Every commie is a fucking sperg

Prove me wrong

>I'm a stalinist
>But that wasn't real socialism

>I'm a leninist
>But that wasn't real socialism

How the fuck can you believe in a political doctrine and at the same time believe that your political doctrine isn't the real version of itself?

Other urls found in this thread:


These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

No, this is a politics board you fucking stupid burger.

but you aren't selling labor you dumb shit
you're being exploited otherwise capitalism would literally be impossible

So why are civilians in commie countries universally worse off than civilians in capitalist countries? Whos really being exploited?

>voluntary choice

pick one scum

I dunno about you but the moment communism is implemented, I'm not gonna work simply because 'why should I if the rest of society will pay for me'.

Now multiply that mentality by millions.

...when it's the choice between exploitation or starvation, it's not really a choice now is it?

It is, you fucking nigger

Here, Romania take this gun and shoot your dick off and be a little capitalistic cuck or take this gun and shoot yourself in the head? Such a wonderful choice this is...

Yeah, why choose? In a communist country you can have both exploitation AND starvation.

state capitalism isn't communism you uneducated dolt, read a book sometime

Except Marx's communism was anarchist and the only "communism" that worked is statist communism, which by definition isn't communism and the state in question actively starved people

Communism is a spook

>He thinks something being lawful legitimatizes it

Ah, good old burger brainwashing


go back to middle school will you? we're doing philosophy here...

Hahaha hahaha wew


take your pizza shit to /x/ or reddit if it keeps getting slid, nigger.

''From each according to his ability to each according to his need''

You won't exercise your abilities? Fine, don't expect to get your needs either.

Communism is pseudoscience.

When your retarded system fails but that's okay because it wasn't real communism and you try again but our retarded system fails but that's okay because it wasn't real communism and you try again but our retarded system fails but that's okay because it wasn't real communism and you try again AND THE CYCLE GOES ON AND ON

So what abilities do government workers exercise, except being Jewish?

>Small buisness owners are exploiting themselves for their own labor

your* x2

fucking damn it I'm tired as fuck



yes, philosophy...
they don't teach you this in middle school so

>Communism made my country shit
>Better keep shilling for it
Out of the fucking helicopter you go

>62 men own 50% of all wealth on this planet

now, explain to me exactly how you're not a cuck here?

Marxism is pseudoscience.

It's laughable at best.

Quote me where he mentioned the law you fucking retard.

I actually don't have any abilities, abliest scum

Who are mostly jewish

Because if I took every single penny and every single object they owned and divided among everyone else in society, I would NOT be better off.

In fact I would have like maybe 300 dollars, and this money would be worthless because prices would have to rise to correct for this new demand without an increase in supply.

Kill yourself lol

>not understanding what philosophy is

Well said leaf

>typical cuck mindset

>I wouldn't be better off if they divided their money so of course it's ok for 62 men to own half of the world's fucking money

just listen to yourself you fucking cuck

fascism is oppression of the people by the rich, built on ethnic and cultural lines
communism is oppression of the people by the poor, built on economic and class lines

not a major fan of oppression either way!

You just can't trust ideologues to carry out goodness and justice through total power, because the problem with extremost ideology, is that you think you have all the answers. Solutions outside of your bubble get shut down and dissent is punished

The republican system is flawed, but it is a lot more sensible than the alternative. Liberty and an easy life means a lot more to the common man than destiny politics

keep it local

t. pic related

Then how the fuck would you survive under a capitalist society? You could at least contribute in discource while still being physically disabled, which doesn't happen often under capitalism.

Fascism means the physical removal of subversive elements

This covers my sentiment.

Death is a preferable option to communism.

As does communism

Marx explicitly stated such

Okay, bear with me.

This is Communism101. Screencap it.

Failure of Communism is its inherent trait.

Communism was never designed to succeed, it was designed to sway the masses.

You promise someone an utopia, and they must follow you, because who is against utopia? Nobody is against worker's rights, being equally rich, no wars and bad stuff.

Then you get in power. You know very well that none of the Communist shit work, but the people don't. They're misguided fools.

You leech the wealth created by the Capitalist state before you. You create similar system of hierarchy, exploitation of the working class, but even worse because nobody can argue since they live in a Communist utopia. Therefore every pocket of resistance is eliminated. You now have complete power.

The system collapses in 50-100 years. Capitalism takes over again, creates enough wealth, and then you plant the Communist bug saying how previous Communism wasn't real Communism.

This is objectively true, but your intention isn't to create Communism (as this wasn't the intention of previous Communisms), but to sway the masses again so you can leech the wealth.

