>"What I did is still miniscule to what they're doing to white people every day,"
>"What I did is still miniscule to what they're doing to white people every day,"
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What a waste of a confession.
I thought he'd make an ending witty comment, but he'll die like the retard he is.
If I was on that jury I would vote him innocent. White people get not justice in this country, niggers are on the rampage and now police are told to stand down or they don't care enough.
He should get the chair for shooting up a church in the first place to be very honest, famalams.
get out toothpaste. stop subverting our government concepts.
>If I was on that jury I would vote him innocent.
He went into a church and shot dead a bunch of innocent people. He didn't go after gang bangers, he went after some old people going to Church.
he should have flown his lazy ass to south africa and did the deed there instead
Should have shot up SJWs or BLM
But hes absolutely right, dingus
Just finished reading a Daily Mail article about Roof. They included his manifesto at the end. I added a comment (there were zero, so I doubt it will be approved) to the effect that although this guy was a racist murderer, the manifesto contained an awful lot of truth, and should be viewed in the same light that the Unabomber's manifesto was.
he went after niggers
they were making the church dirty with their filthy sooty nigger feet
"don't throw your pearls to swine" --jesus
This. His stated grievance is with violent young blacks, but he was too much of a pussy to actually shoot at them because they might shoot back, so he went and shot a bunch of church people. Unacceptable.
>you do this
>you get nailed to the wall by fbi for not following jury duties
good job
yep, had he done a Falling Down rampage against vibrant youthes it'd be one thing. But he shot up a fucking church. Retard.
woah so edgy
He upset a few people but otherwise changed nothing. Congratulations, Roof?
>White people get not justice in this country
People actually believe shit like this is what gets me.
Let me know when you want to trade in your whiteness to become black, you know since the perks to being nonwhite are so abundant and life is so easy when you're not white.
I would actually have a modicum of sympathy for the bowlcut retard if he actually targeted real niggers, the kind who wear baggy pants and smoke weed while they hold their glawks sideways, rather than a fucking church.
He's right you know
let me know when you want to trade this white government for a black one, ill send you a one way ticket to africa.
>He didn't go after gang bangers, he went after some old people going to Church.
He mentioned this near the end of his manifesto. He lamented that as one individual, he would not have lasted long taking the fight to the ghetto, where he really thought it would do some good. He said he chose this church for it's symbolic association with black America. Which is a shame. Would have been much better if he went into an urban area and blasted anyone with their boxers visible.
Well, he's right.
But, he still did a wrong act.
>fucking niggers are bad
>better shoot the good ones
Anyone else read his manifesto?
He's absolutely right about everything, even if a little misguided in his actions.
real niggers
From a statistical analysis of society, the only perspective that matters and is actionable, there's only one solution and that is to remove the black population. Doesn't matter if they're 'real niggers'.
My favorite whiteness perk is the knowledge that when I achieve something, I actually earned it and wasn't helped along by diversity quotas, grade inflation, or other race-based lowering of expectations.
Still has more balls than the pair of you fucking cucks.
>still forcing the press to fingerpaint courtroom scenes
just allow cameras jesus fuck
>Would have been much better if he went into an urban area and blasted anyone with their boxers visible.
Had he done that he'd be a sort of hero to relatively well adjusted young men, living out their repressed fantasies of lashing out at thug culture. Instead he shot up >A FUCKING CHURCH
What if he walks?
fuck off west virginia.
Being in a church doesn't make someone good
anyone member obama's pastor? and how obama had to quit going to that church?
wonder what this church pastor was going on about.
>the FBI can tell jurors how to vote
There's a difference between Blacks and Niggers
Blacks are Blacks, but Niggery is an act, it's a lifestyle, kind of like how you two are acting
> hurr race war on old people
Fucking degenerates
>ausfalia being this cucked
There are worse ones, true, but they aren't "good" because muh church, you fucking cuck.
>they beez christchun and sheeit
>they beez gud then
>t. abbo faggot
Liberal butthurt would be incredible
Just think of it. It's a criminal trial and you could decline to find him guilty for literally any reason you want and the butt frustration would be endless.
I wouldnt turn black because I like not being a retarded ape
Asians need to score much higher than average to get into the ivy league or MIT
Any link to the video?
I can't get this shitty website's video player to work (though the ads loaded just fine).
>good ones
Churches are where black community leaders go to blame white people for everything and tell the gang bangers to fuck up white shit instead of black shit. They're fucking awful.
He's not entirely wrong, but all he accomplished was furthering the left-wing anti-gun agenda. Fuck him.
>media records every trump rally
>specifically picks a frame that makes him look stupid
>spreads the frame everywhere
yea, there's a reason no cameras allowed.
If he shot a bunch of ghetto thugs it wouldn't have made it out of local news
Fake News!!!
Hillary and the Pope warned us about this.
I'm so white, I work and pay for everything I have without government handouts..
Checkmate, niggers.
