Someone redpill this cuck

Someone redpill this cuck.

He literally thinks the Nazis killed 12 million Jews, and hated Slavs.

The Nazis did hate slavs, you moron.

To be fair, the slavs hate being slavic, too.

Self loathing Norwegian-Czechoslovakian reporting in

>He literally thinks
Fuck back to red dirt, newfag

>killed 12 million Jews
>implying the real number was anything less than a zilliongorillion

Hitler attending funeral of Polish head of state Pilsudski

Mudblood. You should kill yourself.

Helmuth von Pannwitz, an SS General, voted the "emperor" of the Cossacks (whom are ethnic Russians). Sacrificed his life to die alongside his men. Considered a hero even to this day among the Cossacks, called "The Last Knight of Europe"

I've also heard the term white russia thrown around the family with regards to heritage and whatnot

tfw neutralmensch

Ukrainians holding the SS-Galician banner, a powerful symbol of national pride. The SS-Galician was a foreign-SS division comprised of volunteer Slavic Ukrainians fighting for independence from Communist Russia.

>12 million jews
You completely misunderstood his point on that, and yes Hitler hated Slavs you Nazi retard

Andrey Vlasov, a USSR defector to Germany. Led a force of 200,000 Russians that fought alongside the Germans against the communist regime, known as the "Russian Liberation Army"

I'm pretty sure that calling him a cuck over and over on Twitter will help bring him over to your side.

Quiet, you anti-nazi retard.

A fucking leaf shitposting
Not surprised

Moving on to the holohoax.

The best source, I maintain, is David Cole. Anyone genuinely interrested in holocaust revisionism should pay attention to him.







Going to end it off here

>12 million
What an anti-semite! How could he forget the 24 million slaughtered by aryan monsters? Remember the 48 million!

Wow the way you talk about the 5 billion in such a crass manner disturbs me.

>this retarded leaf cherrypicking diplomacy
Nazis did hate slavs and were bent on wiping out or enslaving Poles and Russians. I also don't understand the holocaust denial here
>Gas the kikes!
>Nazis didn't gas the kikes, that's just a jewish lie!


quiet moshe, your lugen is showing

Just read a Mein Kampf.
It's not like he hated slavs, but he kinda had a pretty poor opinion of us.

>but he kinda had a pretty poor opinion of us
so par per the world course?

>tfw Stalin genocided every other intelligent, competent slav
Fuck the USSR. Russia would easily be my favorite country in the world if it was under the tsar still.