>black woman chosen to be the face of the new Canadian $10 bill.
Hailed as a "black activist" she will be replacing the first prime minister of Canada and the founder of Canadian confederation.
Viola Desmond is not known by anyone for anything ever. She is a rich 1/4th black woman who defied a theater by sitting in the white section 60+ years ago. She was held in jail for 10 hours and then all charges were dropped. A paper picked it up at the time and around then racial segregation was going out of popularity.
She never did anything besides that one event.
She is now the face of the Canadian 10$ bill to be replacing our founder of confederation in order to promote diversity.
Canada has a 2% black population and slavery was pretty much never a thing here due to harsh winters.
Canada also has a >15% asian population but I never see any Asians being paraded around.
Instead we get a 1/4th black "activist" who's only contribution was getting wrongly sent to jail for 10 hours for sitting in a whites only section during the 40s (they later apologised). And she is replacing the founder of Canadian confederation on one of our most popular banknotes (the 10)
The Liberals are never going to get re-elected after this. Amazing how a government can get practically NOTHING meaningful done and STILL do ridiculous amounts of damage.
Logan Mitchell
Canada NO!
Ian Anderson
I think I actually am understanding the time period of the 60s. Some nigger thought "Hey I'm going to be famous if I violate the law!" like every SJW dreams and she did it. 'm sure most niggers werent looking for trouble and the white people just wanted to see a play but some SJW nigger had to nigger howl and literally not sitting in an assigned seat (all theater seats have rows and numbers)
Fuckin SJWs
Hudson Hernandez
It absolutely boggles my mind how anyone could consider what she did as a banknote worthy.
To me this feels like a piggybacks off the BLM movement, something which legit has nothing to do with Canada.
African Canadians are almost all from islands like Jamaica and Haiti, there was no mass slavery, there's no history of oppression.
I really don't understand why they are pushing this "she fought the evil whitey" narrative. At least put a native or leader of industry or some shit. She legit did nothing.
Caleb Scott
>Niggers actually using brains
>Canadian niggers
Fuckin canadians
Easton Roberts
>At least put a native
There was some leftists upset about this on /r/Canada. I hope it causes a rift among them.
Jonathan Sanchez
I push my fingers into my FRIIIIIES
Just fuck my poutine up senpai
Wyatt Adams
>slavery was pretty much never a thing here due to harsh winters. >Canadians actually believe this
Many of the Northern US states abolished slavery before Canada did. Many blacks fled to the US from Canada because of this.
Isaiah Jenkins
>Canada also has a >15% asian population but I never see any Asians being paraded around.