Why is pol so blue pilled about communism?

Why is pol so blue pilled about communism?

>be in a class with a typical pol memer
>proceeds to say that only lazy shit heads would ever want communism and how it's an awful system
>I proceed to ask him why he uses Sup Forums instead of reddit
>he says reddit is shit, the karma system is garbage and it encourages the lowest common denominator in terms of discussions by forcing people to pander for guaranteed karma instead of taking risks and doing truly unique things
>proceeds to rant on how the highest quality posts tend to be self motivated and that a currency system like karma ruins it
>without hesitation I welcome him to the communist party
Why is everyone so stupid?

Other urls found in this thread:


hey mate I think you forgot the "your mother will die in her sleep tonight" line

Don't take bait.

>Why is pol so blue pilled about communism?
because i don't want to fucking starve to death

Communism is an awful system, and trying to compare this tibetan throat singing forum to the communist labor doctrine is borderline retarded.
Now fuck off.

Most people here are probably too stupid to understand this but I thought about this issue a lot in the past and I can actually debunk your claim.

On Reddit, everyone has an equal vote. In the free market, not everyone has equal purchasing power. Reddit and indeed democracy itself reduces everyones wealth, knowledge and expertise to a single quantity. It doesn't matter if you are a rocket scientist or a bum, you get the same vote.

Then you will see that Reddit is actually the epitome of Communism where all are made equal.

~30 years of hysteric cold war propaganda does that to you

You're stupid.
This is literal communism because there isn't a currency system at all on Sup Forums.
You don't get anything from your posts, there is no benefit to you posting there is no identity no fame, nothing.

Reddit while all have the same ability to vote once still have a currency system, those with higher karma are on better standing are looked up to more, tend to be upvoted more often tend to be taken more seriously and be given more fame.
Everyone wants to achieve that so people mindfully change their tone, their replies and their opinions to get more Karma, this is the epitome of capitalism.
You lose individuality for the sole sake of making profit, you no longer represent yourself with your opinions and your products you represent the community and only dish out not whats best or whats needed but what THEY want.

You didn't address "equal purchasing power" which was the entire point of my post.

Funny how people who like communism are from countries that never experienced it.

feck off

1 post by this ID , well written tho

Also, Reddit karma is NOT currency because you can't exchange it for anything. You can't reinvest your karma into creating more karma.

Because its entirely irrelevant.

The amount people have is irrelevant the issue here is that they HAVE purchasing power in the first place and the goal in mind for people is to direct that purchasing power to them.

Read my fucking post you dumb roach

Because we're not fucking jew puppets and we're not destroying the system just to give away everything our parents worked their lives for to live in a fucken commune and starve to death. Fuck off.


>You didn't address "equal purchasing power"
>Because its entirely irrelevant.
IT'S NOT THOUGH. You seriously do not understand capitalism. So, a poor person can buy a yacht or a mansion and have unlimited investment into the market? They can have one of every type of product? No, that's fucking communism you dumb shit.

If you're too stupid to comprehend my post, fine. But don't pretend to be intellectually superior.

I see your point , but OP in this case tries to implant such an egalatarian system into the world. In reddit there is only posting nothing more. If we were clones from star wars it might have worked out fine but it is unadaptable into the real world. If this is your point this post is meaningless, if not you are baiting too?

>not jew puppets

>not the most jewish system in existence
Tip top kek

Contrary to popular belief, communism doesn't mean "equal purchasing power" but "purchasing power based on your need". It also doesn't mean that everyone is equal, just that they have exactly the same rights, a promise that capitalist democracies usually break.

Until we are all biologicall equal robots who have solved resource scarcity, communism will NEVER work. It will always turn to oppression until those things are solved. Once they are though, communism will be great. I say 500 years from now.

Only a Polack would know brother.

Japan-bro, how is life under oppressive capitalism?

I understand your economy is Germany-tier, that must be awful for you

Life is pretty great, going to an onsen and getting laid tomorrow after my gf cooks me a giant meal. Couldnt ask for more.

>resource scarcity
That doesn't exist.

Scarcity is something we've artificially created for the sole sake of capitalism because scarcity fuels capitalism.

Communism is every bit as much of a joke as fucking ancap.

yea that is complete bullshit. We have created markets, but that is different from scarcity. It just exists through other ways in communism, namely the people being shit at everything and not caring.


>"Communism is every bit as much of a joke as fucking ancap."

Came here to post this ^

Ah yes, the part where they convolute "rights" with economic freedom. If I work to save up for a vacation but someone else didn't work, it's not their right to have the same opportunity.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". I'll concede that this point is indeed true. But it doesn't take away from the fact that differences are purposely equalised.

Thanks for at least reading my post. OP is the one comparing how posts are handled to ideology. I'm merely showing why Reddit is not capitalism as he claims.

