*sips eggnog*
>implying Jesus died
He was lifted to heaven and Judas was killed in his place.
So? At least he wasn't a nigger
>wrongfully charged
Sedition, claiming to be the messiah
>unjust militarized state
Jesus was according to the customs of Judea.
Thats a funny way of spelling Jewish.
>wrongfully charged
At least he opened the gates for you.
>Edgiests BTFO
Sometimes I wonder how lefties manage to get food into their mouths so they don't starve to death.
Don't forget
>Jesus was killed by (((them)))
*sips beer*
>militarized state
>wrongfully charged
>man of color
All of that shit is wrong
Before "man of color" was even a thang.
They were all black in those days, some more, some less.
>wrongfully charged
He did exactly what he was charged with.
>man of color
He was the same color everyone around him was.
>unjust militarized state
>civilization of a level the world had never seen and wouldn't see again till a thousand years later
this akhi knows
That's supposed to be Saint Peter, you dolt.
>God was the father
>not being white and beautiful af
>not knowing being black was the curse of cain
> man of white color
Well no. He was executed by the Romans. They were, you know: Roman. Being from Nazareth, he was Semitic--an Arab.
The real Jesus was likely 36, armed to the point where he knocked down hundreds of Roman soldiers by saying "I Am He", able to call 12 legions of angels to his side, the least of which could destroy humanity, and, oh yeah, he is God.
He was publicly executed, it was unjust, and Rome is evil. You did get those things right.
But if Jesus wanted to still be on that cross, today, he'd still be there. No men took his life away; he dismissed his spirit and died.
1) Like we don't already talk about this ALL THE TIME?!
>Ignorant fucking atheist bitch
2) Jews are "people of color" now?
Hi Achmed. Good luck with your false prophet, fake gospel, and hellfire.
wtf i'm a pagan now
Jesus was a jew.
> Christians literally worship jews
Actually he was sentenced to die by his own people, the militarized state which was Rome represented by Pontius Pilate who decided to respect the local tribal laws and sovereignty.
It's one of two instincts God gave everyone. Sucking and fear of falling.
Peter had a sword or knife in his possession when he sliced off a centurion's ear. I doubt that Jesus and his disciples were unarmed.
You are confusing ethnic and religious Jews. The "white" Jews are Ashkenazi. Semitic Jews are Semitic. As in Arabs.
>Can't into singular tense.
He did not, actually. He was blackmailed into proceeding with the execution.
Just as Jesus wanted.
yes. he was
killed by a bunch of bloodthirsty Jews
really makes me think
>man of color
>worshipping a human being
That's about right.
He was a revolutionary leader who recommended that Jews carry two motherfucking blades, so he was definitely bearing arms.
>man of color
He was a kike.
>wrongfully charged
He was killed for being a rabble-rousing asshole who wanted to get the kikes to revolt against Roman rule, which made him a criminal.
>unjust militarized state
Niggers complaining about Rome is like a spoiled child complaining about its rich parents.
I wouldn't recommend that to anyone, but muslims will be muslims.
If the world was all blacks the pyramids would leave too
> wrongfully charged
He talked about being king and stuff in a country that just knew civil wars because of that (and the ruler being a paranoid)
> man of color
Maybe just like every subjects of the crown of Judea ?
> unjust militarized state
If she talked about the roman republic before the Marius reform I would have understand but first it wasn't that militarized and then it was the kindgom of Judea that sentenced him to death, even if it was a roman protectorate
>He was killed for being a rabble-rousing asshole who wanted to get the kikes to revolt against Roman rule, which made him a criminal.
Found to be without fault by the Roman prelate.
Try again.
That's Ham you dolt. The sons of Cain actually had civilization, corrupt and evil, bit civilization nonetheless.
>unjust militarized state
>Inferring some civilizations built by men were not corrupt and evil.
He was placating violent tribal zealots who violently revolted every time someone disrespected on of their silly traditions.
I guess you could call it blackmail, I call it taking the route of least resistance.
kind of true though, religious people need to be less hypocritical
> said "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's"
Really made me think.
>Implying the creator of the universe was a nog
No, it was blackmail. I'll show you.
