What's wrong with communism?

What's wrong with communism?

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It doesn't work unless propped up by a shit ton of american lend lease money.
And even then it works barely


Oh, and the indeterminate time period with repression and all power centralised.


dude what?

Decentralized communes are better

If we talk about "real communism"
It can't be achieved
The transition from any other method requires the temporary centralization of all power
Even if the original revolution was well intentioned this is the part where power seekers take over

Nothing wrong with the future, Comrade.

>100% failure rate, 9 figure body count

Yeah, nah

>What's wrong with communism?


Humans are primates that live in hierarchically organized social groups.

Deal with it.

>What's wrong with communism?

IT's a lie used by those in power to consolidate control and ownership of everything.

How will you achieve decentralized communes without the transitionary state of a socialist state
Do a anarchist revolution? Who will protect you from being taken by the neighbouring country or the remaining state just retaking you

i think you made this thread yesterday and got slammed , then left with (((2))) posts by this id

now you came back hoping for a different results

I remain unconvinced by cuckitalists

>remains unconvinced
>cannot answer a single question in the thread

>IT's a lie used by those in power to consolidate control and ownership of everything.
That's capitalism.

>What is Communism?
A stateless, classless society.

>What is Socialism?
A transitional system between Capitalism and Communism, characterized by revolutionary government and wage retention.

>What is Capitalism?
An economic system characterized by the private ownership of property and subsequent exploitation of labor.

>Why is Communism an almost certain inevitability?
As technology and society progresses, those who subsist on their labor will find themselves without work and coin. Their numbers will grow until eventually the abolishment of private property necessitates their survival.

>What went wrong with 20th century 'Communism'?
Contrary to his image, Karl Marx saw benefits and a necessity to Capitalism, while still acknowledging it's flaws and fleeting nature. To him, Society must endure Capitalism, just as a toddler must endure adolescence on it's path to adulthood.

Decades after his death, Vladimir Lenin would rise to power and weigh in upon Marx's ideas. Lenin rejected the notion that Feudal Russia must undergo Capitalist revolution before attaining Capitalism. The Soviets quickly learned that their Feudal development was insufficient in produce and supplying the needs of a Socialist society. And so began decades of state-sponsored Capitalism, in a desperate game of catch up.

There is much debate about this, with some arguing that Russia's premature attempt at Socialism accelerated the stage of Capitalism, with others asking at what cost? Regardless, Lenin's views and actions spread like wildfire across the globe, influencing Feudal and agrarian society's across the globe to prematurely campaign for a Socialist society that was well beyond their reach.

I end this post with some light reading material, maybe you've heard of the author: monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism/

He's not entitled to the stuff you create - that's why he has to fucking pay you you dumb shit

>Repressing most of society is inevitable

if i asked you,, would you share your clothing and soap with me? if u declined then i get sent to work under harsh conditions. thats what communism is -- no freedom.

If you think you are entitled to the full value of what you create using tools and materials provided to you under a contract you are a thief...

>That's capitalism.

No, capitalism is where people can actually own stuff for themselves.

Communism is when the state owns everything.

Communism is stateless...

>Communism is when the state owns everything.
That's soclalism, and dictatorship of the proletariat. Public ownership. Workers are the public.

The problem is not with communism. It is due to human nature that past communist societies have not been successful. COMMUNISM BEST ISM

It's a contract I signed. We agreed that I give him my times to build things for him for money to live. Since I would not really know what to do with the computer programs I made, I can't live off from a computer program itself, and he knows, I'm ok with that.

Forced redistribution of wealth is theft

Honestly, just kill yourself. We are all equal in death after all.

>ITT communists not addressing points
Same as usual

>Communism is stateless...

And who decides how the resources are allocated?

How? Are u trolling?

and who decides where the resources are allocated?

>human nature is static
See Appeal to Nature logical fallacy
And difference between explanation and justification

We do. This is post-capitalist, post socialist society.

Card-carrying kike entitled to have all that i have, all that i ever produce and my life itself in communist regime. But of course you right, because you posted caricature fat man in top hat.

>Its a communists ignore fundamental and blatantly obvious flaws in communism episode.

Come back to me when you've solved that NAP bitch nigga.

A network of communities

Confiscation of personal property without the approval of the local Party structure is strictly illegal and considered capitalist sabotage.
You, a mere prole, dare threaten a loyal comrade that assisted the people's revolution against the oppressor. You know what follows, yes?

Meant also for

>We do. This is post-capitalist, post socialist society.

I mean, who decides how resources are allocated in a communist society?

>A network of communities

Is that how communism works?

A network of communities decides how the resources are allocated?

Because every time it has been used in practice, it appears that the central government is the one that allocates the resources, not you.

