I actually cringed when I saw this and I'm alt-right. This is the most embarrassing piece of shit I have ever seen anywhere, and it came straight from Sup Forums.
I actually cringed when I saw this and I'm alt-right. This is the most embarrassing piece of shit I have ever seen anywhere, and it came straight from Sup Forums.
I'm not buying this shit.
The best part of all this alt-right shit popping up is how much perspective you have being nearly 30 years old and browsing Sup Forums since 2006.
Yeah I am a White male with an Asian wife.
Honestly, it is the far best option for White men in current year. Don't believe that dumb "alt-light teenagers" trying to dissuade you against dating Asian women.
its a kike plot to make us racemix with asian fluid druids
I didn't look at the video, but I am not opposed to neckbeard katana larping. If that's what it takes to get them outside and losing the weight, so be it.
I doubt that 2bh
Why would the left tell us not to hypersexualise Asian women if this were what they wanted?
Kill yourself.
Give me the run down of the video. I'm on mobile.
Original Japs were Aryan, then mixed with gooks. It's why based nips are superior to the rest of Asians and why Hitler loved them.
This is Sup Forums tier material.
>I'm alt-right
What the fuck kind of data plan are you on that you can't watch a fucking YouTube video?
After a lifetime wasted chasing tall blondes, turns out my Korean born wife is the best female I've ever known. Western born women of any colour are warped and entitled, IMO.
>caring about what 18 year old edgy social outcasts say about your personal life
You did well. Ignore the haters. Loneliness and anger makes people lash out towards "others".
Sexless bitter teen.
race traitor who will be hanged on rope day
Well I mainly mean I'm out and about with no headphones. Can't risk the video being too autistic without social ramifications
this has to be a fucking parody or bait.
>an entire nation of Elliot Rodgers
There would be mass shootings every day.
By an edgy teen faggot? Don't think so son, I'd waste you and your weak genes.
How tall is your wife?
How tall will your sons be?
There Chicago
A guy wants to make a nation out of White male + Asian female couples and all kinds of hapas.
Reporting in
I'm quite tall. My daughter will probably be taller than you. Get out of your mom's basement and go walk around for a while.
>I want to make anime real
You really shouldn't have gotten an asian wife or at least a fully asian one. IF you got a half asian girl you could at least hope that you'd be breeding out the Asian by a few generations. Now your kids will not even be close to how you look. Good job man. BTW I'm pretty much exactly how you described yourself just not married to a fucking Asian.
Oh so you won't say. She's a midget isn't she. Enjoy your loser manlet Elliot Roger, you total fucking faggot.
>tfw japanese gf
My Japanese gf is cuter than yours.
Why did you go for the standard "88 wreathe" shirt when you could be the white nigger that you are and wear the "totally not for niggers 88 sports jerseys".
Bet not potatonigger. Can you even N1?
>tfw too smart to take something that is obviously ironic seriously
You are an autist.
Female, retard. Like I said, she'll likely be taller than you. Go outside and find a date, it'll make you feel better about yourself.
Oh so you're only having one kid? At least you're minimizing the damage you're doing. Most self respecting right wingers have at least 2. I guess your more of a swipple faggot, like most weebs.
How long was your daughter at birth in inches?
Look at his other videos. He's serious. I'm a huge troll so I know when other people are trolling.
Ever seen a such qt before?
That's right.
You haven't.
finns are the whitest eurasian-aryan race
You seen Eurasian writers channel? Right wing white men plus Asian women = little Elliot To, the evidence is pretty compelling.
I studied in nippon for years and was inundated with qts every day. You are merely a potatonigger padawon whom is misguided by a false-sense of knowint.
Dude, you're a little creepy. Worry about passing on your own genes, I'm already immortal. Write us back when someone besides your mom cares about you.
elliot was the product of a JEW. jews aren't White.
How to Sup Forumsacks with Asian wives reconcile the fact that if we turn western nations pro white again, their hapa children will have even more chance of serious identity issues and mental illness than they do now.
The chances of you having grand kids with only one kid of your own are slim, especially if she's hapa. Go to /r/hapas if you want to see how fucked up they are.
Real right wingers have big families with real white women after they finish college.
You're not immortal btw. You've erased yourself and your daughter will most likely grow up to be a self hating SJW, just like the women in /r/hapas.
You need to check Eurasian Writers YT. Product of a right wing anti Jewish dad and Asian mother.
thats not accurate or scientific
We won't be able to turn Western nations pro-White if we don't breed a new generation to help us carry the banner.
No children? Game over.
It's like you willfully ignore that Hitler allied with Japan in WW2. Oh wait, you do, because you are a jidf shill kike.
No, she'll grow up fine, I'm not worried. Edgy teen lord, you have no idea how many kids I have, or what colour they might be.
All that matters in life is happiness and immortality; I have both, you have neither. Get back to me when you aren't a failure.