>Why is everyone so stupid?

Because communism literally is an awful system for lazy shit heads.

>"Scarcity is something we've artificially created for the sole sake of capitalism because scarcity fuels capitalism."

lmfao can't tell if you're trolling or not but I'll answer just in case

Scarcity exists, because the natural resources and man hours are scarce and finite.

No thanks fatty.

1 post by this ID, fuck off you shithanded prick. SAGED.

Even if we invented all kinds of renewable and self-regulating technology, to live in a "post-scarcity" civilisation, men would still compete for social standing, women, influence etc.

If we stripped human beings of everything that makes them human (Which is pretty much the goal of the left, let's be clear), and made everyone genetically equal. We STILL wouldn't have equal experiences.

People have age differences, environmental differences (Do you need to destroy the weather to sustain the fantasy too?), what if one person is accidentally injured, they will be at a severe disadvantage compared to the other clones.

The point is that difference is unavoidable. The only way you can escape difference is to eliminate everything that makes life liveable. Communists need to grow the fuck up and get over it.

Sage this Commie faggot.

Communists just need to replace people with AI then.

Or take an actual redpill.

I didn't convolute the two, I just corrected the the common misinterpretation that "communism wants to make everyone equal", followed by the invoking of metaphors of ants and drones without individuality.
Then again personal and economic freedom cannot sharply be separated, and since we live in a society, some freedoms inevitably stand against the freedoms of others.
So communism is for a distribution of goods along democratic rules, not that kind of "might makes right"-approach of capitalism.

>some freedoms inevitably stand against the freedoms of others.
Correct. The freedom to kill someone stands against their freedom to live. This is unresolvable. You can't have absolute freedom, there is always compromise. So why chase it as far as you do? Libertarians stop freedom at the initiation of force, this seems like a much more justifiable threshold.

>distribution of goods along democratic rules
It shouldn't be implicit that I think democracy is a good idea. I actually think it's a flawed concept in many ways. If I have a heart operation, do I want a democracy of one doctor and a dozen patients to decide how to proceed? No, I want the one who is qualified, even if it's a "fuck you" to the others. To use a Communist example, do I want my supply of food to rely on the few able to farm efficiently or the many who can't?

20% of people produce 80% of results. That's just how it works. If you handicap that 20%, the 80% are probably going to starve because they can't feed themselves.


>not that kind of "might makes right"-approach of capitalism.
This makes two false assumptions:
1) Right and wrong can be defined in material terms
2) Might over materialism is ever avoidable

See for my debunking of the perfect equal utopia.

>capitalist goy>communist slave
There's a big difference to being born into a system and making something of yourself within it to deliberately giving it all away to be a potato slave. Besides, I don't have a mortgage. I pay taxes sure, but I also have access to roads and hospitals and local amenities etc. It's a fair deal.

You only want communism if you haven't got shit to show for yourself. As you progress through school and work you realise it's a better way, especially if you can pull yourself out of your edgelord emo phase and mature emotionally enough to do something with your life. It's why one grows out of communism not into it.


This , that's such a good point, something that ticks me off about that organization of a system in economics or social networking. Everyone wants to achieve this higher status so people "change their tone" , and become a bunch of sell outs (to individual humanity), all for the sake of attaining that higher status with economics/social groups - people should always refuse to sell out the priceless nature of constructive values in human individuality. This should never be exchanged to gain a profit or following with the intentions or outcome of removing creativity and choice, or a truer sense of freedom in expression.

>Libertarians stop freedom at the initiation of force
This may sound good, but they intentionally overlook that a human being has constant basic needs, and to deprive some individual of the means to survive is in fact the application of force, even when no violence takes place. It also ignores that the unregulated barter often creates very inefficient supply-demand cycles eg. advertisements creating artificial need for useless product 'x' -> profits for useless product 'x' paying for advertisements -> resources to produce 'x' aren't available for the production of important, but relatively unprofitable product 'y'.

Libertarians are kind of autistic about their model and simply don't care if it doesn't fit human life.

>do I want my supply of food to rely on the few able to farm efficiently or the many who can't?
The decision about how to farm would be up to the coop of the farm. This is exactly in line with your heart operation example - how you operate your workplace is your decision, regardless if you are a doctor or a farmer.

>Right and wrong can be defined in material terms
I honestly don't know what you're trying to do here. Just because there is no right and wrong outside of society, doesn't mean the concepts aren't important in the context of societal resource allocation.
>Might over materialism is ever avoidable
Communists don't want to abolish all hierarchies and general might, that would be anarchists.

>difference is unavoidable
>men would still compete for social standing, women, influence etc.
This is true, nobody ever said that communism tries to prevent that.