>The autistic lefty/pol/ NEET neckbeards still haven't given up on their cringy "raid"



All communism does, is grant legal authority to the state to take EVERYTHING from EVERYONE.


Set goals. Allocate. Execute.

5 year plans worked well.

No "communist" government has ever reached the state of "true communism" because some power grabbers take over

Explain how even if this utopian communistic network is achieved, what stops a group of enterprising individuals taking up arms and establishing a state to reap the rewards of violence?

Absolutely fucking nothing thats what.


The hilarions thing about communism, is that it's supporters are generally poor, and they believe that if communism becomes a thing, that resources will be reallocated to them.

But they aren't the ones in positions of power deciding where the resources are reallocated to.

They don't get to decide who needs resources, and who doesn't... that's a decision that the central planners make.

Why do all lefty/pol/ neckbeards post animu reaction pics? How much more autistic can someone get?

nothing is wrong with it

>No "communist" government has ever reached the state of "true communism" because some power grabbers take over

In the past it failed, we can apply artificial intelligence now.

No they did not.
t. quintillions of near human slavs who starved to death.

Not enough cute anime girls

I would like to hear how exactly communists going to solve Jewish question. But i am afraid i will never hear it, because they ARE Jewish question.

>They don't get to decide who needs resources, and who doesn't... that's a decision that the central planners make.

We can start thinking and working in contructing artificial intelligences that would help in that extremelly difficult task for single human minds

The fact that it still has adherents.

Who won WW2?
That's right. Get fucked by a slav soft cock.

Centralisation of power vis communism is a bad thing because it gives the government complete control over its people. Thats what smaller state run governments (like the USA) are way more prosperous and free. If you don't like the law you can just move to another state and you won't be killed.

Stalin made Anime real.

Most slavs hate communism, because they experienced it firsthand or were told about it by their relatives.

>No "communist" government has ever reached the state of "true communism" because some power grabbers take over

That's what happens every time, actually.

What marxists don't realize, is that communism makes it easier for power grabbers to take power.

They complain about the ills of capitalism, and that it allows people to accumulate wealth, and use that wealth to attain power....

What they fail to realize is that these people who grab power don't magically disappear in a communist society, they just become the central planners, and then you don't have the legal protection of capitalism anymore.... you don't have the RIGHT to own shit.

At least in a capitalist society, the power grabbers have to WORK for their power.

In communism, they don't have to.

They just use the state to reallocate all of your property, land, food, etcetera... to their coffers.

Marxist kikes won WW2. Slavs were between rock and hard place in this war, both sides were hostile towards us, and through it was a basic self-preservation to fight against Reich, i just cannot blame collaborationists.

Everyone is equal. But, everyone is equally poor.

>when your retarded system collapses but thats okay because it wasnt real communism so you try again... .gif

>b-b-b-buh it ain real gominisms

Jesus so much autism. Fortunately everyone knows that lefty/pol/ is satire and all this is just autistic roleplaying but still pretty hilarious. Keep up the good work everyone needs a laugh and codemic relief every now and then

They did not work at all. Plans were fundamentally unrealistic and unachievable because dumb people made them with little regards to reality. In addition, the execution of them was disastrous as they were rushed for "popularity points" within the system and plagued by incompetence and corruption.

t.someone whose family worked in a system with wonderful 5 year plans

I sincerely wish it upon you the dystopian experience of communism, you underage shit. But only for you and your fellows. leave the normal people out of it.

>In the past it failed, we can apply artificial intelligence now.

And misallocate resources more efficiently, right?

>We can start thinking and working in contructing artificial intelligences that would help in that extremelly difficult task for single human minds

So, hivemind?

So, let me get this straight...

You are trying to give total control over every resource in the nation, to a small group of people...

a small group of *PEOPLE*

And you think they are going to give you stuff, when they can just take it for themselves?


It's unnatural to human nature and nature as a whole and is only theoretically achievable in a society with unlimited resources and free commodities that require almost no effort/labor on the side of common workers to provide.

USSR was basically a sociallist nationalistic (starting from late-Stalin era) state with planned nationalized (belonging to the state) economy. It was never communist. People were never in shared possession of the means of production. The closest thing to this model you can get is if everyone gets himself a molecular deconstructor and and an advanced 3d-printer with a list of pre-written programs to create basic things and an ability to create something way more advanced.

Wow, do you even read a book?
USSR crushed Hitler's nutsack.
If the state was a failure than the average Soviet was the incredible hulk to achieve this.
Choose your destiny.

This. Comrade reveals

Seriously sovietboo larper neckbeards are the most autistic out of all the lefty/pol/ spergs that come here to shitpost.

