How do we clean colleges of the SJW establishment problem?

How do we clean colleges of the SJW establishment problem?

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Make them gun-free zones.

DO what Trump is going to do and cut funding to these cucks until they lower tuition and stop censoring free speech


Universities are a lost cause for the most part, we should be improving community colleges and rehabilitating their image. Also, publicly funded universities need to rein in their liberal arts departments. No one should be able to major in gender studies. Engineering students should not be required to take classes in literature.

This solves the cost problem, but doesn't clear out the leftists.

That requires helicopters.

Stop mainstream media identity politics bullshit.

Make 'The purge' a real thing

stop giving scholarships to minorities and women for BS courses.

>Universities are a lost cause for the most part, we should be improving community colleges and rehabilitating their image.

Agreed. Also, maybe we revive the Trade School concept for a wider range of jobs; it's possible that a lot of stuff doesn't really require a full college 'education'.

>Also, publicly funded universities need to rein in their liberal arts departments.

This goes without saying. Also, slash pointless administration positions (diversity officers).

>Engineering students should not be required to take classes in literature.

As an engineer who can actually write pretty well, I second this. I don't want to lose my edge.