Is sleeping in degenerate?

What is the latest Sup Forums acceptable time to wake up in order to be a contributing member of society? Even if your job allows you to wake up late.

If I could, I'd sleep from 5 or 6 am until early after and work from 6 or 7pm to 3 or 4am. I'm much more focused and creative at night. As it stands I have to get up early and try to catch my most productive hours early in the morning and/or just before bed.

Most CEOs and entrepreneurs apparently get up at 5 or 6. I also hear a lot, that the successful people start working at least one hour before everyone else in the company and stay at least one hour later. Which makes sense, since you're not being disturbed plus you avoid traffic, which would otherwise cut into your "free" time anyway.

*early afternoon

And I mean you're productive and focused, bc the office is quiet.

>having a job

I own my own business. I have already paid off my house so I don't really give a shit about my income. grow a lot of my own food, hoping to expand this further as I get better

I wake up when I feel like. if there are things to do that day, I set an alarm and wake up early. if there are not things to do that day, I do not get up early and sleep until my body says its time to get up.

sleeping in when there are things to do is in fact degenerate. but waking up early to slave for somebody else is not only degenerate but weak. I would recommend every only do that as an absolute last resort (i.e. up until you are capable of running your own business)

What kind of business do you run?

a dog day care/shelter. I used to work at it, and when the owner died she left me it cause no family and I Was the only employee to genuinely give a shit

it's pretty sweet because I dont have to even go in most days, and the days that I do, I enjoy being there.

Depends on the person. Some people function better at different hours than others, fact of circadian rhythm.

Your life kinda sounds like a 90s movie.

That's pretty cool.

But to answer your original question; the most successful/intelligent/cunning people I've ever met woke up at like 3:30-4 am. Went to bed at around 9-10. Didn't drink much coffee, got a bunch of exercise early in the morning.

Nah, it's not degenerate.

>asking a board of degenerates whats degenerate or not

Fuck off with this sliding shit. Sleep whenever you want/can/need. Be awake whenever you want/can/need to be.


I try to sleep for no more than 6 hours a day. Even then It seems like too much. At that rate it still means I spend 25% of my life asleep. I wish there was a healthy and practical way to sleep less.

My full time shift goes from 3 PM to 11:30 PM. For the past year I've been doing this and while it's alright all I can think is "time is money". So I'm applying to stupid part time shit to do in the morning to pump into that savings account. I'll probably miss sleeping in but hey, more money more problems.

9am is definitely the absolute hard limit. Anything after that is 100% degenerate. You have 5 year olds taking class, and you're still lying there farting in your bed sheets? No excuse.

Jesus Christ
Is living degenerate?Is breathing degenerate?
Anyway I belive the most acceptable time to wake up is 8:00am,if you wake up later than that you're useless fucking nigger who pollutes the gene pool and must be gased.

You're not supposed to sleep OP, that's a lie pushed on us by those filthy jews. It's no different from the whole "casual dress" nonsense.

If you want to fight those in power, you have to look the part at all times. You need a business suit - blazer, tie, the works - that costs no less than $500. Take it off only to shower. That's all you need to do. The suit lets those in power know you mean business 24/7, especially when you post on an anime message board while never, ever sleeping.

You're on Sup Forums you don't contribute anything of worth to the world. Like all channers.

>8 AM

Filthy Portuguese scum. Anytime you wake up before 7:30, you should consider it a treat. Any time past that is nothing short of wasting your life.

Suk my dik i get up at 3am five days a week. So i enjoy waking up at 11 on my days off.

lol Sup Forums do you sleep?
Staying up at all time is the truest form of the redpill.

is sleeping degenerate lmao this board sucks