What's Sup Forums's response to this image?
What's Sup Forums's response to this image?
How exactly do the white working class benefit from immigration to lower their wages and affirmative action?
Why do all the upper-class types vote leftist, then, and how is Obongo taking their money and giving it to niggers in their economic interests?
>maybe if I insult them more and keep calling them retarded racists who don't know what their own best interests are they will finally vote for me
>liberal """""logic"""""
I'm middle class and I don't feel entitled to the money of those who are wealthier than me. Likewise, I don't think that unskilled workers and NEETS are entitled to my money.
>It's another "you made a mistake" episode.
Cheaper labor operating costs allows companies to expand and create more in demand middle class jobs.
I don't really care either way.
If you want cheaper labor costs, lower the minimum wage, don't import people to work below minimum wage illegally.
Perfect representation of cognitive dissonance and why blue collar voters are fucktards. I live in America, and I have traveled all over, and I can tell you with 100% confidence that at least 40% of American are absolutely 85 IQ autists, but I am pretty sure they vote.
>implying you haven't made this thread 5 times already to promote your shitty OC
>muh IQ
Remind again which party is the party of niggers and spics?
>we know what's best for you economically, so you have to put up with all the racist abuse we hurl your way, and keep your mouth shut as we flood your country with foreign cultures and give minorities more rights than you
At last I truly see, sorry for betraying you benevolent liberal overlords.
Fuck off back to your liberal shithole niggerlovers.
>if everyone went to college then everyone would make good money
Liberal "logic"
>Raise taxes
>Propose tax breaks that are out of reach for the poor (carbon credit, good luck cashing in your 1000 acres poors)
>Says Republicans help rich
Leftists can't wait until 100% tax rate with out of reach BS environmental/SJW tax loopholes for the rich, because somehow that'll help them.
god, the left is so good at blurring the issue and turning things around on itself
look at me
i can post things from social media too
lulz to be had within 4 years.
>gosh I will be so old then..
Holy fuck you are wrong.
I would rather be poor in Poland with no assistance from the state than live in American public housing surrounded by niggers. The whole idea that poor whites are being dumb for not wanting to suckle the welfare teat is the worst thing about Democrats.
I think that Republicans hurt the lower and middle class far more than "foreigners, minorities, women, socials, gays and liberals" but the wealthy vote republican to protect their own wealth and business interests. Republican politicians don't care about hiding their intentions or deceiving people, they just understand that if they say this, promise that, or do that other thing they will retain (or increase) the political power to protect their interests.
So yes, lower class republicans vote against their best interests. But wealthy republicans are just taking advantage of this as any pragmatic person would.
Also, I'm not a Trump voter but I don't think Trump is a typical republican out to make money by using politics to take advantage of idiots, so his face shouldn't be used in OP's image.
That's a good question for Trump
>I think that Republicans hurt the lower and middle class far more than "foreigners, minorities, women, socials, gays and liberals" but the wealthy vote republican to protect their own wealth and business interests.
Exactly. Republicans kill jobs like no other.
See that red at the beginning of the chart? That's what Trump is gunna bring America back to.
>Literally never lived in a shit country
No you wouldn't, and the only way you'll end up living next to 100% nignog neighbors is if you're both lazy and retarded, therefore deserving it.
Retards that never took an economics class detected. If your operating costs at the ground level are lower it frees up money to expand your business, common fucking sense.
>billionaires don't have enough money!
right wing retards actually believe this
Probably the same thing when this image was posted in the same 20 threads.
Go back to freshman year economics leaf.