>The one thing that appears to have preoccupied the former Secretary of State is the proliferation of so-called "fake news", a phenomenon she called an "epidemic."
>"This is not about politics or partisanship. Lives are at risk, lives of ordinary people just trying to go about their days to do their jobs, contribute to their communities," Clinton said. "It is a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly."
>"It is imperative that leaders in both the private and pubic sector step up to protect our democracy and innocent lives," Clinton said.
>And just like that, we know that according to Hillary Clinton, the biggest threat to "American democracy and innocent lives" are a few websites that refuse to be PR tools for whatever the establishment at any given moment is.
>Doesn't say a thing when protesters are destroying government property and putting themselves in harm's way.
>Suddenly a citizen investigation is concerning enough for her to come out and give this speech.
She sure got priorities >"We now know 'fake-news' can have real consequences"
>"We now know 'fake-news' can have real consequences" Like saying you have a 99% chance of winning the election and nobody in the media questioning it.
Hunter Ortiz
but putin hacked it
Jeremiah Phillips
I get physically ill when I hear Clinton or Warren screech.
Ethan Smith
losing (again) has really done a number on her
Logan Price
I can't wait until she goes to prison.
Isaac Barnes
>Queen bee of attempting to sweep scandals under the rug >don't believe the Wikileaks goiym they're just as fake as those crazy conspiracy theories like pizzagate
There's a lot of fake news out there, but the vast majority of it is just harmless Facebook spam. The rapid, sudden surge in pushback against "fake news," aka any news beyond the MSM/approved narrative tells us that the powers that be are legitimately afraid of losing their grip on the public mind.
Adrian Long
"Fake news" is up there with "freedom fries" on the list of worst propaganda phrases in history. It's like whoever came up with it *wanted* people to mock it and turn it right back on the msm.
Eli Miller
You're going to war with Iran for your Jewish overlords, nigger.