She's right you know.
She's right you know
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally "I WANT MORE GIBS" post.
you wrote that didn't you?
Black people wouldn't be freezing in the streets if they lived in Africa.
Except those 'people of color' will just go and spend that buck fifty on a pack of smokes or a fucking bag of beak.
>this dinosaur tail was found by a chinese person on their own time while traveling in myanmar
fuck white ppl
No she's not, I have the right to waste my money on whatever I want. Dinosaur feathers have much more value to me, than some dirty nigger freezing on the street because he spent all his welfare on crack and kfc.
All the white people who would have helped them have been murdered by "people" of color.
"get a job, or go to africa where it's warm."
Did she just assume that the archaeologists who discovered the dino tail were white people, just because Hollywood and the right-wing mainstream media always portray scientists as old white dudes? Ugh, I can't even... I am like literally shaking right now
>Black people wouldn't be freezing in the streets if they lived in Africa.
Agreed. I'd gladly chip in $50 dollars to help send them back to some African shithole their culture created, for sure. Nobody ever asks for that, though. Very sad.
The funny thing is that it was a chink scientist that discovered this shit.
We have two options here...
1. Find dinosaur tail and advance scientific research thus proving dinosaurs had feathers.
2. Feed some filthy negroid whom probably doesn't even know world history past yesterday.
facts are not relevant when these ones get fixated on the evil whitey demagogue
identity politics are fucking cancer
Why did you block her name polack troll?
OP please tell me you did
Not gonna lie guys former paleontologist here. But I'm disgusted at this, she's right you know. Spending 8 years of my life in education to have a glimmer of hope to piece together the world and humanity has been wasted. I'm quitting on Monday morning and I'm joining black lives matters. I'm out PEACE.
A Chinese dude found that at a market, likely on his own time.
And the dirt-poor guy that dug it up sure didn't cost any government "millions"
All experts agree that dollar fifty would be better put into a charity fund to help the black dude rather than given to him directly. It will be misused if given directly.
White people are the number one most charitable race.
No she's not. Block and unfollow people that write like this.
that's because black people are like rats and don't really matter.
Only if you value human life super highly, which I personally don't seeing as how there are 7 billion of us. The health of the individual is unimportant compared to the intellectual production of the whole.
Increasing knowledge of the past is important.
Saving a batshit crazy ghetto bum, not so much.
This is called "Monomania" - she sees a paleontologist who did a good job and is immediately reminded of what? black people being oppressed. It's a mental infirmity, just the same way that a crazed evangelical christian would see this artifact and immediately think that it's a devil's trick to trick people into thinking evolution is real.
Dead dinosaur tail matters more than thousands of niggers
>hiroshima top
>gothic architecture
>hiroshima bottom
>literally some city in south africa
i wish people would at least bother to post factual memes
I'm all up for helping people out but these people who ask for handouts usually end up taking your generosity and spending it on bad stuff. Or sometimes it's already well off person playing the part of a homeless person for a quick buck. Granted a few are thankful but it really in the end should be the governments responsibility to sort them out and get them back into society.
No only that people barely make enough to support themselves and there family.
Fucking this..
>killing the godtard softly through science
>not more important that gib'n nigs more dats
She's right. Dinosaurs are gay and space exploration is a waste of money.
This mentality is the exact fucking reason niggers cant advance as a civilisation alone
So those (((scientists))) will have me believe the dinosaur's tail is as thick as an ant is long?
Ten years. Just ten years ago this would have been seen as heavyhanded satire. Now it's reality. Holy Christ, I want out.
Dinosaurs and scientific discoveries are interesting, exciting and sought-after. Who gives a damn if Tyrone is freezing to death. Even if Tyrone survives on gibs he will still be aesthetically unpleasant in a civilised society.
lol how selfish of us with our academic scientific pursuits I forgot we need to feed cloth and wipe the ass of every shitstain on this planet
Choose one.
The woman who wrote that post could skip paying for internet, cell service, rent, food, gas, etc etc etc and give it to a freezing nigger this christmas. But she doesn't. I guess its because all black people are evil oppressive DEVILS
>whites people are bad
Why does it have to be a POC? And is she ignoring the fact that whites are the most charitable race, by far.
I would rather have dinosaurs back on this earth than black people, so...bravo paleontologists
I would give my entire life's savings in a heartbeat to send them all back.
Dinos > niggers
>that giant ant with huge, spindly legs
What if all alien races had the same problem and that's why we can talk to them?
Like they could've had the capacity to reach the stars but instead they had to feed their own niggers?
Imagine that every time someone invested in space research some green cuck alien journalists says that there's still poverty in the purple majority regions of the planet.
I don't care if Blacks go extinct. They're actively making my streets uglier, and I hope they freeze to death. I give money to homeless white people.
