>american television
American television
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what is this shit
god culture is a sewer
Your point my nigga?
Don't watch tv.
Doesn't concern me.
It's what americans want to see apparently
WTF show is this? Looks like an HBO show.
Top kek. It's Sup Forums the show.
Look how satisfied she is
That's a white boy could never accomplished
Only superior long, black and hard as rock BBC shaft could stroke all the way down and make white girls has joy that she'd never have with others
God bless black male in America. They bring joys and happiness to white people
I really don't get what they're trying to accomplish here.
Are they trying to make a joke of the insult as if no one does the fetish in reality? Because it's that strange?
Same thing with the fat guy from tom goes to the mayor. This whole 'HO HO HO. I'M THE GREATEST KEK' thing.
It's just humiliating. And that's the whole point. So trying to rob it of its power just makes you look stupid.
jesus fucking christ, can (((they))) get any more obvious
whats the excuse this time? relax goys its just comedy?
They're trying to get us to ridicule and laugh at cucks. The show seems redpilled.
No they're not. They're pretending it's not a real thing that real people do.
wtf senpai. why are they showing interracial porn on national tv
I find it more enraging that a woman is OK with this. Imagine, you have a wife, she is ok for a few years, suddenly you have some health issues and get ED, then she tries to cuck you. I think I would beat the shit of her, no matter how much I loved her
I'm not sure how you're getting that. The comedy seems straight forward. We're supposed to laugh at the stupid cuck.
I mean isn't it mocking cuckholds like we do? It's not like that brit show where the black guy basically says poor lil wite boys can't compete. FXX is literally who tier anyway.
Don't hate on tv companies though, they're just giving people what they want
(((((((((((((((((american))))))))))))))))))) television you mean. Fucking kikes...
Laughing at the cuck is what the cuck wants... it's a fucking humiliation fetish.
Very proud of my fellow countrymen blacking that girl.
Disgusting cuckery you degenerate humans should be put to the ovens for such thin blooded posts SAGE
At least television is a dying medium.
can russia please nuke us already
They have the Golden age Simpsons marathon though.
Just watch this shit: It looks straight out of Sup Forums. I've never even heard of this show before but this webm had me laughing.
Not fast enough and there are plans to censor and control the internet into a TV-like system.
is entertaining. you're lying if you say otherwise.
>I think I would beat the shit of her
That's very mild of you.
What the shit, isn't that a regular cable channel? How is that okay to air? My wife's daughter could be watching this shit!
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
If you have an issue with BM/WF you are a gigantic man baby.
Prove me wrong
I'm waiting you fucking cucks.
Indeed, a real cuck even gets excited form that if we would laugh
>british television
Not sure whats wrong with anglo TV shows...
Rats flee the sinking ship brother. They'll weasel their way into online entertainment like a snake in given time.
By allah this is a signs of the end times.
yeah, I'm a nice guy :)
I would then divorce
No, it's not one of the main channels. It's like 402.
I'm thoroughly disgusted. Now please go kill yourself.
this tbqh senpai
I only work out once or twice a week and I'm more ripped than that guy.
>It's ok to show propaganda if I don't see it
This is why whites are soon minority there, mr. 56%.
Looked up a synopsis of the section of the episode.
So the woman is like really needy, and the guy, Paul is a really big push over, mostly interested in doing whatever will make the girl happy. Seems autistic or something cause he doesn't really have emotions like a regular person.
The intended comedy from the scene is supposed to come from him not "cuckolding" the right way. Too much small talk distracting her while she's trying to fuck.
So he says "Okay, i'll go research cuckolding so I can do it right." And he comes back wearing a cock cage, but he ruins it against by whining about how much it hurts.
Well, that's why I don't watch the Talmudvision.
if anything the idea is to normalise this filth.
just by giving it air time and making it something the main characters do it's being normalised.
what is this show?
need moar, that girl is thicc
To be fair the woman looks uncomfortable at the end.
You're one to talk Hans
>be murrican, go home to german girls house from bar
>fuck her all night
>fuck her loudly in the morning
>her father comes in door minutes after i cum and we quiet down and they exchange words
>new to Germany don't know any german and think he was angry
>turns out he asked if i wanted breakfast
Any American dad that isn't a cuck would've flipped shit.
