what is Sup Forums's stance on LSD?
What is Sup Forums's stance on LSD?
Psychedelics are good.
inb4 500 kike-brainwashed faggots parroting COINTELPRO propaganda because they're retarded
Can we start a charity to give refugees LSD?
i smoke LSD with my dick hole is this bad?
Psychedelics are fun every once in a while, but once you get the message, hang up the phone.
Also, test your shit. 4 tabs of acid is a good time 4 times of Nbomb and you are dead as fuck.
>If it's bitter it's a spitter.
It sounds fun. Why is it not sold in stores?
Wish I could get some good stuff.
Imagine niggers on acid. My friend, bless him, is black and dumb. He is really funny and doesn't ooga booga around. Took acid once and couldn't control his thoughts, words, or actions. I'm convinced dumb people in general should refrain.
there is a place in my city where we can go to test drugs anonymously, all you need to do is agree to participate in a survey.
pretty nice actually
Because kikes think the mind-dulling weed is better.
This man gets it.
Its nice. Not necessarily the life changing experience some think but it can be, it can also just be a time of weird thinking and seeing strange patterns and colors overlaying your field of vision. Personally it helped me a lot but it was nothing I couldn't have figured out sober and I don't do it anymore because I got all I need and then some out of it as it is.
Once or twice in a lifetime. repeat participants end up the way we all have seen in our lives. The lights are on but nobody is home. and their bodies almost always have suffered along with
DMT is the real redpill.
LSD is practice. Every single time I take a strong hallucinogen there is always a moment of regret like, "Fuck, I underestimated the drug..." but it always passes into blissful contemplation.
Be smart.
recommended dosage?
A lot of fun just don't be dumb and go driving while on them
I badly want to try some but have no idea how to get my hands on it (or any psychedelics at all). Listened to a lot of McKenna's work as well.
Redpills you the hard and fast way, may cause some collateral damage.
Dude that's the best way to do it
I wish I knew where to get some.
i tripped with 2 100ug tabs last sunday, and i quit smoking cigarettes. i was a half a day smoker, and before the trip even started the acid checked me physically. it felt like there was a film of plastic coating the inside of my throat and lungs. for about half an hour i felt extremely exhausted, like i could barely crawl. once i started coming up i got very energetic and took a long walk, about 12 miles over probably around 6 hours.
Didnt smoke any that day, next day i had one after work out of compulsion and it tasted fucking terrible. like night and day as far as i precieved the flavor. Havent had one since.
Ive had psychadelics multiple times, and personally have never had anything close to a bad trip. Every time i have used them, it has been productive spiritually in some way. i trip once or twice a year. if you do get into it exercise caution not to over do it, i have seen a couple aqcuaintences permafry themselves.
It has the peculiar side effect of causing psychosis in people who haven't taken it.
>Psychedelics are fun every once in a while, but once you get the message, hang up the phone.
I kind of hate this mentality. It's kinda a pretentious "Oh I've already done enough psychedelics, there's no point for me now"
Like every shamanistic culture that consumes psychedelic substances (peyote, mushrooms, ayahuasca, san pedro) never stop consuming them ritually at a certain point. They use them until death.
getting high is degeneracy
you need your brain.
Start of with herbs like morning glory seeds and salvia divinorum. That's what I did. About to score some Shrooms then I'm ready for lab drugs.
Yeah, where do you even get better drugs? Weed isn't hard to find but I'm nervous to ask around for LSD
Maybe like 1/50 people are mentally stable enough to do psychedelics
But take it from me (I work in a psychiatric hospital) and quite a few cases of brick brain are ex psychedelic users (seems to kick in 15-20 years after use)
Once or twice is fine, but don;t risk it
Dissociatives and deleriants are far worse though, we get tons of psychosis cases from those, Ketamine is completely retarded to do
Really though, putting ANY kind of mind altering substance into your brain is stupid, especially doing it multiple times
go to a scene club known for techno parties, there's always someone selling mdma. get some, talk to the guy a bit, ask him if he has access to other stuff, get his number, bam
The common understanding of LSD as enlightenment instead of a merely fun way to fuck with your perception is part of what's wrong with the culture surrounding it, but it's pretty good on its own.
