Say something nice about countries that get too much hate in this board.
Germans, I think you are brilliant
Say something nice about countries that get too much hate in this board.
Germans, I think you are brilliant
Other urls found in this thread:
Australia is the most powerful nation on earth
British sluts are the best in the world.
America, you are the stupidest first world country in existence. Congratulations on being a nation of obese idiots with guns and heart disease.
Americans are evil
I can't say anything nice about a leaf
Romania, give back Erdély
i like your Ghandi and your flag makes me hungry,
Thanks for taking all those black cocks so we dont have to
you can't comment on your own country you asshole.
say something nice about the greatest country on earth: United States
Swedes know how to build beautiful sheds
Australia is the only other country I could see myself living in besides the US
Sweden, I traveled to Kiruna and Stockholm in 2014 and your country and people are beautiful. Kiruna is the comfiest place I have been on earth so far.
There is absolutely nothing redeemable about Australians
/no irony/ here, Swedes are really beautiful people, but you find a way to hurt me everyday ;_;
Their food is good and has spices non lyk dat whity food!
America has more niggers than any other western country you fucking retard.
You can't take your guns so I'm out. The country seems pretty cool and actual real life Australians that don't spend their whole day on here shitposting on purpose actually seem cool.
The guns though. That's a deal breaker. I mean I guess if I was forced to pick another country, probably Straya so I see your point. That or Nippon because I hear the kawaii grills love blond hair blue eyed guys, plus, I wouldn't be a manlet over there. 5'8" master race checking in.
Id admire Australian bants, you aussies are probably the funniest people in the world.
Sweden deserves everything it gets, enjoy not being able to live in your own cities faggots.
This is just not true. Sluttiest place I have been is the US by far. I used to live in England and most club girls are not attractive.
Sweden, I love your history, your fashion, music, and think your people are top tier attractive.
Why is it that you're all a bunch of faggot cucks who are so deluded by ayyyytheism you have no concept of religion and how "tolerance" is a myth?
Why is it that people like Yung Lean and Pewdiepie are the shining exemplars and chads of Sweden, while your government is a circlejerk of socialist autism?
Don't get me wrong, I love Swedes, but tough love is the best kind of love.
Be better guys. Come on.
>enjoy not being able to live in your own cities faggots.
All this coming from a fucking American...
You are the Jews lap dog and the biggest kikes on Sup Forums
South America is a continent comprised entirely of Niggers
You have more niggers than we have people in our country.
India will become a superpower by 2030
>Thanks for taking all those black cocks so we dont have to
Ironic coming from an American. 99% of cucks are Americans. Really, Brits, Austrians, Germans, Frenchmen etc. calling Swedes cucks are hypocrites, but especially Americans
Romanians on this board are kind of funny.
Some Indians on here are extremely smart and educated.
Belgians are bro-tier.
As are Swedes. In fact, I love all my Scandinavian brothers.
Coming from a non-country
America is very spacious.
The white end of new zealand is the only other country in the world I could see myself living in.
Can you guys say something positive about my country? Please....
Yeah. With any luck you'll have the decency to go extinct soon.
Because Canadians aren't really people and your country is a French joke.
Go on.
You swedes are allright. Its good to have you as our neighbour swebro.
Turks, your ability to get a thread to 300+ replies by simply spouting old memes in broken English still impresses me. Shitposting in the purest, most traditional form
Especially that Sultan Süleyman guy that used to post on Sup Forums a few years back
Jokes on you
Im from Utah and we have like 0.03% black population
Feels good to be in one of the last bastions of whiteness
I like that you're far enough away for us to nothave to frequently deal with your people
America is #1 no matter what anybody says
south brazil is white
You have something in common with Australia
All the plants and wildlife want to kill you
You guys have pretty dope wildlife.
You perfected the pussy with the Brazilian wax. That merits some notability, for sure.
i LOVE watching videos of your awesome police force kill and torture people
i also love watching videos of your crazy motor criminals (usually getting shot by the police)
this is not sarcasm, your country has potential
>also muh rainforest
>i love me some nature
You've put out some amazing athletes. I played beach volleyball competitively and hue's always gave me a ton of trouble, and you have amazing beaches
Beautiful place with fantastic architecture. Kinda shit food but the hospitality more than made up for it
Hard mode: Jewland
actually yeah Germany.
Can the Germans hurry up and do that thing they do when they're backed into a corner so they nationalize and fucking dominate? Kinda running out of time.
I think you're white.
Best drivers in the world
You kill arabs really well
Argentina is whitest country.
>I like that you're far enough away for us to nothave to frequently deal with your people
Well Zika has already reached you, so don't break out the champagne just yet.
