden Rabbi
im cut and dont need lube to jack off
you actually do. sorry kiddo
uncut is the penis in its true form. if you dont like it then you dont truly like penises.
are you a fag?? how do you know the smell of uncut penis, unless it was all over your upper lip??
>she looks at and smells cock for a living
I really don't.
>looks repulsive
You have been sucking very small cocks
>smells repulsive
How would you know OP?
Why do American men and south African men like to come up with excuses for the fact that the first thing their mothers did when they were born was mutilate their infant son.as cock?
yeah i know you're from some middle east hellhole and don't understand civilization, but we actually have doctors here in the US, mohammed...
it's weird how your people invented hospitals and now they bomb them
according to a bunch of faggots in a Sup Forums thread, it smells like cheerios
WHy are you all obsessed with cocks?
>He doesn't need to wash his penis at all ever since he got it cut off because washing yourself is slave's work
I'm cut and don't need lube either, not all of us are CRUSTY ASS fucks who can't keep our skin hydrated
I should KNOCK YOU OUT for being concerned with other peoples dicks, you fucking gaylord
>cut penis
>looks repulsive
>smells repulsive
You can't win.
they are homos
>no homo
Cause there is no happening happening. When there is no happening Sup Forums talks dicks and kek magic.
and aussies and leafs post BBC threads
>smells repulsive
Youre missing out. Theres a sweet spot after a few days without washing when it makes the head smell surprisingly good. Too bad smegma starts visibly building up soon after
These threads are of the worst kind.
Sorry, but muslims love getting their penises kike'd by David Shekelberg as well you retard.
>Burger education
Gayfag here, uncut cock smells absolutely fantastic, it has a raw and sexual oder that cut cock just doesn't have.
Besides that they both look pretty similar, but if your cut you bettet be mosturizing your cock, because nothing is as gross as a dried up cut dick.
>be me
> jew friend is trying to convince me to get circumcised
> "No no no!" I tell him
> "O you can't stop us! We'll get that inch off somehow!"
> gf pipes up: "But then there'd be nothing left!"
Small penis humiliation is apparently a relatively popular fetish
OP doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about