Trump to name Golman Sachs president Gary Cohn to key economi advisory position. You guys starting to feel retarded yet? #draintheswamp
Trump to name Golman Sachs president Gary Cohn to key economi advisory position. You guys starting to feel retarded yet...
For the record I'm not mad, this is actually great for my investments.
But if you really thought Trump would be any better or even different, you're probably retarded.
>B-b-buh $hillery!
Try again, Hillary didn't have anything to do with Trumps picks.
gotta have some insiders to find the plug that drains the swamp.
t. jew york times
Name a good advisor that hasn't worked for a bank ever
You can't. Bankers know a lot about fiscal and monetary policies and macroeconomics in general. But investment bankers have started to accumulate a lot of wealth, whereas bankers of the past had quite modest incomes. This is where the bitterness stems from really
His cabinet is like a third GS affiliates, the swamp isn't going anywhere.
What does this even mean? This is Trumps pick, not propaganda.
This is a really hypocritical pivot from #draintheswamp
Yeah and he probably said to them,
"Ok you fucking caused this problem. You get us out of it. I'm here to help. I want a report on how you are going to do it the day after I'm sworn in or so help me God you are all going back to Israel without a penny to your name."
I bet he said something like that...
Ahahahahaha, you honestly think he would have that sort of power over (((them)))? You're delusional.
This is the most autistic post I've seen all day
Or perhaps he said he'd send their kids to the Hillary's friends, the pedos in Saudia Arabia. Now that would be a threat.
kek, Trump's cabinet is filthy rich. McMahon, Ross, Puzder, Cohn, DeVos all above 1B or close to it. Mnuchin, Carson - multimillionaires.
>economic advisory position
Wow, its nothing
My autism knows no bounds.
> the stakes are too high. Time to geter done
It's harder to buy off Billionaires at least.
Is there something about every single rich person I need to know?
Also still better than Clintons entering the white house "broke" and leaving millionaires/billionaires.
Not wrong in economic position.
I probably pick people that connect to economy the most if i'm president.
trump owns goldman sachs now.
reminder that we bring down trump if he backstabs us.
>nothing is confirmed yet
>ignores all the other poistion picks
Ok fag...
*kills self*
You all got fucking played by this con man, and you're too damn stupid to see it. Joke of the year, sad.
He drained of career politicians not business leaders tard.
the swamp just got 3 feet deeper!
The attempt must be made. 20T in debt is not a delusion. It is reality that must be dealt with and quickly. The damage oblamma has done boarders on treason.
does Don owe Goldman Sachs money btw?
>Trump ever hating Goldman Sachs
nice meme
Anyone with half a brain knows he's just trying to appeal to crazy old people
Yes goys, he's a con man. Elect Merkel 2.0 and continue the flood of illegals into your country. Think there will be fun in Denmark this time on new years?
>You guys starting to feel retarded yet?
Only because I clicked on this thread.
It's honestly hilarious watching you all pivot and squirm to try and defend a man who is showing he gives fuck all about you.
Always get the customary sour grapes from the Germans, Swedes, and Canadians
As a socialis I am extremely excited for all this. When they start slashing programs millions need and destroy medicare we will be able to run a far left socialist and easily win because Trump will have motivated and greatly enlarged the poor needing non existent gov. services.
his is great. They are gonna create a backlash that will give the left a lrge, hungry voting demo to exploit. Keep it up Trump; with any luck the economy will also crash
>but Hillary!
>it's a pol does mental gymnastics episode
>b-but Hillary
Not an argument
Do you actually believe this? When we're a year into Trump's conventional right-wing corporatist administration and his banker and CEO buddies are coming up with new ways to rob you blind, will you think that he's your Great White Hope to fulfill all of Sup Forums's dreams?
So what were we supposed to do? Vote for Clinton? Was she the better choice for people who hated Goldman Sachs?
Don even orry; the backlash they are creating is gonna be amazing. They won because of old white people who wioll be dead before long. They daily grow weaker and or side full of young minorities gets stronger.Trump barely squeaked this out nd once he starts slashing food stamps and helthcare there will be millions of voters we can give out benefits to in 2020.
