*calmly waits for Drumpftards to defend this*
*calmly waits for Drumpftards to defend this*
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump should hire nobody losers for his cabinet
stop being a retard pls
Financial success means you had a positive impact to the economy.
Sounds good. Don't want people who are easy to bribe.
He should hire Rollo Tomassi, Roissi and Roosh V to help destroy feminine primacy and re-establish an actual patriarchy.
So he should hire failures? Really made m think
I don't know what Drumpftards are but there really isn't any need to defend this.
We're not Leftists, making money isn't a sin.
Unruhue is a leftist and a thief, he doesn't get an opinion.
Why object to appointing people that have proven they can accomplish what they put their mind to? Why choose people that are career politicians? Look at where that has got us.
>crypto-fascism now
Unless you're a successful jew amirite ;^)
hire successful people to make the USA more successful?
why didn't I think of that!
They won't try to get rich off the system if they're rich
>hire losers and diversity hires
man you shills don't even try
Trump so far has been a libertarian elect except tougher on immigration and getting a little wacky with flag burning. Tax breaks instead of tariffs for businesses, filling the cabinet with businessmen (and generals), dismantling the ACA... I thought this board used to be libertarian? Surely you should be pleased with this.
Quote taken out of context. He wants people who made a fortune, he doesn't JUST want people who made a fortune.
Mattis, Flynn, Kelly, Kobach as an advisor, Carson, etc.
I never saw a single video of this guy where he didn't mispronounce a twelve dollar word.
No, still then. The problem is not that Jews do business, it is what they do with their lucre once accumulated.
>Waaah Waaaah!
>Why didn't trump hire my socialist commie >bastard for any position?!?! waaaah!
t. OP
>OP honestly believes he sure fill his cabinet full of establishment long time politicians instead of businessmen.
He is giving the change that I voted for. I am sick of career politicians and extremely happy he isn't adding them to his cabinet.
It's a fake headline, with no source. Absolutely nothing had been proven, so there is nothing to defend.
What is there to defend?
>commies bitching about people not being 100% Marxist
What else is new?
This. Bernie for secretary of the treasury.
I know OP is just being a lil stinker, but, from a leftist perspective, what exactly is wrong with this
You guys remember when he said Hillary was controlled by Goldman Sachs?
I do.
Who don't want friend who made a fortune?
Trump could cum right now into every drumpftard's mouth and rape their grandmothers and they'd still defend him.
you mean no more retarded niggers pushing white genocide?
dems elected one president twice
You forgot the *sips tea* faggot shill
>people who know how to handle money should be in government
found the zimbabwean
Well Bernie didn't make a fortune until he campaigned, and he ended up selling out pretty quick.
If it was young trump I wouldn't mind his load
I you made yourself a fortune you are obviously smart and successful and Trump wants people with the skill for generating money and success in the government so they can better help the countries gain money and success.
>communist tells us what the good economic plans are
whoever works with trump is going to be a black sheep to the establishment
think if ron paul had won. anyone he appointed to help end the fed would be a black sheep forever. no more jobs, ever.
trump has to hire people who know the inner workings of the system, and have enough capital to become independent of the system.
short of electing a head of the federal reserve network, there's nothing that will make me think he's not our guy. we still have two months before the guy is sworn into office and the attacks on him are non stop. that means one thing: the establishment is scared.
>rule me, my orthodox jewish masrters!!!!
found the cuckservative
the problem Sup Forums has with jews is cultural, not economic
Since the guy has been removed from GS, does that mean he is still loyal to them? Trump seems to have a habit of hiring people from other groups, like that black chick that was for Cruz and now works for him
>"I want people are are successful!"
Sounds reasonable.