John 19:12 From then on Pilate sought to release Him, but the Jews cried out, saying, “If you let this Man go, you are not Caesar’s friend. Whoever makes himself a king speaks against Caesar.”
He was a Jew, moron.
What a retard. Yes, the execution was handled by Rome, but the only reason he was wrongfully charged was because of the Jewish Pharisees. Pontius Pilate even washed his hands in front of the Jewish crowd to symbolize that this is their doing, not his.
Jews confirmed non-white. I am glad we can stop letting them flip flop.
Nah. It was the juice senpai.
Jews are non-white now?
That's just not fair, if you want to hate white people you have to hate those evil fucking Jews too!
>He was executed by the Romans
The Jews around him were the ones that cried for his execution.
>hypostatic union
>born-again nut wants to debate mythical jesus instead of historical jesus with me
Swing and a miss/
Someone post the picture of Jesus telling traytray to rob a store, it's perfect.
Daily reminder that all semetic people descend from Shem (semites) and all white people descend from Japeth (and all asians).
Daily reminder that your melanin content will not save you from hellfire.
maybe she missed the part where the JEWS killed Jesus
What a bitch, that's the story of Easter, not Christmas.
either Jews are white or they're not. They need to have a conference in Jerusalem on this shit where they bring all the top kike rabbis
case in point :
>Liberals and their false choices.
That is irrelevant. Don't try to shift the blame. When one person kills another, the killer is responsible for the act of killing. "But Billy told me to" is not a valid excuse.
>Jesus was a brown man because he lived in that region, stupid conservatists
>But his killers were white racist nazis working for the police state
Oh, and no he wasn't a fucking Arab, he was a Jew. Son of Isaac not Ishmael.
close enough
>being this brainwashed by semitic desert stories
Nobody killed Jesus. He had the power to lay down his life, and the power to pick it back up again.
He's God.
God did not make any godkillers.
>man of color
Why does this meme exist?
An amazing person of color was PUT TO DEATH by a group of people who still remain in power today. #JewishSupremacy
We're talking Biblical evil, and corruption of the blood. Tends to be that way when your entire civilization is defended from the first murderer.
Aye, but both Jews and Arabs are semetic peoples descended from Noah's son Shem.
The whitewashing of Jesus could be an excellent plot for a Star Ocean video game.
jesus was literally white though
and consented to his death
nice try, satan
The correct translation is actually "give back to Caesar what is Caesar, and give back to God what is God's."
He's advocating for total societal upheaval and a return to a kike-style theocracy that supersedes Rome.
they say this every year
>thinking I'm not going to have a comfy Christmas with cozy blankets and hot chocolate while I enjoy the festivities
why don't they get together with their mother and father and celebrate something nice instead of flinging shit on twitter?
>Not heeding clear warnings.
We worship Jesus so we don't worship other human beings a.k.a people who live in sin.
>not a korean
pick one
Jesus was the descendant of one the the korean generals during the fin korean hyperwar
Look at a map of the US election, at the blue specks who voted for Hillary Clinton, and tell me about "civilization".
Israeli Jews are Semitic. Semitic people, regardless of their religion, share an ethnicity. Arabs and Israeli Jews are the same ethinicty, you taradsaurus.
>he's done research that I don't agree with, so he must be a librul
Blind faith is mental masturbation.
If by took his place you mean hung himself in a shady grove then yes.
heh, Jesus had a lazy eye
Luke disagrees with you, tracing his ancestry back through Shem, the father of the semetic peoples.
White people trace back to Japeth. Japeth's people outnumber Shem's.
Jesus was not an Arab....
Jews aren't from the Arabian peninsula...
He's saying "Pay your taxes to Caesar, but give your life to God."
The Jewish leaders were complicit in that they wanted to maintain their own power/statusquo/etc. They didn't want some religious nut pissing off the Romans and thought of him mostly as a whackjob like we think of Jim Jones or David Koresh.
That's not so much blackmail as questioning his honor/loyalty and reminding him of his sworn duty.
In the end he probably didn't care one way or the other and just did whatever wouldn't lead to the locals chimping out.
Getting real tired of these fucking smarmy self-righteous cunts. If only we could magically transport them to Nazi Germany or better still the USSR so they could find out what real oppression is like.