Fucking idiot's more white than black

I'm going to guess quadroon.


Do these kangs realize the face proportions are completely different? Look at his ears. They barely reach eye level.

Egyptians looked no different than sandniggers today

to be fair, does ANY living race today look like.. whatever race the statue is supposed to be of? Modern Egyptians sure as hell don't look like that.

Look at modern Egyptians. See the ears, they extend past eye level like the statue has, unlike the quadroon in the OP. Their jawlines are the same too.


you are making the same mistake as the nigger in the OP, you only payed attention to the eyes

look at the small round frame of the face, this pharao was clearly a sandnigger

>plucked eyebrows
>seems to be some mix between a nigger and an arab
>suffers from the WE WUZ-complex

prime example of literal human garbage.

to the trash incineration plant he goes

>egyptians wuz mulattoes


Yet any female in your family would drink his cum while you die a virgin

>whatever race hurr hurr

The only population replacements in history have been in the case of mass die off of a smaller population such as in southern Africa and the Bantu migration or Australia and the European colonization

In the case of Egypt which was one of the most populous nations in the ancient world it would be even more impossible to replace them

This fucking meme needs to die, modern egyptians are the descendants of ancient egyptians

>be nigger
>get assblasted that you're a nigger
>"muh dick"

What's the explanation for why Africa isn't full of blacks?

You see the odd half breed Ethiopian looking person at most

>be virgin genetic dead end
>call physically and socially successful person "human trash"

Seriously causes contemplation

*Egypt, not africa

Sahara desert

>be a nigger
>be human trash
Seriously causes contemplation
