Is being raped by a woman a real problem or are numales absolute pussies?

Is being raped by a woman a real problem or are numales absolute pussies?

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its pretty hot desu

It's not a real problem but it's fun to poke at leftism's doublethink by pretending to be offended

No such thing. It's like complaining about winning the lottery because you won too much money

Indeed, only a Sup Forums user would find women getting back power problematical.

Attention whores want attention. What else is new.

It is if she is ugly and fat.

Well it's a problem when it happens to kids. Contrary to popular belief, getting abused by a woman when you're a kid will fuck you up just as bad as if it were a man.


Except woman who rape men look like this, not like your media clickbait garbage. They wait for men to get drunk as shit and then pounce.

we are generally the most reasonable guys on this board

Indeed, only a Swede can be a true cuck. The rest of the cuckold community are merely attempting to match.

It's a Catch-22 for feminists.

They can't claim it's not "really" rape or that guys getting boners proves they "wanted it" because they've spent the last 20 years making the argument that a woman experiencing hardwired physical responses like arousal and orgasm during a rape don't constitute consent. But they can't claim it is rape because that'd be opening the pandora's box for men to start pushing their own "rape culture" narrative.

So they do the only thing they can - ignore it completely.

I agree, you Norwegians are pretty cool, can you send so pure white folk over here to the good 'ok USA? We could use some more.

depends if she looks like this, it's rape

Came here to post this

Those sisters are the nicest people online tbqhfam

Although I think one of them died already

you should be just as worried with the tier of women bouncing around in the states.

Only a problem if she's fat

Women can’t stand the fact that rape is something they fear more than anything else and will fuck them up physiologically for life if it happened to them but if it happened to a man (real man, not a millennial safe zone snowflake) he would just laugh about it with his friends and carry on like it was nothing. This is male strength the feminazi can never take away and it scares them.

for now its too good to live here. we need another food shortage for this to happen.
but i cant speak for us all. you need to red pill us on american freedom

Trust me its only hot in your fantasy, same for women.

Any man/woman who is resorting to rape is neither going to be attractive or pleasant.

>Not raping the rapist woman

Oh joys of life

pretty sure that if you got bummed you would boohoo about it.

>raped by a woman
Stay on point pork chop.

as this guy says
it depend on what type of rape it is

has there ever been any case of a man brutally beaten and raped?

>ywn get raped by a girl

Why live?

What? You thought that it was going to be cosy Penis-in-Vagina lovemaking rapes?

She comes at you with a broken broom handle and buggers you wide open after spiking your drink. You are gonna cry about it, tough guy.

Its unpunishible in NZ. There is no law for it. Equality..

If you date a high test closet lezza then watch out.

>rape is something they fear more than anything else
on the contrary, real rape is undeniably horrible business but any woman fantasized about idealized rape at least once in their life
there is something romantic in being raped by a strong man, rape shows his masculinity pretty well and strong masculine man is what any women secretly wants, even deep down rotten feminist brains there is a spark of desire

My brother-in-law got black out drunk at a party and passed out in the guest room and woke up to a hambeast grinding on him, she ran out of the room and when he went outside she was punching herself in the face and calling herself an idiot. Everyone at the party made jokes about him getting raped the rest of the night.

It's an amusing story but the double standards of laughing it off it somewhat chilling.

when you got a gf who becomes fat and disgusting and you dont want to touch her but due to her being a shit stirring bitch alienating you from your mates and family and living at her place and she threatens to throw you out every 5 mins and pretends to ring the police on sometimes you gotta shag her even though it turns your stomach

bit the bullet and left in the end...was a horrid existance...have my own place money and happyness now

It's useful to think of rape in different categories

> actual rape

What everyone commonly thinks of, violent people taking what they want from women. Extremely rare for women in the west to experience this, pretty much non-existent for men in the west to experience this.

> "modern" rape

Basically, any situation where the other partner is kind of pushy, or there was alcohol involved, or you said "no" but then the other person kept escalating sexually anyway, and you just shrugged and let it happen

The big difference here is that women in these situations are told this is just as bad as violent rape, while men have the more natural reaction, which is to laugh it off and enjoy it. This is the vast, overwhelming majority of what is called 'rape' nowadays, and is experienced by men and women at roughly equal rates.

So no, it's not a problem, because men have the non-dramatic, non-histrionic reaction to it, while women have a politicized faction pounding propaganda into their heads about how it's the most traumatic thing in the world and they are stained forever by it.

