My psychology professor told our class:

My psychology professor told our class:

>Women see the world as a series of interconnected relationships

>Men see the world as a hierarchy of power

The older I get, the more sense this makes.

Anybody care to comment?

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess "no"

Most women are desperate for the approval of others in pretty much everything they do, most men are not

Women see the world as a means to maintain relationships
Men see the relationships as one small part of the world

That would be true, except for the fact that most of the rights and privileges we take for granted nowadays were devised by men who - in positions of power themselves - would never have allowed such to pass.

Women are vapid, amoral cunts.



are you this cucked?

study economics or math

this is fake news, do NOT read!

fedoras are not an argument.

Pic is every woman ever.

Good one, I'll start reading Marx right away!

>Not "hey i found 10,000 pictures of your grandma"


Their crowning achievement of the 20th century was the ice-pick lobotomy OP.

He's right
The majority of women don't think rationally

If Miley ever has grandkids

Honey I found a pic of your grandmother

that's sociology. Which indeed is degenerate and engages in cucking students.

Economics is based. Go read friedman

If she was your mum that'd be hot but if she were your grandmother I dunno man.

At the end of the day op you're still doing psychology so you might as well be a woman

>people who disagree with me are retarded

I guess I (Manly Man) allready fit that descriptions seeing how I see 90% of world leaders as power hungry psycos with no regards to who they directly hurt, sqrew over, or enable as long as they move just 1 more rung up on the social ladder.

Then again I think we are living in the proloug to 1984 so I could be an outlier.

>he thinks there will be any civilized societies left on the surface of Earth by 2090.

Top kek.

women are dumb degenerate whores who only have value as sexual playthings.

>people who are literally retarded are not actually retarded

Women ARE the problem.

There is a reason the founders of both the us and other western nations explicately preventend women from the vote.

This is actually the only reason they exist. They cannot survive on their own and they could not win a war against men.

While world is both of that. It's relationships in same hierarchy level and +-2 levels both in top and bottom. As long as you're on the same level as your rival, you're in relationships. After one of you changes his level, it becomes hierarchy type of communication.

The majority of white chicks voted trump
Its just shitskins who voted hillary both men and women

anyone who doesn't terrorize women daily is a cuck.

Alright so where does end womans suffrage go on the Sup Forums to-do list? After we remove nonwhites and Jews?

>study economics

How to be a useless cunt 1.0.1.

A lot of women just voted for Hilary cause she's a woman

women who vote for handouts are not retarded. they destroy societies

> Anonymous (ID: iecrfD1g) 12/09/16(Fri)19:07:03 No.102208222▶
> (OP)
>women are dumb degenerate whores who only have value as sexual playthings.
> Anonymous (ID: NdErvml0) 12/09/16(Fri)19:07:06 No.102208231▶
>>people who are literally retarded are not actually retarded

Literally retarded, women are more sensitive to power and status than literally anyone else.

This is some woman presenting

This is so deep but I need to pee sorry

You mean you don't attend Mises university?

>study economics

"If you want to sell shit, don't make it too expensive and find the right target audience"

wow just saved you 4 years of Marxism

Men see the world in many different ways through their living mind and imagination, be it hierarchy of power, battleground of tribes, their workshop or something else entirely. Women can possible see it all to, but look only for means of attaining as much attention as possible and selling themselves to a highest value male.

Heilige Kek

studeer je?

Two meaningless Platitudes. Watch this

>Men see the world as a series of interconnected relationships

>Women see the world as a hierarchy of power

You could easily have started your thread with either.

Women do see the Dominance Hierarchy...they just don't have to live in it like men do.

If women can't see and interpret a dominance hierarchy of power, then why do they select males based on the male's position in that dominance hierarchy which they supposedly can't see or interpret according to your teacher?

Yes, of course women see the dominance hierarchy, and they mate accordingly. They just don't have to worry about their place in it so much because they're women and they can get by just on their eggs, uterus and vagina.

Men both SEE the dominance hierarchy AND have to live in it.

I think of everyone I know and other than my mom who has brain damage from years of overdosing on her depression medication (I never knew her when she was normal) and I can't think of that applying well to any men or women that I know. It's always a mixture of the two for both genders. I see no pattern of one being more prominent in either sex.

I'm femanon and I definitely cherish my personal relationships more than money or power, but so does my husband. He's in CS and wont let himself be promoted because it would take away the coding aspect of his job. Both of us are building our lives in the hopes of having a good home to raise our children and support our parents.


Its wrong. Of course there is always the thing about hierarchy as we are a social species. But to say that is all there is. is wrong. The perspective of viewing everything trough power is also a marxist doctrine. They view everything as a power or dominance game.

Your psychology professor is a fucktard and you should listen to Jordan Peterson


Women take their cues of power from the behavior of men and other women. OP's premise still stands.

>about a week before Trump won
>talking to old lady at work who hates men
>she's bitching about Trump and how he "made people go bankrupt...and he puts women down!"
>I feel the spirit of Kek within me
>my body becomes his avatar as he speaks through me and says
>"Yeah, right where you belong."
>she gets mad and storms off muttering to herself

The ministry of truth (liberal media) has declared that

Tell that privileged cunt there are more than two genders.

I would have beat her senseless for disrespecting President Donald J. Trump. You are a joke of a man, cuck.

Women were born to be men's property.

If she is not the property of one man, she will be the property of all men.

Send this video to your mothers and post results.

15 maart 2017, wat stem je?

first day?

at least her panties look pretty granny tier

impressive dick

That doesn't make them any less retarded

Don't worry I just went full retard.