The whole confession is two hours long, I didn't find a two hour long video anywhere so I assume it's not out there yet.
>Sup Forumslution shill a faggot who killed people in a church
The whole point was to send a message, a warning.
Had he gone into an urban area and shot up some thugs, that message would have been lost.
But instead, he did what he had to do, to get it blasted throughout the nation on every news station.
In this society of complacent and morally bankrupt individuals, terror is how you affect monumental change, not by being a hero.
Now, everyone has that message.
Killing some good christians is obviously not a LUHGITEEMUT FORM OF PROWTEST
Consider killing yourself
This particular church was a poor choice then. They accepted his white ass in kindly and gave him a bible and prayer book. They did not deserve what they got. Just looking at their photos is heartbreaking. These were good folks.
Some random autistic teen killing a bunch of thugs? of course it would have.
>There's a difference between Blacks and Niggers
this meme again. the vast majority of blacks are niggers, simple.
He's still a retard for not knowing his actions are public relations poison.
I would like all the priveleges of being black, but I wouldn't want to be ugly and have inferior genetics.
Thats like being mad at White supremacists then shooting some white SJWs
pussy nigga
If you truly believe that you are deluded.
"good blacks" can go to africa living among their fellows, where they'll be at home instead of naturally segregated into their state in the state communities. Half solutions are worse than doing nothing.
There's a difference between slaughtering a bunch of dindus in the hood vs 6 uncle Tom's and aunt Jemimas at church.
And this is why you Christians are cancer, you care more about christian niggers than your own race.
Not these wholesome loving black people attending bible study
>He said he chose this church for it's symbolic association with black America
if that's the case, he could have just waited until no one was there and burned it down. What a stupid fucking rationalization. In reality he was just a pussy.
Whoa.. faggot alert. I mean like chick with a dick kind of faggot alert.
>there are jews and then there are kikes
It would be. Niggers would flip.
Pure bullshit.
Once a location meets critical mass of blackness it is a shithole.
>muh church
Black churches are just like evert other black institution: fucked up. They're about tithes, gibs, and getting blacks to the polls. If white churches were as insistent on openly promoting racial interests of whites they would be probably be banned. They would certainly lose their tax free status.
Jury nullification is a real thing you dumbass
Blacks are going to use Roof as their poster boy to showcase their oppresion.
For the next decade or so of this empires life, his actions will be lambasted, and with it will come his motive, the truth.
He stood up to white genocide and wrecked the niggers personally. A brave man fighting for his race.
>the vast majority of blacks are niggers, simple.
Yes, so it should have been easy to find niggers, especially in Charleston.
Instead, he went to a place where he'd be the least likely to find them.
>Muh innocents !!! bawww :(
It's a race war, it's us or them. Innocence has no relevance.
What if I told you that Roof is just a CIA plant?
Rodney you plonker!
>Innocence has no relevance
How bout someone murders you for being such a pretentious cunt? That is the edgiest thing I've seen all day.
his attorneys keep saying he doesn't want them because they're going to reveal something embarrassing
what do you think it is?
He should have shot up a crack house or a gang hideout, not a church. Those were black people, not niggers.
Not only that, but put enough "good ones" together and they'll still be ghetto as fuck. Go to Prince Trayvon county MD and see the kids of a bunch of white collar blacks act like animals and shit up the schools.
It's the fact that you're retarded, not that your skin is black
>Let me know when you want to trade in your whiteness to become black
Do I get to keep my IQ and work ethic?
If yes, I would have graduated Harvard and be making >$1M by being a competent, hard working nigger that actually justified my hiring.
Instead, since I am White, I got $250/yr scholarship for National Merit Scholar, another $2K total while graduating top of my class with every available honor society. At a state school because no family, no support, and wrong skin color.
He is absolutely right, but it doesn't really make him an iconic martyr or a vigilante, he killed church goers, literally the least likely nogs to do something bad.
Majority =/= Entirety
No they fucking shouldn't, if good ones can act normal, contribute to society and be overall good people, then they should live where ever they want if they give back to their home countries.
> muh pure genes
Again, blacks are a set of people, and niggers are a subset of that group. Botswana and Namibia are OK places, it isn't a total shithole. Poverty does exist, but they manage to be OK for being sub-Saharan
This whole "all blacks are niggers" meme is stupid as fuck, and ironically the people who keep using this meme act like niggers themselves
if it's us or them as you say, please get out, take your denmark flag, and leave it to us and them.
we dont want you giving us advise on our political frameworks.
That would make no progress.
And black people = niggers.
I know you have a hard-on for the smart and magical negro on your favorite TV show, but he's far from the statistical truth of black people.
jesus christ, can't these news sites make video players that work
Same with non Jewish whites
white fragility
His feelz are zo realz!
Fry the coward, nothing of value will be lost.
This. It was like religious old black women there. Fuck that guy.
the ivy league uses racial quotas
if they used the "only the best gets in principle" 90% of thee students will be chinese and indians.