But seriously, fuck the dumb shits who believe they've obtained all of the answers to the universe just by tripping once or twice every month.
That shit will fuck your brain up, mayne.
It's best not to touch it.
If you want to do drugs, I suggest cool drugs. Cool with a Capital C, if you catch my drift.
use tor, get on alphabay
What's acid like I'm too scared to take it, or end up getting duped and not actually getting lcd from a dealer. Is there a way to test it?
One of McKenna's main points was that nobody has the slightest clue what's going on.
Drugs are degenerate.
Booze and cigars, on the other hand, have that strange low-life, can't-handle-the-feels appeal so they're cool.
(Besides not leaving you stoned and vapid.)
>lcd from a dealer.
Safest way is to make your own. If you aren't intelligent enough to do so then your brain probably isn't worth protecting.
I never though of hallucinogens be taking to get "high". My experience/assumption is more like opening some type of door or walking into another dimension. You should try it.
Redpill me on extasy, I tried it once when I moved here (everyone does it in festivals) it was like being drunk but much smoother/comfier. Will it fry my brain ? Lets say a pill every two months for a festival or party ? The stuff is good (you can test it for free)
that might be the perfect solution. while they are tripping we can plant seeds of love and wisdom.
Unless you live in a more drug friendly city you're going to have to ask around a lot. Acid supplies come and go often. If someone has it, buy it on the spot (research what the drug should look like and ask what type of acid it is). It WILL -most likely- be gone within a day. Best bet is to ask your weed dealer to ask his connections for you or even better to give you phone numbers of leads. I have had a few suppliers, the most consistent lasted about 2 months, but once you have one dealer they will have an idea of who else has it.
>once you get the message, hang up the phone.
this guy gets it.
>every shamanistic culture that consumes psychedelic substances
even if that were true, "every shamanistic" culture doesn't drop 10 hits of acid every other day for a year like some people do. it's pretty infrequent and is meant to mark sacred changes in life, on the calendar, and in seasons.
there is absolutely a point when one should stop if they're experimenting often / with great frequency. i did enough psychedelics, enough times, between the ages of 17 and 20 to last a fucking lifetime. i'm glad i stopped shortly after getting the message, otherwise i could have been permanently fucking fried. no one wants that.
the fuck
i was a dumb nigger once and i took acid.
i think it helped me become so smart
Lightweight shit. Psychedelics are cool, but if you really wanna uncover reality, do meth for a week and don't sleep for 7 days.
>needing anything other than your life to feel good
>Will it fry my brain
longterm, yes.
don't do it more often than every 4-6 months and don't go over 250mg in one evening.
have lots of weed ready for the comedown
one month intervals to have slight but unnoticeable damage. 2 months + is totally safe. try not to go over 200mg
DMT is contained in all sorts of plants. you could extract it yourself.
Bro's got the truth; Always know what your taking and have a good time when you get the good, big bag.
What? Didn't you take chemistry in college?
I agree.
At the same time psychedelics are great tools, and certainly have a spiritual purpose to them.
The best metaphor I have heard for psychedelics pertaining to enlightenment is as follows
Psychedelics substances are like a helicopter. Enlightenment is like a mountain. You see this is a very treacherous mountain though. You can use the helicopter to fly to the top, but you cannot land it anywhere. Now these helicopter rides can be used to map different routes up the mountain. The thing is you will eventually at some point have to come back down, and make the journey yourself. The problem is a lot of people get stuck having fun in these helicopter rides, and don't ever do any of the work themselves.
Hope that made as much sense to everyone else as it did me. They can be beautiful substances, but are often misused, and misunderstood.
If you wanna go insane more like
Did that once after a bad breakup and by the last couple days nothing even felt like real life anymore
>That shit will fuck your brain up, mayne.