>the goal of the left is making everyone equal and stripping humans of everyting that makes them human
Extremely dumb meme, please read a book

you can try posting all the cute anime girls you want but I won't be fooled

>Libertarians are kind of autistic about their model and simply don't care if it doesn't fit human life
It's funny because this is exactly what people think about Communism too. That said, yes I agree there is a lot of "waste" in capitalism. But not allowing people to reach their potential is also a waste.

>how you operate your workplace is your decision, regardless if you are a doctor or a farmer
Unless the consumer has choice then bad products will not die out. A farm may produce more food but it might be shit food.

>I honestly don't know what you're trying to do here. Just because there is no right and wrong outside of society
I don't believe there is a right and wrong outside of religion. You can dictate a "morality" by force but that doesn't make it objective. If you consider what is in the best interests of survival as the highest good, then you have to consider what deserves to survive most.

>Communists don't want to abolish all hierarchies and general might, that would be anarchists.
Not sure about this. Some Communists did try to exterminate everyone except the working class.

>the goal of the left is making everyone equal and stripping humans of everything that makes them human
>Extremely dumb meme, please read a book
I'm aware that Marx argued that capitalism stripped people of their humanity, that's why I was very careful to say "the left". His solution to consider everyone in terms of material productivity to be utilised for the ideological "good" does not sound like a particularly fulfilling existence to me.

This is a communism thread I haven't seen so far on Sup Forums

But when Sup Forums is completed communism, why do the anonyms, the proletariat, have not control but Hiroyuki Nishimura? We seem to be on the way to communism and stuck in socialism!
Hiroyuki Nishimura is the party leader, voice and dictator of the proletariat.

Amazing how Sup Forums are such "red pilled free thinkers" but whenever you bring up spoogy gommunism they sperg out into regurgitating red scare propaganda right out of the fifties


>this is exactly what people think about Communism too
Yeah I know, not that Communists can't be huge autists too. The difference is that the critique usually comes from the position of that it's against "human nature". But you can't say anything about its nature from inside of human society. Furthermore, every political alignment has its own vision of what human nature is, and they all contradict each other.
My personal take is that humans are fucking good at imitating behaviour. So in a societal system centered around competition, humans act like competitors, likewise so with cooperation.

>not allowing people to reach their potential is also a waste
There is a stark difference between what humans aspire to and what gets commercially successful, see pic.

>bad products will not die out
This might be true, but considering you don't get paid for your work, only people who care about their craft would work. If nobody likes your work, you'll have a hard time justifying your resource usage.

>there is no right and wrong outside religion
there might be some intricacies of the english language I am not aware of. Nothing is objectively right and wrong. Determining what it means in a society is a constant process.

>Some Communists did try to exterminate everyone except the working class
This was done to prevent counter-revolution, not to stop hierarchy. Also, only LARPing stalinists really want to do that today. Usage of soviet symbols and propaganda is for aesthetical reasons and for triggering nazis.

>I was very careful to say "the left"
Leftism in my book isn't about what is good, moralism is usually looked down to as bourgeois. But I can only speak for Marxism. Those annoying creatures with dyed hair are liberals with leftist rhethoric.

Straw man story about something that didn't happen.
Can't you kids go LARP somewhere else?


Because meaningless internet points are exactly like money.

Really good post. I didn't have much to disagree with here. Thanks for giving me some things to think about.

What the hell is on that dog ?

>society should be run the same way as my Hawaiian marble sculpture discussion board because...

Communism is the ultimate blue pill. It relies on people abandoning human nature and self interest out of sheer faggotry.

I could respect it for being authoritarian if it wasn't built on such a cucked foundation.

Commie posting about a mongolian owlery board not having a currency while trolling for (you)'s.

Yeah, there's no currency at all on Sup Forums.

Sage this faggot.


Because communism is confirmed retarded.

It's literally a promise of unicorns and rainbows and an insinuation that the reason there aren't rainbows and unicorns is because some elite group of people who will be revealed only in the moment of their death are fucking you over personally and to solve this problem you should blindly listen to a select group of people and willing submit to a life of servitude under the faux guise of that "equally oppressed" is best and that tyranny is good if it's popular.

And if you have any disagreement with the forced group-think then not only is the proper response state sponsored force (because there is no method for conflict resolution when members of the commune disagree with the operation of the commune and no room for compromise because then it ceases to be a unified commune) but you also then get vilified as a member of the very same evil you were rallied to fight against to instill this bogus system.

Communism is literally retarded. The closest we will ever get to it is when every person has the ability to easily and completely on their own provide for all their wants and needs. Either through pseudo godhood or a hyper advanced technology.

Every animal is equal buy some animals are more equal than others and whatnot.

Likewise, I didn't expect such a good discussion on Sup Forums.