Since people are misguided fools, they again fall for equality and worker's rights revolution shit.

Rinse and repeat.

Communism is a perfectly designed system of exploitation and destruction.

Isn't it better for the workers to own the business, instead of one man who siphons off the unearned fruits of the workers' labor?


>But it wasn't real socialism

My serbian brother, please, you are making an ass out of youself

The rich aren't the subversive elements
Other ethnicities and nationalities are
The rich are part of natural law

>Then how the fuck would you survive under a capitalist society?
The charity of my family.

>You could at least contribute in discource while still being physically disabled, which doesn't happen often under capitalism.
I didn't say I was physically disabled, I said I have no abilities. Any job that you would have me do, I would do so poorly that it would be better having nobody doing said job instead.

However I still have needs, so gibs me dat.

>Muh diabetics

If your doctrine revolves around a jewish pilpul concept you have No right to call anyone a cuck.

You have the mindset of a gypsy, you sure you aren't some romani cunt that stole a computer?

Everyone knows what philosophy is.
Marxism is pseudo-philosophical.
It's highly illogical.

>>typical cuck mindset
I told you, I wasn't a marxist.

LOL You people actually believe in dialectical materialism. It's fucking bullshit pseudoscience. It's on par with scientology for how stupid it is.
You don't even believe in evolution for fuck sakes. What an embarrassment.

You couldn't even come up with a response to my argument.
Does the fact I'm right make you mad or something.
Taking over the means of production will NOT benefit you. You have yet to explain why it would.

>it's ok for 62 men to own half of the world's fucking money
If these men are creating economic production by investing in things that increase my living standards then why WOULDN'T I support them?

You waste of life.

>Isn't it better for the workers to own the business,
Not really, most of the time the workers are LOW IQ incompetent idiots.

If they were that good, they would have started their own business.

> instead of one man who siphons off the unearned fruits of the workers' labor?
Oh sorry I didn't realize you believed in the labour theory of value. I didn't realize you were retarded.

Under communism anyone who espouses non communist ideology is a subversive

This applies to all ideologies from autistic trio: liberalism, communism and libertarianism

starting and owning a business is really fucking risky, you have a high chance that you loose everything and be fucking broke. Most people and most workers would not be willing to make those financial risks.

The religion of marxism got pretty BTFO in this thread.

Hitler on debating jews:

But a Jew could never be parted from his opinions.

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.

Commies can't cope in the real world so they need it levelled for them. They have a very low verbal intelligence and can't argue for shit so they thoughtstop and want language controlled so they can cope. They don't want to explain stuff because they can't. They just want to be able to send you to the gulag for even questioning it. It's called no platform now but in future it will manifest as no freedom or no life. They want you to be brought down to their level so they don't feel so shit about themselves. They can't compete but they want to be paid the same as anyone who went to university and worked hard and especially those who inherited fortunes. The proponents think that if they make it happen they will be saved from the oppressive shit and made into officers with special privileges. So when your mum's house gets taken they will live in it. When you slave away they will supervise. When you starve they will have proper meals. They want YOU to suffer and they will be the new elite.

However, they dont get it that being political agitators they will be shot first. They are hypocrites because they don't want to try their utopia out now by sharing their home with strangers. Eg that swede who should have bunk beds in every room and be housing refugees. They are fat, pasty white middle class kids who resent everything and larp on the internet tryign to get their parents assets seized They actually have no idea what it will be really like because they refuse to acknowledge what historically has always happened when totalitarian govts rule. They dodge this by saying it's not real x. When we do it MY way it will be different forgetting that it's not the ideology that needs to change, it is fundamental human nature that conflicts with it- both in keeping people interested and engaged and productive, and stopping psychopathic power hungry leaders from exploiting everyone. This is why it will never work. They won't even be around to see it though.


>62 men own money

That's not how wealth works. The methods of storing capital are designed to enable it's diffusal.

same applies to socialism as well.

No economic system is perfect

>worker gets jewed so the owner can expand production so the worker can work and be paid but still must be jewed and it's a magic loop

>the jewing element is eliminated, but actually isn't, literally everyone gets subtly jewed in order to expand production and stops working because he feels like it's someone elses responsibility

I could go on but why bother with the obsolete systems like feudalism

Wealth is non zero sum anyway so it wouldn't matter if they didn't diffuse it

Communists and socialists operate under the belief that x amount of people having x amount of money is wrong because then y can't have money but that's simply an untruth even moreso nowadays where you can essentially create wealth out of thin air
Facebook Instagram and Snapchat are just a few out of countless examples

Anyone who's ever argued with a Jew will know he was right

>If they were that good, they would have started their own business?
You know that employees hire others on the basis of competence? Meaning they have a choice in electing who will and who won't work with them under a social society, but let's nevermind that for a second,

>Marxism is pseudo-philosophical.
It's highly illogical.

