Climate change deniers get in here

Because i'm about to blow you the fuck off. Most of you won't even read the whole thing too.

In the last 650k years, Earth has gone through 7 periods of glacial advance and retreat. The last was 7k years ago, marking the end of the Ice Age.

CO2 was demonstrated to trap heat in the mid 19th century. In the course of the last 650k years, Earth atmospheric CO2 levels has never been above 300ppm, and we know that through mineral deposits, fossils, and arctic ice leaving telltale predictable signs of how much CO2 must have been in the air at the time. Today, CO2 is over 400ppm. Not only have we kept fantastic records pre-industrial revolution, especially the Swedes for centuries, but arctic ice has acted as a more recent history of the last several dozen centuries. CO2 levels has been growing at unprecedented rates and achieving levels higher than we've ever known to occur that wasn't in the wake of planetary disaster and mass extinction. It follows that if CO2 traps heat, and there's more CO2 in the atmosphere than ever before, it's going to trap more heat than ever before.

Sea levels are rising. 17cm over the last century. The last decade alone has seen twice the rise of the previous century. So not only are the oceans rising, but the rate of rise is increasing exponentially.

The Earth's average temperature has increased since 1880, most of that has been in the last 35 years. 15 of the 16 hottest years have been since 2001. We're in a period of solar decline, where the output of the sun cycles every 11 or so years. Despite the sun putting out less energy, the average continues to rise and in 2015 the Earth's average was 1C hotter on average than in 1890. That doesn't sound like much, but if we go some 0.7C hotter, we'll match the age of the dinosaurs when the whole planet was a tropical jungle. That's not a good thing.

Other urls found in this thread: is Ocean Acidification? Acidification

lmfao niqqa you retarded or some shit

The ice caps are losing mass. While we've seen cycles of recession and growth, you have to consider ice is more than area, it's also thickness and density. Yes, we've seen big sheets of ice form, but A) they didn't stay, and B) how thick were they? Greenland has lost 60 cubic miles of ice and Antarctica has lost at least 30 cubic miles, both in the last decade. Greenland is not denying global warming, they're feverishly building ports to poise themselves as one of the most valuable ocean trading hubs in the world as the northern pass is opening, and it's projected you'll be able to sail across the north pole, a place you can currently stand, year-round.

Glacier ice is retreating all over the world, in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa.

The number of unprecedented intense weather events has been increasing since 1950 in the US. The number of record highs has been increasing, and record lows decreasing.

The ocean absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. CO2 and water makes carbonic acid, - seltzer water! The oceans are 30% more acidic since the industrial revolution. 93% of The Great Barrier Reef has been bleeched and 22% and rising is dead as a consequence. The ocean currently absorbs 9.3 billion tons of CO2 a year and is currently absorbing an additional 2 billion tons annually. Not because the ocean is suddenly getting better at it, but because there's more saturation in the atmosphere.

Fuck off anti-human scum

Yeah I saw this on reddit today too, go kill yourself.

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers, p. 5

B.D. Santer, “A search for human influences on the thermal structure of the atmosphere,” Nature vol 382, 4 July 1996, 39-46

Gabriele C. Hegerl, “Detecting Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climate Change with an Optimal Fingerprint Method,” Journal of Climate, v. 9, October 1996, 2281-2306

V. Ramaswamy, “Anthropogenic and Natural Influences in the Evolution of Lower Stratospheric Cooling,” Science 311 (24 February 2006), 1138-1141

B.D. Santer, “Contributions of Anthropogenic and Natural Forcing to Recent Tropopause Height Changes,” Science vol. 301 (25 July 2003), 479-483.

In the 1860s, physicist John Tyndall recognized the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the atmospheric composition could bring about climatic variations. In 1896, a seminal paper by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first predicted that changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could substantially alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect.

National Research Council (NRC), 2006. Surface Temperature Reconstructions For the Last 2,000 Years. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.

Church, J. A. and N.J. White (2006), A 20th century acceleration in global sea level rise, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L01602, doi:10.1029/2005GL024826.

The global sea level estimate described in this work can be downloaded from the CSIRO website.
T.C. Peterson, "State of the Climate in 2008," Special Supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, v. 90, no. 8, August 2009, pp. S17-S18.

I. Allison, The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Updating the World on the Latest Climate Science, UNSW Climate Change Research Center, Sydney, Australia, 2009, p. 11 01apr_deepsolarminimum.htm

Levitus, et al, "Global ocean heat content 1955–2008 in light of recently revealed instrumentation problems," Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, L07608 (2009).

