Approximately two weeks ago Kanye West stopped his concert in Sacramento to deliver a ~20-minute rant against Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Mark Kikerberg, and Hillary Clinton. During the rant Kanye mentioned his support for Trump which caused an uproar at the concert, and later the MSM. What's strange is that shortly after the concert ended Kanye West was reportedly handcuffed after posing danger to his psychiatrist and sent to Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA.
An interesting quote from Mr. West was, “A lot of people here tonight felt like they lost,” the rapper began. “You know why? Because y’all been lied to. Google lied to you. Facebook lied to you. Radio lied to you.”
For the past 10 years Kanye has had a clear history of what looks like a hypomanic mood disorder and paranoia, displaying symptoms of this at various times but has never been hospitalized. Now his mental illness is being addressed by the MSM and since his release the few pictures of him that have come out look like he's on heavy doses of anti-psychotics and perhaps more.
He tried to redpill his audience but was taken away by (((they)))
Henry Brooks
Yeah something's not right
Jayden Jenkins
He's currently in a mental hospital getting the Clockwork Orange treatment.
Joseph Gomez
He tried to massively redpill normies on the rise of Trump? Least from what you described I'd say that. Now they are shutting him down.
Jaxon Kelly
He got MK Ultra'd
Caleb James
14. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/01 **#10** #1 – This A list momager just took out a very very very huge life insurance policy on one of her clients you might not have known was a client. The premiums are astronomical. She told her family member about that policy, but not the ones she took out on certain other family members. Their payout is triple if there is accidental death, which despite the name includes murder.
(Kris Jenner/Kanye West)
His people are desperately trying to stop him from having an (((accident))).
Tyler Nelson
Eli Kelly
What we have here is a classic nigger in denial.
Kanye is so up his own ass he thinks he's white now