Trump i the best thing to ever happen to socialism in AMerica He will go blind with greed and be the nail in the coffin of free market capitalism, thank god.
>Take the best of Jewish assets to work for you
I dont think this is a problem. Its like head-hunting a player from another rival team. And taking the fact GS is one of the best Jewish owned business dealing with huge investments, markets and law... Prepare you ass for something more aggresive than canceling a 6 billion airplane.
Shit is going to be ugly for lobbyist and corrupted companies leeching from the public taxes.
>does this shit have gains returns?
>then its gone
>but its not about money, its a social program to feed the poor black people
>do they pay taxes?
>do they work?
>mostly not at will
>do they reproduce?
>at a 12yo spawn
>david, give te exponential grow and predicted cost of fighting "poverty"
Pass the excel
>holy shit, it HAS to go now where do I sign to stop this shekel leak? OY VEY
>implying rato wouldn't be doing the same shit
The thing is who exactly is he going to appoint? All the people qualified to be in these positions are all swamp kikes.
This would be a valid argument if this board wasn't shilling for Trump hard during the primaries. If this guy starts flip flopping it will be another 8 years of Democrats and you'll have nothing to show for his single term.
>You guys starting to feel retarded yet?
Not really.
When he starts to bomb middle-eastern countries for rich crony friends to plunder, decides to activate the TPP, when he starts warmongering against russia, and starts to persecute whistleblowers to his frankly criminal activities, THEN i will feel stupid.
Until he does any of those things, you will be a far greater useful idiot than Sup Forums ever was.
Now go eat shit. I hear billions of flies can't be wrong, therefore, poop is good. :^)
Keep your friends close and enemies closer
If it's a 4D chest move, it's so he can keep an eye on ((them))
yeah man you're totally right
how many lobbyists does trump have on his team now
probably at least a hundred lobbyists right?
Believe it or not, yes; Trump wanted deregulation of Wall Street and Hillary didn't.
I voted reluctantly for Hillary Clinton because I live in a swing state and because, despite my many reservations, she was much closer to me on the issues. But she sure as hell wasn't my first choice and I'm even a bit glad that the Clintons have been tossed into the dustbin of history.
Seriously becoming disillusioned with politics. A lot of these recent picks by Trump are being done because they're donors to him.
Again, do you actually believe this or is this desperate rationalization?
That's what he is already.
Cut out the middleman. Put the people who have manipulated government officials into public office where the actually have less power than they would normally.
Man, this is gonna be a banned say for the left when Trump and his asshole friends slash benefits and create a mass of poor people who want gov benefits.
As a leftist I cannot think of a better gift
doubting thomases
tell me how many lobbyists trump and pence have brought on board
Member when Trump opposed pay to play?
goldman sachs has a lot of smart people working for them. why is this strange? did you think he was going to appoint people off pol? nice try, shill.
Out of the top five best polling republicans in the primaries, who would've been the best choice for someone who wants to drain the swamp?
I loved the part where he spoke to world leaders on non-secure phone lines after criticizing Hillary for using a private email server.
>how many lobbyists does trump have on his team now
Because the ultra rich are greedy, untrustworthy people. Esp bankers.
Fuck off JIDF
Literally none. The only options for that were Sanders and Webb.
I feel like cognitive dissonance that Trump supporters, especially info wars is feeling, must be at insane levels. The global banking elite are literally being put into very important positions and no one is batting an eye. Im sure if Assange was still alive he would be taking some of these picks down a few pegs, especially given he has released Goldman Sachs emails in the past. This is some depressing shit, but not a peep from Alex Jones.
>Great White Hope
This. Donald Dumbfuck is literally corporatism plus racism.
Every single time he fucks up, I will remind Sup Forums that they could have had the most qualified person to ever run for President if they had just stopped shrieking about her gender. But no, bitter white men let Putin steal it for President Pussygrabber, and now LOOK where we are.
It could have been different, different, so fucking different...
>Puts him in his cabinet
>Now has direct government oversight of Goldman's President
Do you faggots even into 3D chess?
He is not hiring bankers but its workers asset. Its simple as football buying others or calling them to play for the national team.