How such "rape" would look like? She put huge dildo in your ass or ride your cock without your permission? Serious question

hey, if your dick rose you asked for this :^)

>How such "rape" would look like? She put huge dildo in your ass or ride your cock without your permission? Serious question
She'd probably hold a gun to your head or knife to your throat and ride your cock without permission, yeah. Suck you off, things like that. It's vile.

That is called paying your rent with sex. At one time the beneficiary would have been called a mistress or kept woman however that isn't acceptable any more.

Nothing wrong with it being gender bent. Everyone has a choice: stand on your own feet or else make your way however you can. If you can only do it on your back then that's life. Better than starving in the cold.

She slips ruffies into your drink, you pass out, she chains you up, force feeds you viagra so you're always hard, she uses you like her personal fuckdoll, even you if you don't feel like it or you've already orgasmed and she keeps going and going. I imagine it'd be something like that.

This post is quintessentialy british

Well, that's horrible..

Imagine how many lampshades or soap they could make

Don't forget, it's a badge of honor for a woman to be a victim and rape is the ultimate victimhood.

It's kinda good, hope some chick rape me soon and i stop being virgin in my 30.

Just like in my mongolian cartoons.

There's no law for it because no one has ever been sexually assaulted by a sheep

When your wife complains endlessly about how you don't love her anymore because you don't what to fuck her on some random Tuesday night because you have to be up at 6 AM to go to work the next day, but if you don't she will keep you up anyhow.

It's not considered rape by everyday standards but she is forcing you to have sex when you really don't want to.

>you will never be raped by a thick amazon with a hulking, massive chick dick


You are thinking hot woman.

Could be she's a fat nasty uggo who hopped onto you after you blacked out from too much drinking.


Yeah they do daily but sheep dont snitch.

If you get raped by a women here you are an ultra beta and deserve it.

Female on male rape is usually waking up with a 400lb hambeast riding your dick while you were asleep followed by the dawning horror that you came already. 9 months later you get a child support demand and the rape continues for the next 18 years.

We speak about womans not transgenders.

A British MP lady recently made a speech in parliament which was basically "I got raped when I was younger" nothing more and then gets a big applause for it.

A women would never rape a numale, she will only rape those who would be a good provider she can extract resources from.

You'd fit in on a modern college campus with that definition of rape. Who is so controlled that they have sex when they don't want to in a relationship? If you can't say "no" you're saying "yes".

if youve ever met a woman that you really didn't want to have sex with then chances are you can be raped. the difference seems to be that when women are raped they face violence as the alternative to submitting where men face accusations of rape and violence and having their lives ruined if they dont go through with it

top kek

It depends on the form of the rape. I'm fairly sure you'd be traumatized and embarrassed as hell if you were held down against your will and somebody forcibly jammed something in your asshole until it bled and all you could do was scream in pain.

The numales that date hambeasts are pushed around like the britches they are.

Non-low test men have no problem with female abuse/rape

Had a friend that got way too drunk at a college party. Some chick grabbed him and dragged him into an empty room, and started riding him. He barely understood what was happening and passed out on the floor shortly after it started. It does happen to guys. He's lucky he didn't get any diseases or knock her up.

I was actually raped by 2 women, ask me anything

I had a friend who had a gf would would suddenly decide she was pregnant every time he tried to break up with her.

Same guy I referenced above who got rode by a hambeast after drinking too much.

That dude got raped a lot I guess.

Being raped by a women isn't usually physically forceful. It is more like the female holding their sanity and yours hostage.

Basically they make a situation where if you want any peace in life you have to fuck them.

Right, because I'm taking this case directly to the authorties and insist something be done immediately! For fuck's sake lighten up man.

did they take your million dollars?

Srsly though: post the deets man.

>t. neckbeard virgin who faps to underage anime pictures for his entire life

please kill yourself, ty!

It becomes a real problem when:
1. The woman transmits a life-long lasting disease through forced intercourse
2. The woman ends up getting pregnant, and YOU have to pay for child support
3. You are already in a relationship
4. The woman inflicts wounds through violence or penetration

Furthermore, your girlfriend, the judge, your lawyer and hell, maybe even your best friends will have doubts that the woman has taken advantage of you, not the other way around.
It's because of idiots like you that male rape victim are silent and don't even dare to speak up, as noone might believe him, anyway.

>b-but you're much stronger, women are never able to rape a man who isn't an absolute cuck
Which is something a male victim of female-incited sexual harrassment has never said.

