Want to be on "our" guy's livestream? Well PewDiePie is hosting a Christmas livestream event and they have been showing the live twitter feed ever so often. You can post under the #cringemas tag on twitter and it may show up on their feed.
#cringmas vs the ALT-Right
please donate guys. aids is such a terrible disease :(
our guy is destroying that cunt
Told the cunt to shut up.
Please enlighten me. Why do 50M faggots find this shit remotely entertaining?
It's not even amusing banter.
12 year olds, female landwhales and irredeemably retarded people who call themselves 'gamers' in 2016. ya know, the vast majority of youtube demographics
Thanks Ivan.
Are these people so socially crippled that they think this interaction is entertaining...like these faggots are their substitute friends?
Someone should post Sup Forums memes in the feed so if he laughs, we'll know for sure that he's a closet Sup Forumsack.
These people are fucking retarded.
This livestream is like taking a time machine back to high school and having to walk through the goth kid hallway on the way to class
fuck off jewdes.
We should try to get him to impersonate Jeb!
You actually summed it up perfectly.
Stop spreading lies
For what?
Because she was pulling the trump meme
look nothing alike.
welcome to being old user
this is every day for me
about most things here and in other sites
I only like Felix. I don't give a shit about these other faggots (PJ is okay, he makes what I would consider to be cute, harmless entertainment for teenage girls), but I'm watching this stream anyway.
Felix gives so few shits about anything anymore, I want to see if he drops subtle redpills while on air.
He's doing it for (((RED))) AIDS "charity" which is a total fucking scam organization
You can see the Kikish features of him and his family.
All joking aside his "Italian" girlfriend is a major fucking Jew face
I am telling you, he is our guy.
>Made fun of nigger
>Made fun of Soviets
>Had beef with nigger
>Had nigger slave
>Believe in meme magic
>He praises kek
Fuck off JIDF.
Jokes on yo u
Yeah, I know. I just had a birthday. I'm perfectly happy not engaging with this new culture. But I'm naturally curious.
I'm really just trying to figure out what the appeal of this shit is.
I always thought I would be ok by selling dumb shit to millennials. It turns out they are too stupid and poor to buy anything of value.