Really getting tired of hearing people say they're "centrist" on your fucking not. Everyone leans left or right. "No labels bruh" liberals are still left leaning. Notice only liberals ever claim to be "objective" centrists.
"Centrist" politics is bullshit
I'm a centrist
Then your a liberal
I'm a centrist and I believe that:
>Modern capitalism and the consumer culture it creates is hedonistic and degenerate.
>Abortion should be fully illegal. Execute doctors and women who participate.
>Strict environmental legislation.
>Women should not be allowed to vote.
>All able-bodied men should be forced to serve four years in the military.
>The punishment for rape should be execution.
>The punishment for adultery should be execution.
>The punishment for homosexuality should be execution.
>Victims in criminal and civil cases should be the ones repaid during trials, up to and including slavery in order to make reparations, and not the state.
So what should I call myself I'm liberal in half of the questions and conservative in the other half?
Spouting cuckservative memes doesn't make them true
I'm a liberal conservative just like Trump. Hillary was a conservative liberal just like Obama.
Your a stalinist communist
Neocons are cucks
Try again
you are (somewhere in pic)
I consider myself centre right because I don't want to be labeled with you fucking right wing nazi extremist faggots. Get a hold of yourselves.
>he thinks political axis is real
Communism is just as degenerate and capitalism. Emphasizing economic activity over social issues when all great civilizations and empires (which had the greatest gains in art, philosophy, and social stability) have been defined by their social and military achievements.
Congratulations, you're a reborn Hitler
>Notice only liberals ever claim to be "objective" centrists.
Liberals think that objectivity aligns with their feelings. Therefore, they lack the ability to look at things objectively
Don't lump the small amount of actual centrists in with the blue-pilled masses
See, there you go dipshit. I said "everyone's leaning left or right". Your not centrist. Your moderate. And I'm not a natsoc I'm a nationalist/paleocon/libertarian. Very far right.
Centrist right here.
you're closet lefties you fucking retards
t. six toed man
In a race realist who hates capitalism. Pro gun. Anti abortion. Pro free speech. I believe in social safety nets and believe that without standard basic income, automation will lead to violence and crime.
>he actually posted the literally hitler meme unironically.
And if you were a liberal you'd be calling him a conservative. See how retarded you're being?
If you don't believe in capitalism then your a socialist. Pure and simple
>>Modern capitalism and the consumer culture it creates is hedonistic and degenerate.
>>Abortion should be fully illegal. Execute doctors and women who participate.
>>Strict environmental legislation.
>>Women should not be allowed to vote.
>>All able-bodied men should be forced to serve four years in the military.
>>The punishment for rape should be execution.
>>The punishment for adultery should be execution.
>>The punishment for homosexuality should be execution.
you're not hitler you're just islamic lol
It's possible to side with liberals on an equal amount of issues as you do with conservatives, and those people claim to be in the middle.
Although it is true that a lot of people who lean left think they're centrists, because they simply don't care much about politics, and just agree with whatever they favorite entertainers say, which will almost unanimously be liberal.
Anyone who's far left or far right has something wrong with them, or they're just going to extremes in an attempt to counter balance a wave of extremism. Liberals have a history of fucking their own people, while conservatives have a history of fucking other people. It's more complicated than that, but that is the general image that a lot of people identify with, and ideally most people would like no one to get fucked.
No I wouldnt. Centrists are always leaning some direction. My politics doesn't change that .
See how retarded you're being?
It's perfectly possible to have mixed views.
as long as they're coherent
your chart even shows that you're right wing why are you even calling yourself a centrist
what site is that anyway?
If someone says they are a centrist, either they are actually ignorant/stupid enough to be a true centrist, or they are trying to subvert you and play taqiyya games.
My point exactly
perfectly possible to be a nigger too, but you aren't, are ya?
So because I lean right, but not so far right to be aligned with right wing extremists makes me a lefty? fuck off, eh
I haven't posted on Sup Forums in months but this thread is baiting me into it with its stupidity.
There is absolutely such thing as a centrist. I have left wing views and right wing views to the point where neither side agrees with me, I'm pretty much smack dab in the middle.
Write down all your political views down. Catagorize them based on more conservative opinions or more liberal opinions. Which ever side you have more on is what you're leaning.
The value of each position in respect to what has more weight is almost entirely subjective, and regardless it's really an equal smattering of left, right and center ideas.
Newsflash. Theres no such thing as "objective " in politics. It's all subjective.
It's objective to say that democratic socialism is left of capitalist autocracy, but I agree that a lot of it is subjective. What are you saying nope to?
Centrist here
You're tired of the term centrist because you can't use any strawman to dismiss your opponent.
Liberals see centrists as horrible racist bigoted trump supporters
Conservatives see centrists as retarded liberals
Your post only proves this.
Using the buzzword "centrist" is a damn strawman itself. Youre not being honest with yourself if you really think you're a centrist.
>what is the overton window
>what is the horseshoe
>what is the political compass
Jewed yet again.
I agree. I have a friend on Facebook who seemingly pulls to the far right but is an apologist for trannys. This confuses me. He either doesn't believe what he's saying about trannys, or is unsure of his true political beliefs. When it comes down to it, there are sections of beliefs that may lean one way or the other but major social/economic issues will always require you to draw a line in the sand.
What you just said proves my point. If liberals and conservatives both say it's silly then it's not a legitimate political POV
What is a false dichotomy?
"centrists" are almost always radical leftist journalists. it's usually extremely easy to spot them.
How so? Centrism is well established political terminology with a clear meaning, it's not some made up buzzword.
I'm not even going to bother with you, you genuinely believe it's impossible to hold certain opinions. You're honestly too stupid to understand the concept.
You can be left on some issues and right on other issues. People call themselves moderates or centrists because they don't focus on the party, they focus on the policy. You know, like adults.
>The alt right is turning on everyone that's not right wing just like the Marxists did to the left
You fags need to get lynched
This. Blindly supporting every single issue associated with a specific political party is ignorant. You don't even have to be "centrist" to have left leaning and right leaning opinions.
You are a leftist mixed with muslim. I wonder how you look.
I genuinely believe your retarded and my point flew over your head. Everyone's got opinions that ultimately fall into the left/right spectrum. Unless you're a fucking android your not a centrist
Try harder
I am a centrist, watch your privilege shitlord, race war, gas the kikes, if I kill you you win, lets make everyone a winner together
Right, because being a conservative or liberal means were democrats or repubs.lolol go soak your head.