How is Trump going to drain the swamp when his cabinet is literally the swamp?
How is Trump going to drain the swamp when his cabinet is literally the swamp?
Fuck off, Boiny Sandals
Stalin Style
If you want to drain the swamp, first you gotta relocate the animals into the zoo, so they cant hide from the public
ITT denial
Who in the right mind would vote a billionaire to undo a system ruled by billionaires.
no refunds
>hello mah nayme is boine sandaws ann I gets to chaynge the definitton of swamp to suit my nyeeds.
>implying hillary would do a damn thing
Well first he needs to start building the wall. Walls don't build themself. But he also needs to get Mexico to pay for it.
t. Bernie "Vote for the Swamp" Sanders
How was Bernie supposed to change anything when he's been a lazy socialist layabout his entire adult life?
The problem is that Drumpffff said he wouldn't.
That way when you you start kicking swamp goblins out of the country they can't get back in
Why do you keep bringing it back to hillary? The elections over. His point still stands.
Zis name is Bunny Sundust you bigot
The goal of Donald Trump is to increase the USA debt so Goldman Sachs makes a lot of money.
Fuck off bernouts. You don't get to change the definition of "the swamp".
Trumps swamp refers to the corrupt people currently in charge, not the "millionuhs and billionuhs". Shockingly, Trump and most of his supporters don't think all rich people are inherently bad.
this is just to distract from obama obeying some shmoe from citibank. and if you look at obama's shit cabinet, they were filled with a bunch of doofuses from chicago. arnie duncan (idiot), valerie jarrett (idiot), rahm emanuel (idiot), david axelrod (idiot), etc.
trump has an extremely low bar to clear.
for example, tim geithner turned out to be the biggest muppet of all time (said stupid shit like "the guys from goldman are so freakin smart!!" if you read neil barofsky's book) .. munch probably cannot be trusted but he sounds like he at least gets shit done on a personal level. if you recall, timmy g couldn't even sell his house, because he didn't realize the depth of the housing credit crisis.
It amazes me how cucks, especially the guy on the left, always have such an empty smile.
The swamp = non whites, leftists, liberals, environmentalists and feminists
I don't see any of them in his cabinet.