I don't think you've read any of Marx's works nor do you know what these words entail, Leaf.

>If these men are creating economic production by investing in things that increase my living standards then why WOULDN'T I support them?
Nice meme, a ''trickle down'' system (which is fucking hilarious, since you say that socialism is highly ''illogical'') that sucks every penny possible off the workers' efforts and the environment, leaving a wider wealth gap each passing year and unchecked environmental destruction, see gif related

>Oh sorry I didn't realize you believed in the labour theory of value. I didn't realize you were retarded.
You sound like a lolbirterian, are you sure you're not? Because this is one of the first fucking things Karl Marx refutes in Das Kapital.

You sound really unknowledgeable on the subject. Instead of typing random buzzwords you don't understand, go hit the books and read Marxist literature so you actually undersand your position better.

Wealth is non zero sum

This simple fact alone BTFOs communism

people who read communism often end up following it

people who understand communism oppose it

Look mate, I really don't give a shit about pizza gate. I just want to discuss politics on a comfy board. Can you go to reddit or something?


I'm looking for the original picture of this.

It's cause there is all these retarded sects with the left all with their own opinions based on how the revolution will go down and how shit will be organised after. It's all a confusing clusterfuck, as far as I'm concerned Revolution is revolution I'm down with anyone who wants to make changes

Owning your employees is the best economic model, yes. Is there supposed to be something contradictory about the two quotes?

The thought process goes along the lines of the benevolent dictator actually being the best form of government. Which I believes is sort of true. Except that many don't think past the benevolent dictator and what will happen once they are gone.

So socialism done through a benevolent dictator seems all rad and righteous but like many political thoughts it fails to take into account generations into the future in favor of focusing in the here, now and not so distant from future.

So the idea is technically sound but not practically since bad people exist and shit willing to take advantage of the good will of people for personal gain.

So because of the lack of a benevolent dictator in many real world scenarios and history. It us not "true" socialism because of it.

Its still dumb sure but from what I can gather their idealistic view of the "perfect" version of it having no real world examples will always cause them to ignore actual historic examples of it.

>cuck mindset
>caring about your own interests instead of paying for women whom other men are fucking
No, you absolute fucking spastic. Communism is the DEFINITION of cuckoldry.

>employee ownership of a business
>the same as communism

I guess all family owned businesses are communist according to this swedecuck


Oh no that's because families are a bourgeois institution, which makes it fascist
True communism is a business owner by hobos

>You know that employees hire others on the basis of competence? Meaning they have a choice in electing who will and who won't work with them under a social society, but let's nevermind that for a second,
What does this have to do with anything?

>I don't think you've read any of Marx's works
Yes, yes I have.
Why do marxists ALWAYS say this. It only proves that marxists haven't read ANY of marx's works.

Says the person who's country is turning into somalia lmao

>a ''trickle down'' system
Yes, "trickle down" a leftist strawman argument.

>that sucks every penny possible off the workers' efforts
No it doesn't and you are simply pulling this out of your ass.
The mostly free market gilded age(where wages rose dramatically and prices fell dramatically) strongly disagrees with you.

>leaving a wider wealth gap
lol the wealth gap is a non-argument. Pic related.
Even if you took all of the money from the top 1% and gave it to everyone else everyone would have a few hundred dollars, also prices would rise from this new spending so nobody would be any better off.
This FACT is the most hilarious reason socialism is bullshit.

>typing random buzzwords
Like "trickle down" and "inequality".

You people don't even believe in evolution and think all human behavior is the result of economic and social forces.
How fucking STUPID of a person do you have to be to actually believe this.

There's a reason everyone wants you people to die.

>This simple fact alone BTFOs communism
There are like 50 fucking reasons why communism is bullshit.

Communists are cultists that just don't care.


when the business fails its only because it wasn't true communism.

>How the fuck can you believe in a political doctrine and at the same time believe that your political doctrine isn't the real version of itself?
This is simple as long as you understand the essential difference between left and right (progressive and coonservative) way of thinking.

Basically, conservative is about valuing and preserving the existing (or previously existing) state of affairs, while progressivism is about about valuing and moving towards a potential different and better state of affairs.