L. Polyak,, “History of Sea Ice in the Arctic,” in Past Climate Variability and Change in the Arctic and at High Latitudes, U.S. Geological Survey, Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.2, January 2009, chapter 7

R. Kwok and D. A. Rothrock, “Decline in Arctic sea ice thickness from submarine and ICESAT records: 1958-2008,” Geophysical Research Letters, v. 36, paper no. L15501, 2009

National Snow and Ice Data Center

World Glacier Monitoring Service is Ocean Acidification? Acidification

C. L. Sabine, “The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2,” Science vol. 305 (16 July 2004), 367-371

Copenhagen Diagnosis, p. 36.

National Snow and Ice Data Center

C. Derksen and R. Brown, "Spring snow cover extent reductions in the 2008-2012 period exceeding climate model projections," GRL, 39:L19504

Rutgers University Global Snow Lab, Data History Accessed August 29, 2011.

Well retards? Those greedy scientists sure are evil huh? Not like your good friends the coal, oil, and natural gas industries!

>Since 1880
How about we look at a longer time period there buddo?

>the last glacial period was 7,000 years agono, technically we're still in ak ice age/glaciation.

Let me sum up the global warming hoax in a few words:

Earth warms means more clouds
More clouds means earth albedo rises
More heat deflected away from earth
Earth cools
Rinse and repeat ad nauseum

It's a self balancing system you fucking faggots

thank you warm weather for allowing us to output more CO2

God "man made climate change" is so cringe worthy. I really cant decide which is worse Eco faggots or "muh singularity/Elon's going to turn us into Star Trek" types.

>Muh oil industry

Do you even realize that your shitty ford focus has more impact on climate then whole chinese industry?

China/India builds a coal plant per day, but im supposed to freeze my ass off in the winter and pay some bs carbon tax to make absolutely no difference to the planet. Even better is that jews get to make money from trading literal air on "carbon exchanges" every time my furnace kicks in. Sounds legit.

>if we go some 0.7C hotter, we'll match the age of the dinosaurs when the whole planet was a tropical jungle

that's not true tho

be consistent and truthful and you might win some people over

>molymemes lmao

>climate change deniers get in here
>Because i'm about to blow you the fuck off.
it's "blow the fuck out"
>Most of you won't even read the whole thing too.
then why bother
>In the last 650k years, Earth has gone through 7 periods of glacial advance and retreat. The last was 7k years ago, marking the end of the Ice Age.

I do not deny climate change, but co2 is great for agriculture and rising temperatures will help solve the energy crysis. What's not to love? Gw has done more good than harm, so far. Also, amplification is a bullsgit idea pulled from someone's ass.

clouds trap more heat than they deflect dumbass

You mean when the continents were in vastly different orientations (meaning the oceans and thus the entire mechanism for distributing heat evenly across the planet was completely unique to the situation we have today), along with the vastly different types and quantities of organisms present on the planet at those times, compared to now?

One fucking degree.

sea levels have risen 1.5 cm in the last 100 years. Is there any evidence that sea levels have changed by a foot, or anthing close, in a 100 year span?

Do climate change deniers not realize that oil is a limited resource? So what if it doesn't cause climate change, we still need renewable energy if we're going to survive

he got this from reddit ELI5, btw, I saw the post

Black tar asphalt absorbs more solar radiation than CO2 emissions ever will.

Fuck off.

> i'm about to blow you the fuck off.

*unzips dick*

All that sounds just awful, but it just shows how smart man is.

The volume of the troposphere is 7.7 billion cubic km, the volume of the oceans is 1.3 trillion cubic km, and the area of the land mass is 510 sq km, and we can measure the avg. temp of all this to an accuracy of 1 degree over 136 years from 1880 to now. Do you realize how absurd this assumption is?

CO2 concentration is not a limiting factor for plant growth, therefore is not "great" for agriculture, dumbass

>CO2 was demonstrated to trap heat in the mid 19th century

really? who measured that?

>Earth atmospheric CO2 levels has never been above 300ppm, and we know that through mineral deposits, fossils, and arctic ice leaving telltale predictable signs of how much CO2

No we know what CO2 levels were in the core samples taken in the locations they were taken..and the method to determine this is still suspect

I am done refuting your junk science you flat earth chicken little zealot faggot

Envirotards are worse than scientologists

Technology is changing faster than climate.

> numbers are big, so we can't measure them

just die


Lmao no you fucking faggot, they don't. Have you ever seen a cloud? It's fucking white. It reflects the whole visible spectrum.


