Does anyone else despise these YouTube intellectuals with their endless, shitty Skype call interviews and how much they obviously over-value their own opinions?
Just listen to how ridiculous the intro music to Sam Harris' podcast is. Why is it so serious? It sounds like a trailer for Schindlers List
He clearly thinks what he and who he lets the priviledge of talking on his show says should be treated very seriously
Juan Roberts
Not everyone lives the life of a carefree memelord, some people take everything more seriously
Bentley Walker
Jonathan Sanders
>YouTube intellectuals
Justin Robinson
It like he doesn't even know who Sam Harris is.
Grayson Fisher
Because it's all just wishiwashy speculation. Sure sometimes some good thoughts arise but it isn't structured or properly constructed. If they were more rigorous in their methodology, say like the scientific method, or by using actual logic they'd actually might get some shit done. Now it's mostly "they r da real raciss xD"
Sebastian Thomas
Well they're trying to sell themselves and make people believe that they are worth listening to.
Listening to bill burr is kinda funny because he follows everything up with "ahhh what the fuck do I know I don't know anything".
He really doesn't know anything though
Justin Brown
>YouTube intellectuals
Robert Walker
>omg why do they care about stuff so much
Aaron Cook
Deflection tactics. Parlor tricks so people don't notice the abhorrent amount of fallacies they spout all day long