How about we crash this liberal shitfest, tell them the truth on the actual state of the world.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is gonna be good
bump for red pilled justice
Let's go
>Don't want to live in a country with stupid people
>Fund American public schools
Someone send this dipshit the Kansas City experiment.
Pewdiepie has one too
Don't let this thread die
>muh refugees
it would be much better if it read:
>Let me explain why I like to pay taxes for schools even though I don't personally have a kid in school:
>I want to indoctrinate your kids to only know my viewpoint.
What a fucking cuck faggot
So is this movement dead?
Am I the only one shitposting?
bump, wat do guis?
Have fun
also bump. I'd love to see Sup Forums hijack a vlogbrothers stream.
Also, John, for the love of God, stop writing Young Adult fiction. Your books are unreadable.
I think I got banned
Are you the guys shitposting #pizzajohngate because that's hilarious?
I'm gonna spam cuck, someone tell me if they can see it or if I'm banned
im not seeing it
Knew it. I'll be shitposting along.
:( fuck they banned me
education doesn't make people smart.
and our 'education system' actually makes them dumb.
We will avenge you
Insult Esther Earl in the chat. THey will lose their minds
Not now but soon
More Sup Forumssters need to become "youtube heros"
Oh boy here we go.
Because public schools have a gaurenteed income because of taxes and parents really don't have many alternatives because in many places public education has a monoploy on the surrounding area.
They do not have to worry as much about the quality of there teachers. They don't need to care if the material they teach is accurate or substantial.
To make it worse the teacher's union is the biggest "fuck you" to students. Even if a teacher can not teach to save there lives, or can't even grade a homework assignment correctly for that matter they still can not be fired unless they did something like molest a student or talk about Christianity.
At the very least our public schools should not be 'free' but partially subsidized if we really need them to be cheap, nor should attendance be mandatory by law.
just for one day
explain why he's wrong
No no no I mean legit do it, built up credibility, then use it to MAGA subversively
Nice reference my man
retarded post
Go ahead and believe the government budget Jew
and that quote is proof education =/= intelligence
what a colossal faggot
education doesn't make people smart, and public education systems actually make them stupid.
Is that science Tom Brady
>education doesn't make people smart
keep explaining yourself
That will be fucking funny
Looking forward to vouchers that go to religious schools with no common core. Shitlibs forced to pay into the system for the kids they will never have and we take the money and use it at our shitlord schools where we send our 4, 5 and 6 kids to learn that fags are mentally ill.
48 cheerios
He only has 10minleft. Quick, insult esther earl now
He's more into literature and history. His brother's the science guy (ironically).
Is this the faggot who eats cum on his cereal?
i just did
Reminder: Only chat posts tagged with #pizzajohngate go directly to John and Emily's moderated chat!
>esther earl
ANy good insults?
>John Green
Can you imagine a cuckier face?
one of us has to stay in the wreckage, leaf
Someone bring up how his wife got back together with him after he won his award and had a best selling book.
Yes. He's fine with 48 sperm filled cheerios in his wife.
guys a few normies are doing this, push the fuck out of this in the chat.
Didn't his wife admit she was only with him because he is rich?
No way! Did this really happen after Looking for Alaska? There should be a reason he never discussed this but I don't know what ;)
Here is my outlook at school now that I have graduated.
>History notably lacks the cursades, but teaches islam.
>Social studies teaches us about inferior cultures that are either: dead, broken, or irrelevant.
>Get bullied because I am white, punishment was less severe for the bully.
>You have to take Algebra 1, Physical Science, and US history twice, even if you passed.
>School food is about as bad as prison food, and makes students prone to obesity which inhibits there ability to learn.
> Shitty tenured teaches who waste half of the class bullshiting about there shitty life.
> Class that teach students blue colar skills that will actually land them a job like: Woodshop, Metal Shop, Autoshop, Architecture, and other hands on classes are deemed unimportant and do not count towards graduation but Drawing, Pottery, Painting, and Drama do.
Yeah, maybe we can finally stop the sjw's once and for all.
Oh shit! He's answering questions. Ask away, Sup Forums!!!
are you implying that it does?
forced physical effort will strengthen the body, because it can not rebuke it's education, but to force knowledge upon a mind will only twist it's purpose and create a refusal to knowledge.
outside of reading and writing, no formal education should take place until a person is at least 20 or so. until that point, their education should focus primarily on gymnastics.
but also so that a child should be brought to battle on a horse, and from the sidelines receive a taste of blood, that at a later point they might be prepared to enjoy warfare, so children should be allowed to look on and sit by in places of learning and places of work and technology, that their appetite might be whetted.
in this way, children that have a proclivity or inclination towards a genius may be fruitful in developing it, rather than this tendency be broken by them so that they can be made to recite that which is of no use to themselves or anyone.
if one wanted to design a system to turn people into gullible idiots, it would look like the public education system.
there's no reason that a 12 year old who took interest in math willingly at 9 would not be capable of calculus.
he is so fucking blue pilled its sad.
He made a good video about yards in the US.
Also Mongols
>I'm very sad about internet culture and misogyny
FUCK 2016!!
(((Green)))> let me tell you goyim!
Got temp banned for posting ascii walls.
It's a shame, because the bros can bring some educational content, but...look at these people and tell me you don't want to throw your D&D dice at them for reappropriating the title of "nerd". Lawful evil, indeed
The brother is even more of a cuck.
> muh teenage girl audience
> must virtue signal
> cuck power level is so high that they don't even fuck their audience
Pretty sure he's a kike.
I got banned. Someone ask him how many dicks he has dipped in his Cheerios today.
mmm ciggy bread..
Indeed, even though he's not an Islam-apologist.
Honestly his French Revolution video is pretty good.
His brother is about equally as blue pilled. Despite being teachers making videos as an aid. They actually are very ignorant and don't seem to understand economics and politicts.
Hell I actually made a video making fun of his brother on his "How words can harm video" which is what made me unsub from CrashCourse.
nah just a blue pilled anglo
That video was fucking cancer. At least John managed to delete the video about environmental determinism because he's a fan of Jared Diamond.
Hank took over the stream
Bill Nye is gonna be on the live soon
At least he'll be entertaining. He's always entertaining. >hums Bill Nye theme in head.
Bill nye the atheist goy.
Oh wait. I forgot I wasn't allowed to be on this board. I'm going to fuck off to then because I'm a huge fag.
Stop watching NASCAR.
>forgot image
I don't watch NASCAR. NHRA and Formula 1 is decent tho.
you definitely don't know what you're talking about
get in here you nigs
Big Bird confirmed liberal shill who helps put refugees
lmao they are talking about autism
Someone ask what Hogwarts house Big Bird was.
Knowing Sup Forums, Hufflepuff is accurate.
Except I actually agree with him. There are too many fucking retards in the world.
Bampfing for justice.
Forcing people to pay for a product doesn't incentivise the product to get better. If the community or parents don't get involved with school the the school becomes a shitshow with sub-par teachers that gets money thrown at it by the gubment.
To be fair, charter schools are the way to go.