Pol veteran, maat

Women want as many men to be cucked and oppressed as possible
For 99.99999 percent of women in western society, their whole life revolves around cucking
Women are obsessed with cucking

But it's human nature to be selfish so in a way i don't blame them because if i was a women i would probably be a feminist just because it's natural to be selfish
I'm a sexist racist white male because i am what i am

SGP, integer rechts. Geert zal zo fucking slecht zijn dat iedereen na zijn kabinet die ook maar een beetje nationalistisch blijkt, eruit getrapt wordt.

Hij wordt de Stalin van het Nederlands nationalisme.

>study economics

There's nothing wrong with that picture you prudish little manlet

Ik ben op de meeste standpunten het eens met sgp, abortus etc. Maar immigratie is nu het belangrijkst en daar is volgens mij sgp niet zo sterk in.

SGP is op ideologisch vlak veer meer anti-Islam dan Wilders. Wilders is het nu 15 jaar, de SGP bijna 100.

Vergeet niet; meer Christendom = minder Islam.

Als je goed kijkt naar de taal van de SGP dan zie je dat ze doorhebben dat de uitroeiing van de Islam uit Nederland een einddoel van hen is. Ze verpakken het gewoon beter dan de PVV.

damnnnn grammaaaa u thiccc af :wet::wet::wet:

I see the world as a gigantic turd.
What does that make me?

Maybe he thought the picture was funny. Obviously all straight men like sexy pictures

Russian pickup artists teach plebs how to screw.

Cпacибo, мoй дopoгoй дpyг!

>Women see the world as a series of interconnected relationships

top lel.
if only that shit was true. that's actually a very charming statement. nice lie.

But it's true, fag. Or do you actually want for everyone to approve of everything you do?

This is true. But what does this say about the men who arent white males and racists? How can they be so stupid as to give into getting cucked by women?

I believe men are overall superior to women, but maybe half of all men are somewhat close to cucks. It's always the geniuses and extra ordinary people who move humanity and civilisation forward, not the average joe or slutty whore.

this is complete bullshit (((psychology))) like usual

I'm not even joking

I am male. I largely ignore and even actively discredit hierarchies. I think they are silly.

wtf I love grandma now

tfw my state is still red

Feels good man

>How can they be so stupid as to give into getting cucked by women?
Being thirsty for pussy and literally producing sperm every single day.

Study something that's real, fuck-boi.

Ik ga er eens heel goed naar kijken. Dank voor de tip. Wij christenen moeten zeker een meerderheid blijven

that statement was not about whether you like hierarchies of power or not, it was about the observation that you as a male are more likely to be aware of power hierarchies. it's about awareness. you only choose to ignore them because you might just be sick of them and the fucking nepotism bullshit that brings individuals into positions they actually shouldn't have whereas the person who worked hard for their credentials is not getting anything and is not privileged to have a major shortcut to a position of power (just as an example).

plus, socializing to get ahead is often disgusting bullshit too.

Zeker weten!

apparently nerd virgins don't think economics is "real" because a shitlord named Marx once existed ???

at least Marx could read, you fucking reprobate

Not blind.

men are lobsters

you implied that economics == Marx

shit for brains

Ik heb ourguy toegevoegd

Ik heb tijd te veel

Met kees

>I am male. I largely ignore and even actively discredit hierarchies. I think they are silly.

By making that statement you seek to assert your presence as somewhat outside the group, but also above it. You are declaring that a common concept is beneath you, and that you possess a unique viewpoint.

Basic male trait. By trying to deny the observation about male nature, you revealed your own nature in just a few words.

As humans, men especially, we can be aware of our reproductive drive, but we can never completely overcome it.

first of all psychs are all worthless pieces of shit with little to no understanding of human psych.

setting that aside

Women are conditioned from thousands of years of evolution to "please the group". they're more social then men due to pure evolution, as for wide swaths of human history, their very lives were dependent upon pleasing a man or many men in some way. (this isn't to say sexually). You can still see primate behavior is female social structures.

Males however are supposed to "defend and provide for the home". If there is nothing worth protecting (bitch wife) then he won't bother. This is where the social animal side of thing comes in for women. Men are conditioned to detect hostility (seriously, men can spot violent hostility on the face of other humans far better then women can), women are conditioned to spot pretty much everything else (women are much better at spotting 'other' emotions on the faces of others then men are).

So men needed to provide and protect. Generally human males get along better then pretty much all other primate males, this was likely due to the advantages that came with group hunting; which meant human males have a lot less violent competition with each other then other primates.

That said human males due compete with each other for WOMEN. And since women were looking for best provider/protector, men generally tried to be that, be it best hunter or richest man in the world. Its not that men see the world as hierarchical, it's that men see life/society/work as a competition to win.

In conversation I see this--men tend to signal/compete for status, while women bond.

Sure and here's more older /pol wisdom.

My old socialist history professor put it this way.

When you tear down all the bullshit.

The left says "your fine, society is the problem"
The right says "society is fine, you are the problem".

Also the left wants to govern based on outcomes.

The right wants to govern based on principles.

Took me a long time to figure that out.

All that said, people are fucked up and can fuck up anything.

I'm implied that if you study economics you will have to deal with 4 years of teachers telling you marxism is a valid economic system.


>psychology professor
You're wasting your money and time.

>most men are not
Most men are. At least nowadays. Probably always was that way.

Economics is a disastrous joke.

And you are ignorant. If you are so ignorant that you would insult psychology, clearly you have deep seated mental insecurities that you lash out at your superiors rather than resolve.

An additional point is that even if only 50% (or whatever) of males throughout human history passed on their genes, then males who were generally productive would still be an asset to the wider group.

I think this is why men have obsessive interests which do not hold an obvious sexual advantage but still feel productive to perform; fixing up old cars or woodwork or building an RC plane from scratch.

Fucking this.

that pic

>there was no sluts
>there are no decent women