1. Good luck dealing with the fear about your life, when she is armed with a weapon and catches you offguard.
2. She doesn't even need weapons, if she is your boss. She has every right to do anything you might find inappropiate, as long as you want to keep your job.
3. Fear of being labeled gay by your peers takes the right for most men away to deny any sexual approaches at all, by "attractive" women, no matter whether you want sex or not. (Granted, by your definition, this is completely consensual, still worth mentioning as a social flaw)

Not every fat or ugly bitch is unattractive. I have met so many cunts in this shitty country with horrendous personalities. You don't expect them to be interested in you, but when they do, and they start touching you as if expecting they what they want because they have pussy, they will not stop, and it will get awfully awkward and she will take the advantage over you, because she has the right to scream for help, while you are automatically turned to the culprit.

how much does a mcdiddy double cheeseburger cost in america?

I'd still like it tbqh.

I don't know how a woman "rapes" a man, but I'm way into femdom. I can pretend I'm being forced if that gets her off.

>t. neckbeard virgin who faps to underage anime pictures for his entire life
Wow no need to go insulting half the board just to make a point Hans

>Not being a fag so you can become impervious to rape
Shaking my head, family.

Yes please.

Just go along for the ride
The ride never ends

I've been raped by a woman before. She was jelly because my ex was this turbo qt and she wanted to steal me from her. So she gave me ton of absinthe and then dragged me upstairs and fucked me while I was passed out.

It's no joke, it's not like I enjoyed it because I think felt guilty for cheating on my super qtgf and if this bitch had gotten pregnant I would have been fucked.

Women are awful.

I was with a girl who I usually tie up and dominate and for some stupid ass reason I let her tie me up for once.

She came in with her disgusting fat roommate. They both got naked and started rubbing ice all over me, and not in a sexy way at all. All over my balls and ass and leaving it on areas for so long it started to hurt.

The fat one jumped on my dick and I remember thinking
>this is how I get AIDS.

Then the hambeast ended up sitting on my face with her disgusting vagina while the hot one rode me. I was gasping for air the entire time. I didn't want to freak out and start kicking bitches in the face so I just took it.

And then I came.

5/10 experience

I still laugh about it tho


>Is being raped by a woman a real problem or are numales absolute pussies?

depends on the woman.

if it's this thing, yeah, it's a serious problem.

a larger, older, bigger, stronger or less intoxicated girl/woman pulling down your pants, grabbing your dick and ass without consent is some what i would classify as rape.

Its sluts like you that give men a bad name

Only if she is ugly or fat. Same with man on woman rape.

I've gotten unwanted french kiss before, but I wouldn't call that rape.

> "I didn't want to freak out so I just took it"
isnt that like how 90% of so called "rapes" happen?

its not rape just because you didnt enjoy it, thats not really how it works, if you didnt say NO or STOP then its not rape...

How do you into impervious against a pack of gay niggers running a train on your asshole?

no, the same way a girls probably couldn't call it rape or assimilate it to a brutal sexual assault

Oh I said no multiple times. I thought they were fucking around at first.

They just giggled and told me to shut up and that it'd be fun.

Like I said, I didn't want to freak out in front of the hot one so I just took it.

This was like 10 years ago before SJW even existed btw

I wish hot women would rape me. Nice

if the other girl was as hot as the 1st would you still call it rape ?

>I was actually raped by 2 women, ask me anything

what did their penis taste like?

>be me
>19 yo
>just finished high school, party every weekend with friends
>end up on some house party in nearby town
>no idea how i got there, was already wasted
>drink some more, pass out on nearest flat surface thats not hard like floor
>wake up and this 5/10 chubby bitch is getting on my dick
>took me like a minute to actually realize what the fuck is going on
>tell her to fuck off but no energy to get up and slap her stupid face upside down
>bitch rides me for a couple minutes
>sober up a bit
>get up and bend her over the bed
>mfw hatefucking this baby whale washed ashore
>she starts squeling to slow down, fuck harder
>cum all over her rubenesque ass
>bitch actually sobbing, feel kinda bad
>ask her if shes ok
>mfw she says she was a virgin and didnt want it so rough

was it rape?

>Is being raped by a woman a real problem or are numales absolute pussies?
Stop and think for a moment about the kind of woman who has to resort to rape. It's no secret that men are retarded horndogs that will fuck basically anything where they can find a hole, so what do you think a female rapist looks, acts and smells like?

If she's cute I'm not struggling...

Ugly black crack whore riddled with diseases and the smelliest pussy ever puts a gun to your head ties you down and says lick it...kill me now

It's not rape if you like it so much you ask her to do it again...

hahah! meine freund, Mein freund....

Of course not because I would have been into it. Threesomes are awesome....usually.

Her vag tasted like salsa.

she raped you no doubt about it

Yes, but you raped her in self-defense.

fucking lol

I wish I had a gf to role play rape me.

then its not rape. if you mean by not struggling - giving consent