Comet Ping Pong GoFundMe Campaign

Hey guys, James Alefantis here, just to let you know that even though I'm worth millions, I'm going to reach out to all the retarded fucks out there so they can directly support my love of little children, I mean security.
It'd be great if all the anons out there could get behind this worthy cause and show you're sorry for pedaling all this fake news.
Pizza for life!

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't know if I should sage...

voat*co/v/pizzagate (replace the * with a . )

Massive NGO Pedo Farm Cambodia

I've been trying to save all the Pizzagate related info-graphs I find from other websites for anyone who wants some additional information, please use anything here if it helps you.

I also got some video links that could be related to this case.
15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Satanic Rituals Abuse:
#PizzaGate Has Happened Before:
Comet Pizza Party:
Andrew Breitbart: What's In Your Closet John Podesta?:
Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS:
Hollywood Pedos:
CIA and Satanism?:

How in the living hell people decide that giving them money it's a good option?

Do they gave money to every celebrity that get's bashed and accused?, do they gave money to Brendan Fraser?

He at least deserves it.

> autisticscreeching.jpg

Do you have any actual evidence faggot?

Do you have any to disprove it?

could be to laundry money.

Sage this shit
Fuck off back to Reddette, refugee.
GTFO and go to:
God Like Productions
Above Top Secret
Prison Planet

>Do you have any actual evidence faggot
I'm going to pretend you're not even a shill, but rather some poor guy who was just returned to civilization after being marooned on a desert island for the past 6 months.
Tbqh, we could literally make you a brand new desert island out of the mountain of evidence building around this case.
Show me one piece of evidence indicating the contrary...

dude he doesnt have so much as a proper autistic screeching jpg to upload

>launder money
funny you should mention that. James Alefantis is listed in IMDB as the producer of several movies. check out his IMDB page
>www imdb com/name/nm5025616/?ref_=nv_sr_1

You again straya


How is this not politics related, John?

Even if the accusation turns out be unbased, it's still a political scandal.

Is that a hollywood connection?

A fool & his money are soon parted

People are fucking dumb

Yep, unfortunately everything you do over there, impacts the entire planet. Could you please stop starting wars, plundering resources and raping babies, it's really fucking annoying.

Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings

Conspiracy Of Silence / The Franklin Cover-up HQ Version!

Boys For Sale (1981 Forgotten Documentary)

The focus on Comet Ping Pong distracts from Laura Silsby, Haiti, Epstein's (((LOLITA EXPRESS)), Dennis Hastert, the Finders, and the Franklin cover up.

The mainstream media is doing all they can, including shilling here, to draw attention to the parts of Pizzagate that sound the silliest to normies.

they won't touch:
>Laura Silsby, Haiti, Epstein's (((LOLITA EXPRESS)), Dennis Hastert, the Finders, and the Franklin cover up

Pays 0$ to Saudi buidling owners. Needs 28k for cement and acid to disolve hide bodies.

more info is needed
Gentle Wind, Integral Chuan Institute, Dayspring, Inc., The Center of Release and Integration, Postural Integration Reichian Rebirthing, the New Age Awareness Fair, Beyond Jogging, Aikido with Ki, the Biofeedback Center of Berkeley, and the Esalen Institute.

>Islamic symbols right on the fucking sign
C-certainly we do not condone such hideous practice as abusing children, kuffar.

>The focus on Comet Ping Pong distracts from Laura Silsby, Haiti, Epstein's (((LOLITA EXPRESS)), Dennis Hastert, the Finders, and the Franklin cover up.
Normies don't want to know about this stuff, it's just too real.
But we know user, we know, and as more normies start to wake up they'll find out too, like it or not.

That settles it, I'm #PedoForPepperoni now


Bumping with some Seaman in your eyes


Damn kikes and thier those are really fucking greedy.

This is at least the third time I've read this today. Don't be lazy.

Just donated to Comet's gofundme
Not much because I'm not rich, but I did what I can
This is because I genuinely feel bad for those hard-working, WHITE people whose business was RUINED by conspiracy nuts

>Star and Crescent
>Comet, which reminds of their islamic comet worship
>Property owned by Saud, if the other thread is right.

Aaaaannd the plot thickens.

>Just donated

Sure you did, Ivan.

Do you realize I'm not Russian?

"Ivan" is also a Slovenian name, but it's not very common.

The typical name for Slovenians is "Janez". It's Slovenia's version of "Pajeet".

>The focus on Comet Ping Pong distracts from >Laura Silsby, Haiti
Not a trafficer, a Christian woman that didn't fill out the correct paperwork to get kids out of a Cholera infected Haiti
>Epstein's (((LOLITA EXPRESS))
>Dennis Hastert
Molested 4 teens when he coached wretling in the 70s, and a Republican
>the Finders
good luck, but you can find them and actually talk to the main guy. He's been interviewed recently, but good luck
>and the Franklin cover up.

why do you keep posting the same thing?