So for a conservative, the system he believes in and identifies with is generally something that already exists, or has existed in the past ("1950's US", "British Empire", etc, etc). For a progressive, the system he believes in and identifies with is a hypothetical future society. Otherwise, there would be no point to the whole "progress" thing - it is by definition a movement towards a not-yet-reached goal.

I'm not a commie by any means but I think most people turn to communism because they see succesful business owners, CEO"s and the likes earn between 500k and 1m a year (some make much more), while a lot of 'working class people' have to do with less than 2k a year, and this is naturally unfair according to them.

The fault lies here into thinking that every human produces the same value in labor and has the same intellectual capacities, but if we put that aside: why is it fair that people who work 40-50 hours a week earn less per year than what someone earns in a month, when said person doesn't produce much labour at all?

>they don't do manual labor so they don't deserve shit

I'd like to see one of the niggers in the warehouse act as CEO for a month. See how the company does then.

>the entire world has isolationist policies against one commie country

They don't even have to be full Jew. I have a friend who is approx quadroon kike, and she's full socialist retard. Me and my brother explained to her why something was wrong (I don't remember the topic), and a couple weeks later she still spouting the same propaganda shit, never learned a damn thing.

I think the issue here is not "fairness", but rather efficiency.

Capitalism is a system that functions on essentially the same principles as the animal world. It's about individuals competing with each other for resources, social status, etc. It's a very solid system, precisely because it's derived from natural principles. It manages itself, more or less. On the other hand, it's incredibly wasteful, not very sustainable, and often very uncomfortable to live in. Fact is, we are not animals, we are rational beings capable of suspending our ambitions and our drive towards desire satisfaction in order to achieve greater goals in the future.

A desire naturally follows to create a social order based not on animal lusts and instincts, but on human reason. Can it be done? That's the question.


I don't agree that humans aren't like animals. We progressed so insanely fast from agriculture to the modern age that our brains are still wired in a primitive way.

We still think in a lot of stereotypes even if we have facts about an individual at hand. Look at human behaviour when he didn't have food for a week and then has to compete with another person over a leaf of bread. Do you think he will argue? Debate, trade or place a bet? No, he will act like an animal and fight for that piece of bread - survival instinct.

We are mostly rational beings tho, when our basic needs are fulfilled, so we can design any society we want to. There will never be a perfect system because everyone has their own ideals, needs and demands so we will always live in a form of chaotic world.

I do agree that capitalism follows similar principles. Isn't it dubious that most communists are at the bottom of the ladder e.a. the working class, the poor, the mentally disabled or other people who would be unable to survive in a free-for-all (animal-ruled) world? Really makes me think

shitpost discarded

>humans are rational
>really makes me think

Hurr durr muh gommunism but as soon as someone mentions anarchy it's middle school time.

Soviet communists destroyed anarchism:

Everything you need to know about communism:
>The Soviet Story (2008)

And much more:

>I don't agree that humans aren't like animals.
It is both. Basically right-wing extremists reduce humans to animals almost entirely (so, social-darwinism, tribal politics, insistence on almost complete biological pre-determination. Even terminology used by right-wingers is very often very "biological" in nature), while progressives go to direct opposite extreme and almost deny biology (the examples are all over Sup Forums).

Basically, extremists from both sides miss something.

>I'm a leninist
Fags literally worshipping traitorous jew

>I'm a stalinist
That's ok. Guy's the only one who managed to improve multicultural socialistic shithole by sending traitors and jews to syberian workcamps


>swedecuck didn't respond
>mfw I win at arguing on the internet


>This is simple as long as you understand the essential difference between left and right (progressive and coonservative) way of thinking.

Except the difference between left and right is liberal and conservative. Liberal means more and conservative means less, not progressive vs regressive/keeping things the same. If you put a lot of butter on your toast, you could say that you spread the butter liberally. If you dont put much on, you could say that you spread the butter conservatively. Liberalism is more government, more socialism, more taxes, more spending, more everything, and conservatism is less government, more freedom in the markets, less taxes, less spending, less everything.

what's the difference really
not my fault you have to die inside every day working a dead-end job
i feel sorry for you desu

Nordic countries are running under social democracy and doing pretty well topping most charts related to education, happiness, health without having to rely on destabilizing developing countries for their natural resources.

For a real taste of capitalism you should check out Africa, the bastion of free trade.

>Says the person who's country is turning into somalia lmao

There's LITERALLY more muslims in your country than mine right now.


Almost no african countries have real free trade. They have no rule of law(which is essential for free markets and businesses to operate), unstable as fuck governments, no property rights.

Not capitalism.