There used to be a time where romances relied on real values and high morales. They didn't even need to show actual "action" (anything more than a kiss) and that was great.
Just imagine of LotR would have been made these days. There would be at least 3 full blown sex scenes with some weird fetishes and at least one interracial couple.
I think we have ourselves to blame for that. Mass media spent an entire year writing articles and airing news stories about "The alt-right's favorite insult."
Is there any country that are cucked more than USA
>american television
Oy vey!
Roddenberry predicted the death of TV around the year 2040.
You actually think the only thing he said was if you want breakfast? Probably asked who you are but of course she wont tell you.
I'd be pissed too but if you're white I can somewhat understand her father. There's a 50% chance you're not white though, so...
What's the name of the girl on the left
that guy seems like a jew actor.
>cuck detected.
Holy fuck she got SPICK'D and BLACKED.
So this want white male muricans really want.
So more than double the population of Canada gets this piped into their houses for their shy 12 year old daughter's to watch while they stay home from soccer practice
Yeah, cause the intended joke is that she just wants the sex with hot men part, she doesn't want the cuckold to be in the same room.
Spoken like a true American.
>how can Hans compete
webm doesn't work with my safari pleb browser. Can someone share a youtube clip?
This. It's like the Modern Family -- they put faggots on the show and spend a fair bit of time making fun of them, but they do so in a way that is humanizing and ultimately designed to foster empathy.
Same deal with the cuckoldry depicted here -- I'm not familiar with the specifics of this show, but if you build an entire show (or even part of one) around such people, your narrative will ultimately humanize and normalize their behavior (even if it's making fun of it a lot of the time).
so a very niche permutation of lol has leaked onto mainstream media? Interesting. Was this on tv somewhere?
Yeah, seriously.
The show is called You're The Worst.
anyone else just find it funny? I mean its satire
Americans are weird.
The Canadian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a cuck, chinaman, shitposter, maple syrup nigger, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat.
But call him a leaf and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
S-sauce ?
Its a comedy show.
Cuckolding fetish repels people and they find it disgusting. Watching this wont make them brainwashed.
By the way, if some pol dude decided to make a show he would make a scene like this too
this made me actually hard as rock
>making fun of things is normalizing them
Ok then stop using the word cuck, faggot, shill, whatever. In fact stop being right wing, you're just reinforcing the existence of SJWs.
I'll never get this retarded logic. A show mocks the fuck out of cuckold bullshit and you faggots think it's some secret ploy to subvert whites. Get some fresh air.
See this seems like something Sup Forums would think is hilarious.
W h o c a r e s
>Looks at flag
hes not the main character.
>"is cucking something all women fantasize about?"
>"all of them. they all do."
>"I feel so prudish now. I'll be the best cuck ever"
Anyone who still says this is making fun of cucks is retarded. Director is probably some BBC bait promoting middle aged women. Or a cuck.
Why can't Americans have some real educational content on tv instead?
For a little context, guys, the show in question, is called You're The Worst, and the whole point of it, is that all the characters are very awkward and bad at relationships and have actual uncheck mental problems.
Me. I spend all day laughing at cucks and they are trying to get normalfags to laugh at them, too. I don't get why everyone is sperging over it. Cuckoldry should rightly be ridiculed.
>Not sure whats wrong with anglo TV shows
You shooed dem jews all over their countries and this is how they ended up.
It's the fairly new FXX. It's FX extra or some shit. Reminder that FX is owned by Fox.
Tv executives all come from ((New York)) or (((Los Angeles)) the two biggest degenerate cities on earth. No wonder you see perverted shit like this.
You're The Worst
Utter trash.
The show clearly tries to promote
>black men are sexually superior, white men are weak little worms
Of course it makes fun of it but the message is still there. People who not get this must be full sheeps or just too autistic to recognize it.
it's sadder they're both fat, flabby pieces of shit
It's called sarcasm, Hans. It's a joke. How the fuck are there so many autists on this board that don't understand basic humor?
(((Humor))). Relax goyim it's only a joke, it's not like children will get harmed.