I am a wrestling coach for youth and middle school and I've found that young kids are really based

I am a wrestling coach for youth and middle school and I've found that young kids are really based.

I have heard 10 year old wrestlers talk about how much they hate wrestling blacks and Mexicans because they smell bad and how the love to beat up the bulldyke girls who think they can do a man's sport.

Is it just that I only see a small demographic of badass kids or is it part of a larger generational trend?

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This is why you get your son into sports.

Kids are honest. That is really just it. They're not political. They just say what they feel.

>how they love to beat up the bulldyke
You clearly haven't been wrestling since youth because we've always said that. Losing to bulldyke would was the worst form of shame

Middle school wrestling coach here as well. They' re stupid and never stop talking and go 10% in practice and wonder why they're shit when they don't pin their opponent in 10 seconds and run out of air and forget wtf a half is.

Also that pic's bottom kid looks good, elbows in but forearms out. Top kid needs to be on toes.

>wrestlers talk about how much they hate wrestling blacks and Mexicans because they smell bad and how the love to beat up the bulldyke girls who think they can do a man's sport.

No wonder racist white people always get their ass kick in combat sports. White people get dominated by Mexicans and blacks in boxing and in MMA. Wait till more blacks and Mexicans start fighting in the UFC you sissy white boys will forget about MMA and go back to NASCAR.

>Someone who doesn't watch boxing
Klitschko could beat any two niggers you could find to death in the ring tomorrow without stopping for a break between them.

>drilling for oil


Nice meme. That's the only name you white cucks say. News flash the Klitschko bro's are Jewish. I doubt they give a fuck about you cucks.



Sjws don't enter xheyr children into wrestling.

Right wing politics are the new way to rebel against your parents and the establishment.


White people do do better in wrestling though.

LARPing threads are getting lazy as fuck.

>Billy Joe Saunders

I remember girls trying to join wrestling back in the 90s. They'd get fucking wrecked and go play volleyball instead.

For some reason, they didn't let the boys play volleyball. I wonder what was up with that?

Was Mexican wrestler lol. Wresting black kids was the worst, they all smell, fellow hispanics did not smell.

Wrestlers are based.

So why havent blacks held the heavy weights since the klitchsko brothers for 10 years you dumb nigger.

>White people do do better in wrestling though.

That's a chart for Europeans, faggot not Americans. Gen Z are more left-wing than ever

I don't care how many chicks you've fucked, if you participate in that faggot sport you're still 100% queer
>pinning men from behind
>being dominated by other men
GTFO pedo faggot. Hope your kids get out with their sexualities intact.

Wrestling (the shitty kind like in Ops pic) is literally the gayest sport known to man. Only fags play it and only peados coach it.

WBC heavyweight champion sissy white boy

2015 NCAA Champion: Logan Steiber
2014:David Taylor
2013:Quentin Wright
The last four gold medalists in the olympics have been white in freestyle.

IBF heavyweight champion

10 of the last 13 gold medalists in greco roman have gone to whites

>people did not immediately recognize OP is a pedo who wants to share pics of little boys wrestling

I also think it's the gayest sport known to man but I'd never fuck with a wrestler
A wrestler that knows what he's doing will fuck your shit up in a fight
Fuck those niggers

Wrestling is pretty based

>unironically agreeing with 10 year old meatheads
You're real smart

>there hasn't been a single black wwe world champion ever in the history of wrestling
Your move, niggers

You described like 80% of my team. I have like 8 kids that are actually good though and they compete year round and have an incredible work ethic.

MS wrestling is hilarious though because you will have a short fat 11 year old get thrown around by a tall lean 14 year old. It's like cheering on child abuse.

I've heard stuff like this about the younger generations, weirdly conservative apparently

that kid isnt even trying to base up

So uhm are the Irish white now?

>the love to beat up the bulldyke girls
they need to do a better job