I imagine you are some obese non White NEET virgin who played a lot of Red Alert as a teenager and now masturbates to Hell March videos on YouTube

>talking about the glaringly obvious flaws communism rendering it impossible and dysfunctional
>le cccp beat the nazis lmfao capitalists btfo XD

It is no coincidence retards like you are attracted by it like flies to shit. It requires a special kind of stupidity to fall for that.

>USSR crushed Hitler's nutsack.
Not without the help of it's Allies.
Soviet industry was basically built by Americans.

I know, right? You know what would be a great idea? Let's give up all our rights and property and be miserable together for another few decades. And if it fails, we will try again, it has to work, eventually, hasn't it? Communism is the ideology of love, happines and equality after all. Death to the capitalist pigs, comrade!


That;s the shittest argument I've ever heard. Do you know what WW2 was?

See above.

Who care mate. Does it hurt that Commie did industry better than everyone?

Victory is the ultimate vindication.
Do you even natural selection?

>Victory is the ultimate vindication.
>Do you even natural selection?

Stalin destroyed the russian economy.

The USSR dissolved.

>Who care mate. Does it hurt that Commie did industry better than everyone?
How is that true? Commie was a somewhat good manager to drive this thing through, but the creation of industries wouldn't be possible without the help of advanced Western engineering. It's just a fact.
So the argument "Stalin built a great industry in just 10 years therefore communism is superior" doesn't hold up. Especially since this advanced industry Stalin has built quickly became obsolete since there were no objective positive factors for it to improve, mostly negative - like incompetence of the leadership and a failure to introduce needed reforms.

It wasn't Stalin, it were the ones who succeded his rule.


>Not posting Gif Version

>It wasn't Stalin, it were the ones who succeded his rule.

Who were still communist, correct?

>Stalin destroyed the russian economy.
Literally turned agrarianism to world superpower
Burger logic

Threat neutralised
Cold war begins
Militarism validated.

Why are modern Communists against the concept of tradition and morality and why are they accepting of degenerate things like transgender-ism and homosexuality?

This is propaganda. See:

>During Joseph Stalin's rule, the trend toward strengthening the family continued. In 1936 the government began to award payments to women with large families, banned abortions, and made divorces more difficult to obtain. In 1942 it subjected single persons and childless married persons to additional taxes. In 1944 only registered marriages were recognized to be legal, and divorce became subject to the court's discretion. In the same year, the government began to award medals to women who gave birth to five or more children and took upon itself the support of illegitimate children.

You pretended to pay me so I'll pretend to work. Everything then falls to shit.

>Literally turned agrarianism to world superpower

So did capitalism, and the founding fathers of America.

India is a nuclear superpower too.

France, England, China, all nuclear powers.

the USSR still collapsed, and it collapsed because it's economy was basically destroyed.

If you want to talk about survival of the fittest... we can.

>Who were still communist, correct?
Chinese are communist too. The difference however is remarkable.
The nature of political system has nothing to do with it's sustainability, it's the ability to improve avoiding stagnation is what matters.
At the very important stage in world's history, namely during the technological revolution and rapid globalisation, Soviet elites had failed to modernize the country.

>France, England, China, all nuclear powers.
Didn't develop 100 years of industry in 10 years
Stalin was a Saint.

Is the modern trend really propaganda?

So much fucking cringe

>The nature of political system has nothing to do with it's sustainability

This is true, however, the nature of the system DOES have an effect over how difficult it is for psychopaths to gain power.

Communism makes it easier, because all they have to do is infiltrate the government.

In a capitalistic society, taking over the government is not a guarantee of total power and resource acquisition.

This is the difference.

There is generally only one factor that determines how stable a civilization is... how difficult it is for psychopaths to seize total power.

Liberals gonna liberal.

Ohoho.... Destroyed russian economy.... Never heard more bullshit than that. USSR was most powerful country whis him. Learn history morron

What really makes this image is the fact that the window shows a post apocalyptic outside world.

>Stalin was a Saint.

Saint Murder.

>I am le redpilled commie

Is it true that the tranny anarcha feminist admin of lefty/pol/ is purging you tankie autists?

>Ohoho.... Destroyed russian economy.... Never heard more bullshit than that. USSR was most powerful country whis him. Learn history morron

So, what about all of the starving people?

>Communism makes it easier, because all they have to do is infiltrate the government.
Communism doesn't have a recipe for a working political party. At different stages USSR had both great and poor social mobility. At different stages CPSU had different "wings" that opposed each other. I agree a stable political system has to have checks and balances. CPSU lacked that. But it is not directly tied to Communism. Just to clarify: I am no communist and believe it's unsustainable, but I also believe that USSR had a chance to avoid collapse if it weren't for stupid corrupt elites.