Allying with a nation is different than destroying his idea of perfect Aryan children with blonde hair and blue eyes. You won't be getting that result by race mixing.
>believing in the alt right meme
You /r/the_donald faggots really need to lurk moar
>All that matters in life is happiness
You have to go back.
kike kike black dick sucking kike. crooked nose and hates the Whites. kike kike go away, I'll race mix with Asians any day.
If you're going to have hapa children you need to forget about white nationalism and racial ideas altogether because you are going to create a fucked up human being and send them out into white societies.
>be me
>filipino girlfriend
>bit chubby
>supports my fetishes
>i dont have money
>finds confidence in me
the alt right are like the red headed stepchildren of politics,nobody really cares about them
>tfw no Japanese gf
>a fat flip
Nice one Crocodile Dundee.
>go back
My great grandparents were settlers in the West, pajeet -- this is my home.
>I'm alt-right
Reddit pls go
Hahha THis sounds fucking awesome! Asian pussies ples!
His dad was English.
Your son will likely look full Asian.
I hope you don't harbour any prejudices against Asian men. kek.
>and I'm alt-right.
that is cringe itself
just leave
>this is cringe itself
says the canadian,go back to your cuckshed with justin trudeau
Race mixing is fucking wrong, no matter if it's a nigger, spic, jew or asian
Good job failing your grandparents and pissing away your thousands of years worth of genetics.
You're no better than coal burning white women.
Eliot Rodger was a kike. His dad's a hollywood producer for chrissakes.
Peter Rodgers doesn't sound very kikey.
English guy, his features aren't obviously Jewish.
I've yet to see any evidence that he was other than on forums.
Seems like it was the alt right yellow fever defence force trying to deflect and convince us its only Jewish Asian Japan that are fucked up(false).
You are 18, your opinion isn't worth anything yet. You haven't done anything, you don't own anything. You don't even get laid regularly.
Don't worry anyway Tyrone, you'll find a nice black girl one day and keep your genes pure.
Hapas* not Japan.
If you want to fuck gooks, you should fuck off to Asia.
I'm 32, I own a $760,000 home, a car, a truck, a motorcycle, and I have a blonde haired, blue eyed wife with 3 blonde haired, blue eyed children.
I still worry about my childrens' future, because of mongrels like you I have to beat into their heads that they should love their race and not throw away their history and culture because of jew propoganda.
Nice try though, Ho Chin.
The fact that you do this means you can not complain about BM+WF in any way. Everything you say against it is completely invalid. You're literally pro-racemixing. And no, there are no exceptions like "But niggers!". Just because you are painting the wall a different color doesn't mean your are not painting the wall at all.
Why do you fucking yellow fever leddits love gooks so fucking much
Exactly this.
>B-B-But Asians are based, not like niggers at all
You are the nigger in this scenario. The low IQ, "muh dick", "where da yellow women at" nigger.
>Hey g-guys, i'm alt-right
>j-just like you
Because gooks are submissive and also self-hating. Which makes them easy to control by those seen as superior to them.
our women are nice
>more relativism
hello jew kike. I can stop your shilling tactics from a mile away.
Holy fuck this guy, implying everyone in this thread is a teenager because they're posting on Sup Forums when he is doing the exact same fucking thing.
You are really pathetic if you're trying to use age as superiority when you yourself sound like you are in your early 20s.
This idiot has never heard of weaboos so he thinks he needs to make up a word to describe this 'new' trend
>wanting to fuck a yellow skin slant eye
It's the same thing, dude. Keep pretending it's not.
>go to /r/...
Stopped reading there. Get out you enormous faggot
>unironically risking giving birth to either beta-cuck hapa manlet or a socially awkward hapa with daddy problems and BPD
My brother showed me the way. He found himself an honest mexican catholic girl, real family girl, completely dedicated to him. that was what got my eyes off the trash american girls. happily married with children over a decade now
Then my best friend found an amazing puerto rican girl. catholic, honest, dedicated to him completely. happily married with children over a decade now
My step brother found a russian girl, happily married with children for over a decade now.
notice? no divorces, every woman on this list a stay at home mom. No infedelity
So I found myself a nice QT Japanese girl when I was overseas. Unlike the tramps and whores in the USA, she's an honest to god house wife. Couldn't find one in the USA, but found one pretty easily outside the usa. Happily married now for 7 years, kids, she's a stay at home wife as well.
Or Australia, huh Chow?
Backed into a corner with no counter argument and confronted by his own glaring hypocrisy, the weeaboo resorts to accusing his attacker as a shill.
>Alt right
Yeah GTFO CTR racemixing shill.
Nah, you don't have any of that. You're a thirsty, angry basement teen. Don't worry, mom will be home soon.
I'm proud asian-aryan finn :D
You are. Back to Eddit with you.
>triggered by the American dream
Holy shit is life in Canada really that bad to where my meager accomplishments seem that unattainable?
What a sad life you live.