Fuck this clown.
>Fill up swamp till it becomes a lake
This is 3D chess!
Is it over now?
It's an irrelevant post. You fags should be freaking out about the Hardee's guy, not this faggot.
>leftists creating their own definition of swamp
Swamp = Lobbyists & Career slime.
He is hiring killers/sharks which he always said he would do.
Yes, Goldman Sachs is bad when Cruz and Clinton are associated to it in any way
As long as the stock market keeps going retardedly up, I don't give a shit what he does.
I've made 10k just this week trading SPY options, that's a lot for a poor fag like me.
It's only just begun.
One faggot at a time. I'm worried about him gutting workers' rights.
Nice mental gymnastics there. Way to move those goalposts.
So why dont we like Goldman Sachs or Gary Cohn if we leave out any racial reasons?
He said he was going to appoint, hire, and deal with people who were not nice. He said this very early on.
fuck off faggot
I'm a 6' tall Wendy;s chef with a 10" dick making @100k a year
But he's not owned by goldman sachs you faggot, ie: they didn't fund him in exchange for influence. As the other cunt said, during the campaign he said he would hire sharks. We literally don't care.
Now continue posting concerned trump voter posts, you're credible.
Damn guys this is why we should've voted for Hillary.
>didn't fund him in exchange for influence
lol you actually believe that
Not an argument
So just because he said he would hire the scum of the earth its ok? If fucking anything that just says how fucking retarded Trump and Sup Forums is!
Why did we believe this guy was the savior again?
Hot out of the oven.
I have to wonder if people even know what this shit is before shitposting about it. There are less than 30 people who work for the national economic Council. All they do is monitor implementation of federal programs and collect shekels. If Trump put a retard in the position it would be forgotten by Sunday.
So it begins. They're going to take it away.
That's only to see how they penetrated the systems. It doesn't mean votes were changed.
Tehee guise
If you are too stupid to make money off the trump rally that's your fault
I made 5k alone on 100 SPY DEC23 228 Calls I got for .13 about 10 days ago and sold them for .50 yesterday
i-it's all part of his master-plan right g-guys?
Didn't the staff of CTR got the memo yet? They are all emlployed.
Fuck me and fuck beer...
Because Cruz and Clinton work for Goldman. Now Goldman works for Trump. But you're a wage slave so you don't get it...
Why do we hate Goldman Sachs again?
I wonder how high it'll go before it finally crashes
Do you have a single fact to back up your claim
These things happen when you let retards vote.
Why does he want to hire sharks?
To ensure himself a re-election because he can just blame everything on Sachs?
Hillary worked for Goldman, trump is in a position where he can make them work for him.
Getting even. Making the rulers your slave.
Pls respond
Who cares? Obama's gonna use the codes on you all anyway because if they can't win nobody does. Chew soap cunts.
>trump is in a position where he can make them work for him.
Shouldn't he think about paying back the money he owes them first?
I wish the Democrats weren't all cucks.
>tfw Jim Webb will never be the Democrat nominee
Holy shit. I just realized Trump is a Technocrat.
>just realizing this
It's been his mantra since he started running, that he was going to get the best people with the most experience and get them running government.
I've heard he owed money to Russia from MSM but where did this come from?
Wow, this wasn't obvious at all!
All these blind Trump sycophants are going to have to come around the the fact that Trump always says one thing to get people to cheer for him, then just does whatever the fuck he wants. It happened all through the campaign and it's still happening now.
>He said "drain the swamp," and you cheered.
He's appointing the same kinds of bought and paid for people to his cabinet
>He said "build a wall" and you cheered.
He's maybe kinda building a fence if he can get approval from congress
>He said "impose term limits" and you cheered.
He's too dumb to understand congress would have to pass a law to impose term limits on themselves
>He said he'd make companies pay for moving jobs overseas and you cheered.
He's already given one company a sweet deal and they still moved jobs to Mexico
>He said he'd repeal the ACA and you cheered.
Now he's keeping some parts of it because it's actually popular
>He said he'd make America great again and you cheered.