Your flag is really cool
Turks can survive nuclear fallout
That's florida, that doesn't count
Yeah the no guns is definitely a set back but Australia is so isolated not having so many bordering nations of questionable economic and political structure potentially threatening them it sort of makes up for it imo
>open thread
>ctrl-f "leaf"
>ctrl-f "Canadian
>all mean things
Good. Fuck this country.
says the guy that voted for a Nigger twice and then a woman, and to top it off you end up with Orange Man who is going to treat your country like a corporation and sell it to the highest bidder. By this time next year you're going to be forced into being a cuck by your new Russian or Chinese overlords. They'll literally come over and steal your women with their big chinese dicks and you can't say shit cause Orange Man signed a contract.
America has become the laughing stock of the entire planet.
Australia, you've done a great job of not completely ruining superior New Zealand
Jewland is a nationalistic country that's good at fucking with other nations and killing arabs. For some reason once a jew leaves the homeland they get loopy and go full merchant
Oh, and Finns. Everybody constantly calls them mongoloid Asian half-breed autists, but they are the ones who gave us Apu.
Finns are based.
You mean the time when they start attacking other European countries then get BTFO?
luma grothe
Another prime response form the jewish lap dog.
Go shell out your shekels for Israel you fucking pompous rat.
raped by sand niggers
mostly uninhabitable
potato famine
no one can find you on a map
slavs, should be exterminated and given to germans
big lips
very insecure country that keeps getting invaded by france/germany and now its only response is to bully weak countries like ukraine/afghanistan and essentially be a shady fuck even though your country has nothing going for it desu, pic related
you have a high murder rate, nice jungles though. brazilian girls are hot.
probably unimportant country.
at least you have that sniper, also be sure to tell the russian guy i said whats up. i think it's funny how badly the russians outnumbered the fins in the winter war and they still suffered more casualties. 1:100 tanks. 1:30 airplanes. 1:8 soldiers. sad, russia, really sad.
by far the most cucked country on this planet. you are being raped every day and you do nothing about it. Also, you cannot have a military the same size as ours and you have to cuck to us. sad. one day you will rise up. i know it. Germany will start WWIII.
you kill sandniggers
General Jorge Rafael Videla was an evil fuck
i like british comedy and how well you guys think, but please take john oliver back
Leafs, you fucking suck, but not as bad as everyone acts like.
The poo meme has gone too far, Pajeets aren't nigger tier.
I went to Germany once, it was better than Los Angeles.
I went to Italy and had some good pasta.
I saw a cool lizard in Belize.
I think Canada is a nice country with fucked up leadership.
Denmark has cute girls.
And Israelis.
They're usually pretty smart and informed, and even their shitposts are sophisticated. How can Australians even compete?
pls say that we're white
that was a funny game, thanks little entertaining monkey
Mexico, The Day of the Dead is a cool holiday
Draper reporting in!!!
No niggas in Utah mang!
canada, youre PM is comedy gold
Fuck off we're full is the best immigration policy mankind has come up with
I like how whenever you go on a music video or a famous persons Facebook or Twitter post there are so many Brazilians all shitposting 'COME TO BRAZIL'.
Can you explain this phenomenon to me?
This is a thread about being nice, no bullying
>slavs, should be exterminated and given to germans
No, thanks. We already took in 16 millions slavified East Germans and we've completely failed to integrate them.
Thank you.
Sweden I like your nature and your winter coats.
They always hold their own i suppose. Besides, WW1 is debatably a BTFO.
Best food in the world too and I'm not joking
I think Argentina gets a bad rap at times, they opine on something and immediately get called nigger by just about everyone ignoring their original comment...
>Failed to integrate east Germans
Do yoy consider Muslim refugees an integration success story
ciao amico
sicilian-american reporting in, italy is definitely white and italian americans here are white as fuck
pls say that youll save my (our) fucking homeland from the niggers
Swedes are chill guys, beautiful human beings
Australians have badass accents and tend to be badass individuals themselves.
Brits tend to be average, neither particularly great or terrible, good music taste though.
Germans have fantastic senses of humor and are good drinking buddies.
I can't tell Canadians from Americans most of the time unless you guys say shit like "So-ree".
yeah Brazil your country's alright, nice women, good athletes. Shame you're not speaking the superior Spanish language though.
Americans are much nicer in real life than on internet.
One of the most awesome flags in the world.
The best nordic country and I love saunas.
Swedes are the best looking people in the world.
Antonio Carlos Jobim was a great musician.
Sweden has nice women
have some passable shemales I guess.
Man since I saw him do all that shit with clay I just want to run into the bush naked with a knife and build a civilization.
I think I was born in the wrong time.
I love your traditional culture and this series with the dog called Bootsmann at some island. I often dreamed about living on an island like this.
I like your humour. It's so funny and makes me laugh every time.
I do not, and our failure to integrate East Germans should have been a warning sign.
Have you ever defeated the US in a war?
Didn't think so
Canadians are infinitely better shitposters than Australians, in that Aussies get (You)s by virtue of their flag, alone. Leafs have to work for them, and their yields are tremendous. They know exactly which buttons to push to piss people off, and hardly anyone on Sup Forums has caught on to the fact that it's deliberate. That's because they know how to leverage the glaring confirmation bias of most of the users on here.