Actually, it's a pretty good drug for introverts, an introspective trip is more positive than negative and despite all unless you go through a bad trip you'll definitely have a more positive view on life and whatever surrounds you once you come down. Witnessing the grand, chaotic order of everything firsthand, even if you're just fucking up your interface to reality for ten hours or so, is undoubtedly an uplifting experience.
McKenna also spoke about a whole lot of stupid bullshit, but I guess that just comes with the territory. Most prefer Leary and I mostly take issue with that kind of people, though.
I've been thinking about getting whatever kind of bark it is that you can extract it from.
I'm still a chem newbie and need to do a little more studying.
Maybe I'll be able to synthesize my own stuff later on.
I have no stance
I have no legs
we are but one
Careful with some of the older "psychadelic idols" as some are proven psy op s
Did NBomb with some mates and had no idea what I was getting myself into .
One guy I was with wasn't feeling it so he took another after 20 mins
He spent the next 15 or so hours curled up in a ball
Fuck that for a joke
>If you wanna go insane more like
Exactly. You cannot really fathom life and living until you're gone completely batshit at least once.
And holy shit will 7 days awake make you insane.
Brick brain?
>even if that were true, "every shamanistic" culture doesn't drop 10 hits of acid every other day for a year like some people do. it's pretty infrequent and is meant to mark sacred changes in life, on the calendar, and in seasons.
>there is absolutely a point when one should stop if they're experimenting often / with great frequency. i did enough psychedelics, enough times, between the ages of 17 and 20 to last a fucking lifetime. i'm glad i stopped shortly after getting the message, otherwise i could have been permanently fucking fried. no one wants that.
My point is that that is how it is supposed to be done. A few times a year at most, not dropping 10 strips every weekend between 17-20.
Mass dosing yourself those years rather than tripping 4x a year, ever year of your life, will be profoundly different.
The brain is always capable of new growth and new insight. Saying "you've already got the message" is just narrow minded as fuck.
You're basically like an alcoholic "Oh, I've got shitfaced enough in my early twenties I can't have a glass of wine at dinner.
I think they are very different. Psychedelics are great for the reasons you mentioned, and its hard to form a habit.
In a society of office workers weed has its place. It instantly turns off your mind and dulls emotions, and is better, safer (for you AND people around you) way to force yourself to unwind than alcohol. Its not the kikes, its the consumer's demand.
Lets not go full retard here skippy
He''s saying people who are vehemently against it, are acting crazier than the people who are actually on it.
Pretty sure it's a McKenna quote.
that's some high octane shitposting, are you sure you're not a straya?
Kek that's what I get for being a phoneposter :^)
Have dropped real, pure LSD once. Will never do it again. Was an amazing experience for the most part, but if I did it again I'd probably lose it in the midst of a series of bad, spiraling thoughts and kill myself.
It's true though.
I mean, there's a huge chance you'll go permanently crazy, but if your mind is strong enough, you can get full moonbat and come back mostly sane.
Fun stuff.
Surprisingly easy to drive on it
Yes, unlike LSD, MDMA actually will cause appreciable receptor damage. Don't do it often, and don't take more than 0.150g at a time.
Drop with a buddy and have enough activities to keep your mind off things. I'm manic depressive and that's what I do every time I drop.
i cant even handle weed anymore without having a panic attack, i think if i did LSD i would die
I saw you man, you were sitting in a shopping trolly making beeping noises with no pants on
>Surprisingly easy to drive on it
nigga you crazy or just not dropping enough.
Yeah, this is why its bad to work, eat the occasional sweet, or enjoy art.
You wouldn't want your brain to actually ever enjoy something.
>turns off your mind and dulls emotions
I avoid weed because it makes me way too aware of my mental processes, thoughts, and amplifies my senses and perceived reality.
I miss the weak weed that was dominant before legalization.