We are just ending an ice age and will warm up to the point where there are no polar ice caps anymore.

The only solution is to not be a fucktard who lives near the beach. Google what it will look like when all the ice melts. Move somewhere smart. Buy a gun. Forgot about this "climate change" shit.

>Blow you the fuck off
>OP is a fag

This checks out.

Look man. Idk what to believe. There are logical arguments on both sides, for and against, global climate change. And the people who keep pushing it tend to be the businesses that benefit from the idea 9f global climate change. All I want to do is drive my truck in peace

But that doesn't explain why these people are so afraid renewable energy

"We must stop global warming"

*the globe stops warming*

"Uh..... we must stop climate change!"

Global warming/climate change (or whatever they're calling it today) is a hoax in the sense that it is NOT man-made (like they say it is). Earth has been going through NATURAL CYCLES of warming and cooling SINCE ITS BIRTH. Furthermore, ALL of the planets in the Solar System are warming up right now. This does NOT mean that pollution does not exist, because it DOES. I am NOT pro-pollution. In fact, I am VERY ANTI-POLLUTION. It's just that I REALISE that a carbon tax is NOT going to stop pollution (and so do they). Free energy exists EVERYWHERE IN UNLIMITED QUANTITIES (like Tesla said) and it is COMPLETELY CLEAN. They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it.

Either I simply don't give a fuck

>The number of unprecedented intense weather events has been increasing since 1950 in the US.
And the last major hurricane happened when, 2005?


Well there have been nine seperate investigations into it all of which cleared the scientists of any wrongdoing

compared to the people who keep denying it, who tend to be the businesses that benefit from oil sales and environmental exploitation

>won't read the whole thing

Plagiarism is a sin faggot.
Put the reddit source in a post.

Here's a science paper that's been cited over by 5,000 other scientific papers

Your answer is in there. Read up dumbfuck

took 2 seconds to google

No, it's really not

Either way*


Exactly. We must stop cock-blocking nuclear


>“[T]he 1079 emails and 72 documents seem indeed evidence of a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory - a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science. […] emails suggesting conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.” (Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun)

>emails suggesting conspiracy
>manipulation of data
maybe OP is too young to remember climategate

he does

Yes I cant understand why everyone doesnt want to pay tripple for less effective means of running society and their lives without wide sread supporting infrastructure. Its almost like they are more invested in themselves and family than some future anons who may or may not be born. Real head scratcher.

Thanks for not disagreeimg. I have no problem with it. You assume too much. People hate bullshit excuse's to put in centralized bureucracy and legislation.

> denying because no sources

you really are just a bunch of lazy fucks aren't you

You mean where a bunch of Fox News retards took normal emails between scientists and spun them out of context, exaggerated them and then convinced rednecks that they show some kind of massive conspiracy?

It doesnt even matter if climate change is real or not. Per capita (((emissions))) in the west have been declining for years. The vast majority of the growth in CO2 (((emissions))) is comming from countries that straight up dont give a fuck, and would cheat on any climate targets anyway.

All growth in (((emissions))) in the west is from immigration. If fuckhead politicians actually cared about anything more than taking more of your money for bs reasons, they could imediately reduce all growth overnight by stopping the endless brown hoards. Instead, they stick the global warming cock down your throat and gag you until you beg for more taxes.

>earth is billions of years old
>were dying cause mah 650k years

Two quick things. Prior to the crussaceaus period CO2 levels were triple whay they are today.

In 1880 we were ending a global ice age. Of course the planet has been warming up.

The R2 value for correlating CO2 and temperature changes is only about 0.41. That means the majority of factors contributing to increaaing temp are not increases kn CO2

Bs. Co2 is the only thing we can't cheaply give to our plants; we got them covered with water and fertilizers, it's just co2 that they have to get on their own. Don't you ever feel bad about lying?

Oh good, I found the thread for shitposting.

that's exactly right. you can't accurately measure the temp of 7.7 billion cubic km of atmosphere with 7000 weather stations mostly grouped in North America and Western Europe. That is one station per 1.1 million cubic km, if the stations were equally spread out through the atmosphere, which they are not. And to pretend that we know what the avg temp of the earth was 136 years ago when there practically no stations is just pure lunacy. It's all a fantasy to promote global socialism, nothing more.

Not an arguement

Right, we can just wait for the trillions of cubic meters' worth of algae and plants to die and be subjected to a couple hundred thousand of years of heat and crushing pressure, for them to be made into oil for us. Just a couple hundred thousand years.

As I always say when this argument comes up, what is your solution?

