Did Hitler actually escape to South America and didn't die in the bunker or is this just another crazy conspiracy theory Sup Forums?
Hitler's Escape to South America
Bump for curiosity
Well that's a pic of him really old in his Nazi suit so what do you think?
Hitler is my neighbor, can confirm he's alive.
I have no clue really.
But it is disconcerning that the FBI investogated hitlers where aboutd even after they "identified" his body in berlin.
Stalin believed that they never caught hitler until the day he died.
They never identified a body dumb nigger. They matched the jaw with his dental records.
He's in the center of the earth right now you fucking retard
So he's alive, but he's no longer got his jaws?
The"dead body" of hitler was dragged out the bunker, rolled in a carpet and set on fire. He found somebody years before with similar dental records or hell, even falsified his own to match that of the burnt body.
He has a dino-jaw now.
Those trips aren't conspiracy.
Anyway, let me ask you a question.
On one side you have Americans and their puppets, ruled over by Jews. On other side, you have Soviets, ruled over by Jews. Neither one you can trust since they're full of shit.
They tell you Hitler died in the bunker and they burned the body.
Do you believe them?
Remember, the biggest lie is a most simple one.
>South America
you mean antartica
FBI unclassified that he 'fled to argentina' a cover story.
this. uncle adolf is flying all over the place in his flying saucer with his brain hardwired into a cyborg
Usa isnt run by jews back then. Most govt and media was white or promoting white culture.
I never seen a radical change until the 90's.
Jews do however control the money system which actually is harder to regulate and their only real interest. Even then when reagan deregulated the economy, Jews could abuse it more.
When Obama came in he signed in a propaganda law, that's why you see lot of leftist multicultural garbage on your tv. Made by jews.
Note that I never mentioned degeneracy, that stuff was always there but hidden.
>Usa isnt run by jews back then
damn canadians really are retarded.
USA was ran by jews since fucking 1776. masons are cryptokikes
>On one side you have Americans and their puppets, ruled over by Jews. On other side, you have Soviets, ruled over by Jews.
I've got news for you: even the Third Reich was ruled by Jews.
P.S. There's nothing Jews like more than sacrificing their more inept co-tribals to Moloch. History is repeating itself: this is why the Jews of today are turning Europe into a Muslim shithole and promoting the 'Palestine' meme.
I'm not one to throw on the fucking tinfoil, but he just disappeared. Usually when people like that die they string em high and take photos. No hard facts will ever surface. Such is life.
Not real. Masons are whites.
masons are subhuman cryptokikes. they are the ultimate shabbos goyim. the american revolution was a sham, (((they))) knew that colonialism was destined to fall apart so they staged a fake revolution and continued to rule under the guise of a 'free society'.
>Usually when people like that die they string em high and take photos
This is the most damning thing desu. If he was actually killed whoever did it would definitely use his corpse as propaganda.
probably not.
I was told when I was in middle school that he had his body cremated after he killed himself.
But I'm not ruling out the possibility he survived.
Nazi crematorium technology will never cease to amaze me.
Yes obviously. He also tunneled through the Andes into inner Earth where a bunch of Nazis still exist.
Nah he never did that, I died in that bunker.
Did any anons watch Hunting Hitler on the History channel last year? I only caught parts of a few episodes but the team of investigators seemed to have gathered some good evidence that he indeed lived in South America after the war. Which reminds me I really need to download that now.
American education...
did he died