I did it with two close friends the last time. I was diagnosed with OCD and depression when I was 12, and I take Zoloft daily. I don't think I'll ever touch psychadelics again.
meth is a bit hardcore. I've gone 4 days without sleep on speed, and i somewhat agree. Did not turn me insane per se, but the sleep deprivation makes you very zen by day 3. You cannot remember anything you said a minute ago unless its absolutely important, and you don't have energy/neurotransmitters left for any emotion. It's just this peaceful, distracted, focusing on the most important things in the moment state. It's amazing, and eye-opening for sure, but very draining. I think 7 days without even dozing off every once in a while have a serious chance of killing you. Also, no meth in eastern europe, except a very low-quality home-cooked methcathinone (pico). But we do make a mean speed, too bad most gets exported and we get sold bullshit cut with caffeine usually.
>Combining antidepressants and psychedelics
Now that's a great way to entirely fuck up your brain.
I feel like I need to amend my post, never stop taking LSD. Its all part of the trip, keep it going. If you use LSD spiritually, as I do, keep the good times rolling. You won't regret it. I use it on a bi-yearly basis. Also, psilocybin is the tits. It's one of the few ways I can interact with normies on a day to day.
Shrooms can be grown somewhat easily, and the spore syringes can be legally shipped to most US states. Foreign laws vary.
Google PF Tek, and if you do it, DO NOT deviate from the procedure at all the first time around.
Serotonin syndrome can kill you, don't do Internet unless you want to die.
source? I'm assuming this is not the debunked "holes in your brain" study.
well yes, but you can still notice your thought process is much simpler. As for me, i notice my thought process all the time, but rarely my senses and perceived reality, besides what is currently occupying my mind, so i really love it. Although, with daily smoking for years i have grown accustomed enough to the effect that it does not please me nearly as much. Its not that you develop tolerance, you just get used to being stoned.
hippie culture is a fucking bust man. All the way to the Grateful Dead to Leary.
this is your brain on acid
I should clarify: Actually GROWING shrooms is a felony, like weed (in states where it's not legal). But you can get the spore syringes shipped to you in most US states.
Don't know about other countries' laws.
I took acid once,
A butterfly told me to retake Constantinople.
Yeah, I took the risk once and came out fine, but that's exactly why I'll never do it again. My brain and my intelligence are irreplaceable. I know some retards that do acid regularly, and they've completely fucked themselves.
LSD as a tool for introspection or spirituality is good and I recommend everyone try it out at least once. LSD just for the sake of getting high is degenerate.
is it better to smoke DMT or to ingest it along with SSAO inhibitors, like for example the traditional ayahuaska? I heard the effect lasts longer and is stronger, and with SSAOIs being available in drug stores you dont have to shit and vomit your entrails to "cleanse" yourself.
>butterflies are at war with cockroaches and attempting to manipulate humans to do their bidding on a massive scale
You know what to do Sup Forums, you know what's right!
Im a straight edge kinda fellar only have had booze + lotsa weed/hash. LSD is pretty in these days at underground raves etc. What can I expect as a first timer?
>what is Sup Forums's stance on LSD?
Don't leave it on the floor.
I so much want to try it, but where can I get it? I live in rural Norway and the only criminal connections I have, is people selling moonshine.
I have made a commitment to stay away from lab drugs. I may do shrooms but I'm worried about long term effects. And I want advice but logical science backed advice and info on whether shrooms and acid will fry you long term. I currently smoke pot here and there. And thoroughly enjoy it. Allows me to think on once subject. Allows me to shift my perspective and work on myself and helps me be an all around chill person to be around. Ive talked to people about harder drugs and psychedelics. But I dont know where to go because I want all the lights to be on in my house. And I dont want to be fried. I want to come out of the rabbithole in once piece after visiting wonderland
To have a bad trip if you're doing it in a public place full of people you don't know.
A good experience with friends you trust or alone, just keep in mind a trip is equal to a rollercoaster, just sit tight and enjoy the ride.
The fuck you talking about LSD when a single tab costs a fortune in this country and its always bunk shit. Get your priorities straight.