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
People that are good with money tend to have worked at banks, Faggot OP.
Wheels are gonna come off this shit fast.
Have you completely forgotten the context? Look at Trump's history. He's flip flopping.
>le rich people are evil XD
Stay poor and starve yourself to death you dumb hobo.
>says he will appoint people who are good at business to key positions
>o-oh no, he's appointing people who are good at business!
Go suck their boots clean you spineless loser.
He has the memory of a goldfish and makes up facts to support whatever it is he wants at the time. Then he'll flip flop.
Fair enough, but anyone running against Clinton in the primaries was doomed from the start.
Rand or Carson.
Would people still be repeating this if he nominated a Saudi Prince for the supreme court?
You guys can't just blindly support everything Trump does
The funny thing is it kind of is a delusion. Debt isnt real in the national sense like that.
Here comes the "Sup Forums loves jews though!"
"Drain The Swamp" is referring to a specific 5-Point policy for reducing the power of lobbyists and imposing term limits on Congress. It never had anything to do with his cabinet positions. It's also something he can't actually get started on until he's sworn in.
You guys do realize that Obama is still the president, right?
I am sure you will be rich someday.
And I hope you people do slash food stamps, educaton and medicare so my side can march starving children and dyng grandparents nto the floor of congress and let you guys explain to a 5 year old on national television wy they should die.
I cant wait for Trump tp fuck this all up; if you thought the Obaa swing was something ait until the heavily white boomers start dying off and yo guys wont have the numbers to stop progress. In 4 years there will be 1.5 million fewer white boomer voters and 3 million more hispanics.
Cya Faggot, MAGA
I litterally don't care. Everything I did to help get trump elected, all the meme creation and meme spreading, time donated, money spent, and arguments with friends had, was for one reason and one reason alone. To completely and utteraly BTFO the left and its allies. I've accomplished this goal. This thread is iciing on the cake because I know shills like you are still feeling like you have a huge nigger dick in your ass so please, PLEASE keep feeding me that salt!!
This, and the daily reminder that the left does not care about facts.
Especially inconvenient facts.
I can tell you're a low IQ spic by the way you type
You'll be the first one into the trebuchet and back over the wall, Jose
Yeah, and right now he's trying to give India the F-16 program in its entirety.
Surely that won't bother Pakistan to have to buy its F-16's from India.
Surely. Good thing neither country is in the nuclear family though!
Aye, trump need do nothing else to have greatly pleased me, repaid all my efforts on his behalf, and give America some breathing room.
Rand wasn't in the top five (I asked for top five because I wanted people who actually had a chance.)
Carson has always seemed like an honest person with great character but I can't see how he would've been a better choice for swamp draining than Trump. IIRC he never made it a huge point to define himself as anti-establishment or anti-Goldman Sachs.
Some of his cabinet post picks have been very disappointing...others have been fantastic.
We shall see. I am cautiously optimistic, but am prepared for disappointment.
He has not yet even been sworn into office. I know that it's crazy, but I am going to withhold judgment until I see what he actually does as president.
It is amazing, however, that Goldman Sachs manages to spread its tendrils fucking everywhere.
Why the fuck not? Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and can't do?
You fucking idiot. Die in a grease fire.
I like Trump but it was downright hilarious seeing all his American poorfags seriously believe he was going to somehow help them.
lol Enjoy that shrinking population and the last ride of white male power. AGain, cant think you guys enuogh for the gift of Trump. It always swings back and after Trump when millions of those white boomers are in the dirt we can run V.I. Lenin and win.
OH, and arent we overdue for a recession? Looks like Obama left a little gift for Trump lol
You guys are gonna slash social programs right before an economic downturn and starve people. Oh god, this is going to be fantastic
good point if it was true.
the real truth is that once 30 million tacos get deported back to shithole mexico (litterally 10% of the population of the US), once whites start having more kids, which is happening, and once the generation z, which is the most concervative generation since WW2, even more conservative than boomers, are able to vote, you shitskins are fucked.
Protip: the trends are already moving away from you. We've dominated the last 2 elections and all signs point to dominating the next 2
if you thought Trump wouldn't be any different, you're probably retarded.