Trumpets Live in a Bubble

This whole election you guy have been telling us liberals lived in a bubble but facts seem to show Trump supporters live in a massive echo-chamber while liberals are willing to hear from anyone.

Why is this?

Other urls found in this thread:

You realize the reason Hillary supporters don't interact with Trump supportrrs is because Hillary supporters block everybody that supports Trump right?

They live in a social media bubble but they're exposed to the Hillary propaganda shit every time they turn on the TV.

The Hitlery clowns have their own online bubbles but follow Trump on social media because he's must read. Simple.


Fake News


Liberals control a wide range of media outlets and also fake academia. These places are attention whores.

Conservatives dominate business, the military, and serious academia. These institutions are not tweet-happy little faggots.

>ban or block twitter accounts that support right-wingers
>people make dummy accounts to only follow their politicians and not get their real account b&
Go fuck yourself immigrated leaf

Maybe it's because the entire MSM is behind Hillary.

>Conservatives dominate business, the military, and serious academia.

What? Maybe small businesses and probably the military, but what 'Serious academia'?


OP is part of the Russian fake news epidemic. Someone post the link to report fake news.