I care more about discovering the world than give charity to people who have proven themselves to only do it harm.
Bla-bla gibs bla-bla.
Earn it yourself nigger.
You gonna be waiting for handouts all your life.
> Lida Xing
Sounds very white
>whites are the most charitable race
And we've fucked up. Time to cut this off at the ground and let the niggers and spics die out.
>only white people can be archaeologists
What I like most about that idiotic mob is they're being inherently more racist than the majority of white people have ever been
yeah i wish op would have shown the name so we could take a collective dump on that cunt
>mad because you think you are entitled to the money of someone else
I would much rather have my money go towards medical research or learning more about our planet than to give some nigger my pocket change so that they can go to the store and buy their shitty bottle of Boone's Farm and pass out in a dumpster.
white people are way more likely to spare change than niggers. that's why the niggers at gas stations looking for change/cigarettes in every city literally and almost exclusively target white people, bc there are suburban dipshit white liberals who fall for the "ayy im outta gas mang" scam
Curiosity has brought humanity so far.
Charity has always benefited from the development made possible by curiosity both are congruent.
But without curiosity charity is nothing.
How about no, we'll get this Dino's DNA, grow them and unleash them like hounds on niggers just to later kill the Dinos with feathers and make some damn good prehistoric KFC
It was found by a professor in the university of peking
Of course, I'd gladly give up scientific research and every advancement/discovery to babysit half a planet of ungrateful shitskins
I'd totally give up the indefinite survival of the human race amongst the stars because some niglet producing machine, welfare queen wants me to
racist ass bitch mofo!! white people and asian people also freeze on the street!
i am literally shaking.
If they'd found a 99 million year old frozen nigger in amber - i' d throw a $1,50 at him.
>win win
Well when we finally are able to copy their dna and clone Dinos we can get them to exterminate all the negroes so they won't be a problem anymore.
Why do you faggots censor the names of these people? You present it for our ridicule, yet you protect the idiots you expect us to laugh at?
The freezing (homeless) people on the street corner are usually white and the only people I see give money are white. My last encounter with a PoC panhandling I witnessed two hours later getting into the driver's seat of a brand new Buick.
Understanding is worth more then human life t b h
Science has shown that "whites" aren't people.
They are pre-human cave-beasts.
all money should be spent on more nigger gibs
>She's right. Dinosaurs are gay and space exploration is a waste of money.
>sample found at a market in Myanmar
>study carried out by Mrs Lida Xing
>carried out at the Chinese University of Geological Sciences
>dinosaurs have feathers
did they JUST 100% confirm this?
Where did blacks being the first humans come from, anyway?
>yfw bones in the ground are worth more than niggers
Maybe her kids wouldn't stave if she didn't eat all the food she buys for them.
The real question is,
Why does it have to be a white person helping the freezing PoC?
I mean, why didn't a black help another black that is freezing on the street.
There are probably black/asian or whatever scientists who are fucking excited about this. What a numpty.
This fucking post
fuck you starve
A fossilized dino turd is worth more than all past, current and potential black lives on this planet past combined.
Fucking Epic
dat nigger queen look like she ate all her kid food
btw me black
That's because the federal government takes 40% of our income and uses it for entitlement programs.
We all no longer feel a nees to help anyone ourselves because taxation has alleviated any moral imperative to be voluntarily altruistic.
I love it. We absolutely HAVE TO push the meme of "science versus social justice."
Anytime any scientific news breaks, there's got to be social justice pushback on how it doesn't help brown people or the funding should have gone to more LGBTBBQ bathrooms.
I work in academia and I have almost never seen this. More asians and poos than I can count though.
Only some dumb fuck bottom of the barrel human piece of shit could see this an immediately revert to some tribal ass bullshit like a fucking jungle monkey.
sheeeeyut! you think its worth more than all the artefacts in the new afro-american history museum in d.c.?
>Everything that upsets me is white people's fault
Well yeah but you get my point.
>be SJW
>campaign for non whites in academia
>scientific breakthrough happens
White people don't defend any other shit they've brought to this world.
They just let niggers destroy. Destroy destroy destroy. Why on earth would want to play with fire on this subject as well.
>On this weeks episode, we see if whites will defend science or let it be ruined
Woah shock science is ruined, didn't see that coming.
Thanks again niggers.
da fuq?? is this shit real?
Science is more important than nogs
Because of:
They won't help themselves because they're all the victims (apparently) and every single problem faced by the black community is (allegedly) the fault of the white man; therefore it's the white mans reaponisibility to fix the situation (somehow)
You either give the FB of the person who wrote that or you're a fucking nigger, Tyroneowieczaja
Why do racists always talk like white people are an organised group?
Jew agenda