America BTFO?

Is the future latinx?

Somebody spray paint a dirty Sanchez mustache on the woman.

I would tag the shit out of that

why do people act like women are so oppressed? they're literally a majority

>It's going nowhere
Not until the inevitable mass deporting back to your countries

America died a long time ago


> everyone who isnt white male is black

They say that they aren't going anywhere....

But all it takes is one Sup Forumstard to get into office and they're gone.

They are quite literally relying on the generosity of white people and assume it is a permanent thing, as if white people have never attempted ethnic cleansing before.

what can trump do about that??

if some country took the initiative to wipe out africa would anyone really complain?

The Chinese are being absolutely brutal to them and I don't hear much complaining.

I think recently there was a protest about working conditions in the mines the nogs were working in, and the Chinese managers just opened fire on them killing quite a few. They treat them little cattle.

>When they overplay their hand and normies backlash by electing Trump into office
Digging themselves deeper is not a smart strategy

>tfw the future belongs to latinxs

Just chuck a bucket of paint over it at night.

>tfw born into a failing utopian experiment that is about to enter an extended period of profound instability around the glboe

do niggers realize that mexicans are more racist then white americans? hmm. i remember that one mexican gang doing ethnic cleansing of niggers. was fun.

>niggers so stupid they think everyone who isn't white is black
>don't realize spics don't care about them and don't have white guilt cucks, either

When are we chasing them out of Africa.
I miss the time when America didn't tolerate any sort of expansionism from commies

im sure this is true, as far as welfare lines are concerned i mean

Spics, Chinks and Arabs all hate blacks tho

Blacks, hijabs, the Spanish language, and migrants are by definition not native


>Parking in the rear

Wait until they deal with the hostile wildlife first

What'a the fuckin' obsession with hijabs these days?


they hate everything to do with european culture they love anything that is an alternative

If I buy a car, I'm legally entitled to know all of the previous service work that's been done, so I can make a decision about whether I still want it or not. This apparently is not true for finding a new wife though, and people are allowed to lie about their SEX. Truly theses are the dark ages of man.