Trump knew Truth on 911
Global Hoaxing

Cherry picking... the thread.

Show me rock solid evidence that globalist political policy will undeniably improve outcomes for humans... or stuff every single one of these charts into your yawning chasm of a jellyhole

Hurricanes are not unprecedented intense weather events in the same sense as a major drought.

Here are 4 posts worth of sources since you were too dumb to read as I predicted.
Just remember Sup Forums, when you say it's a hoax by greedy scientists remember the people pushing climate change denial have a lot more profit to lose than what the scientists can make.

>Show me rock solid evidence that globalist political policy will undeniably improve outcomes for humans


I have a better Idea, lets just kill everyone in Africa, India, and China: CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUE SOLVED

Nice try, but those dickheads admitted to changing data, which can be seen by comparing historic date to charts recently produced. The 1930's were the warmest decade of the last 100 years and those IPCC solved that by lowering the temps of the thirties and raising the recent temps. The whole system is fraught with fraud, as the IPCC policy makers revealed in their emails. It's common knowledge they "adjust" data to try to make observations fit their ridiculous climate models that predicted much higher temps than we are seeing.

Ever played age of empires? Before moving on to farm you consume all the nonrenewable resources, that way you're better set up to exploit the renewables which are more expensive and less efficient. We have centuries to go on fossil fuels, why cripple ourselves now? We're not ready yet, this is going to kill a lot of people. That's what it comes down to, isn't it? Gw is just an excuse to kill people.

>Prior to the crussaceaus period CO2 levels were triple whay they are today
Did humans exist during that time?
Humans evolved to exist in conditions where CO2 levels are about ~300 PPM

You mean the same scandal that had penn state investigate itself which is the same penn state that found Sandusky did nothing wrong. K. Got it. You're a simple mind to fool.


>be consistent and truthful and you might win some people over
But that's a fucking lie. The only thing that will convince you worthless pieces of shit is a Blue Ocean event, and by then its too late and we're all going to fucking die.

>Just remember Sup Forums, when you say it's a hoax by greedy scientists remember the people pushing climate change denial have a lot more profit to lose than what the scientists can make.

>when you say it's a haox

Except most of Sup Forums argues either that

A) It is isn't man made or it isn't a single factor


B) The Solutions proposed so far are unrealistic methods designed to create international wealth redistribution.

You just killed that man, Australia!

>but those dickheads admitted to changing data

And our Government got caught doing the same thing, your point?

This too

>You're a simple mind to fool
No faggot, I actually read the emails. They show no wrong doing. It was a bunch of scientists talking about how some of their predictions were off, and how to improve future predictions.

Well then Humans better fucking adapt.

>Just remember Sup Forums, when you say it's a hoax by greedy scientists remember the people pushing climate change denial have a lot more profit to lose than what the scientists can make.

Who is Al Gore and what is Occidental Petroleum?

>Nice try, but those dickheads admitted to changing data,
Yeah, I know you kind of have to. If you want to account for the realities and difficulties of measuring climate such as changes in instrumentation, location of station and local artificial effects you have to homogenise the data. We know this works because when compared to controlled reference stations out adjusted data almost perfectly matches up

So what is your solution?

You meme magicked Rotten Robbie into pancreatic cancer with this image you fuck

Not to mention the stations are located by airports which are largely asphalt. Satellite data can only be trusted but that has only started recently

The sky is FALLING!

t. Social and cultural scientist with NO POLITICAL AGENDA ;^))))))

>mfw this bread

It's "Blow You The Fuck OUT"

Not off.

Yeah, Al Gore isn't doing anyone who believes in Climate Change any favors by saying shit like the seas will flood NYC by 2010

Since 1994 the US has given these moron global alarmist 165 billion dollars to spread this shit. That is about to come to an abrupt end though because Trump is going to stop funding it. When the money dries up all these "studies" will dry up too.

This too

Read up on it brainlet. Heat =/= light

It's a redditor, are you so surprised?

>Saving the planet

Jesus Christ, why won't OP respond to my posts even though I have asked him valid points?

Redditors obviously can't handle arguments that fuck with their narrative.


Not wrong, the decade of the thirties had more days over 90 degrees than any decade since. The most reliable temp data we have is satellite data which shows cooling since 1998. Last year was the coldest year on record for much of northern europe. We are starting to see more incursions of polar air masses into southern climes, in fact we are in the middle of one at the moment.

About that, who are the people pushing climate change denial and what is it they will lose?

Climate change is real. It's Planet X, Nibiru, Wormwood, The Destroyer etc. that is actually causing it.