How should they be executed when the time comes?

How should they be executed when the time comes?

Pizza oven?

No need to overthink things, a quick helicopter ride should suffice.


Stop this now

Helicopter ride into pool of molten cheese it is

Nothing wrong with an old fashioned hanging. Gallows can be erected quickly near the Lincoln memorial and should suffice to rid us of the monsters

("select the pizza" captcha, nice)

Bullet between the eyes, and make it fast. They deserve worse, but we just have so many people to off.

Public livestream of this that's later reposted on the POTUS youtube account.

- (71 KB, 666x666)

file size "666" very cute asshole.

When the beans are spilled, many linked to this will kill themselves, higher ups who don't want to be implicated will have these people killed, the remaining people will take the fall and just rot in prison for hundred year sentences

When the beans were spilled they blamed fake news, remember?

Public live broadcast firing squads

>very cute asshole
yours too

Both a classic and tasteful.

Death by starvation, thirst and exposure.

This. One bullet per person, though.

I'm talking when the FBI seizes computers and it starts to go down

We're only getting started

Twist: one of the bullets is a blank, whoever gets the blank gets life imprisonment in the pizza dungeon.

Necklacing, they deserve to die like niggers.

Tie him to a nuke and send it to Moscow

an oven would be fitting...

french revolution 2.0 yo

Yes, for so many thing besides Pizzagate.