So sex change operations are getting more technologically advanced every day. I wouldn't be surprised if some day it becomes impossible to tell the difference between a man that went through a sex change and a real woman. Some day men might even be able to give birth. At what point do you personally think it is acceptable to call a man that went through a sex change a woman?
So sex change operations are getting more technologically advanced every day...
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literally never
You can't turn a mutilated ball sack into a gland. All of these procedures are purely cosmetic.
At what point do you personally think it is acceptable to call a man that went through a sex change a woman?
When XY can be transitioned into XX
Fucking disgusting.
You could hypothetically grow it with stem cells
When his chromosomes become XX and ne no longer needs tons of chemicals to not grow a full beard
Okay and what about all the testosterone the brain is telling the body to produce and the chromosones and all the other things that can't be changed which dictate someone's gender?
All you have to do is show a potential tranny a live sex change operation. They won't make it 30 seconds.
This shit is an abortion of science.
I don't think this will be possible for another 30 years or so, unless sex change operations are performed before puberty.