What is causing the epidemic of young men going bald and what can be done to combat it (on a political level)?
t. baldie
What is causing the epidemic of young men going bald and what can be done to combat it (on a political level)?
t. baldie
Other urls found in this thread:
>Poor diet
>Sedentary life style
Not something I've noticed in the US. Is it just a finnish thing?
t.normal male
Endocrine Disruptor's and Dioxins. They are the hidden Pollution
When will they learn
using shampoo
not consuming turmeric
not using vinegar
not massaging the scalp (or having your gf do it)
many reasons, my great grandfather, who's a war veteran, has shoulderblade length hair and an undamaged hairline and I learned from him and great granny all of this stuff
I'm 30 and bald. So I shaved. I started losing my hair in the military. I blame constantly wearing a kevlar helmet.
Balding is the same as hitting the wall for men.
A guy with a full head of hair will look good at any age. A baldie will always look like genetic garbage.
It's says your flag's location is "unknown", where are you from?
It's not an epidemic it's part of aging.
The industry/media makes you think you have to have a full head of hair to be attractive. Start paying attention to male actors and you'll catch on to all the different ways they hide their receding hair lines.
Keep buying into their marketing ploys goy.
I think it had to do with 85% genetics, 10% diet, and 5% stress. My brother's friend became a vegan and his hair started falling out because of pussyitis
Clooney, Gyllenhaal and Pitt are wearing wigs, though
The US. I'm phone posting using opera for a browser. Pretty cool privacy features.
What the fuck are smoking dude? Show me evidence that they suffer from baldness.
They just have non-garbage genetics. Hard to believe I know.
I've noticed my hair is thicker when I take fish oil. It's in grass fed animals, but people don't usually eat anything but corn fed now.
A coffee rinse in the morning and showering with ketoconazole shampoo will stop balding in its tracks. It's mostly genetic though and most men do lose most of their hair as they age.
>using shampoo
>not consuming turmeric
>not using vinegar
>not massaging the scalp (or having your gf do it)
are these things I'm supposed to be doing or not?
C'mon guys, I just told you ;(
All that shit is stupid and won't do anything. DHT in the scalp causes hair loss.Caffeine rinses and ketoconazole lowers DHT in the scalp which is what you would want to do to slow hair loss.
An easy way but with severe side effects would be to lower T and higher estrogen via soy, linseed, grapefruit, softener, BPA, Phtalates, High stress, high cortisol.
No just kidding this would be awful donĀ“t do this though latest research has been shown that baldies do not habe more T but their hair roots are more sensitive to it.
It's DHT, not T itself, technically you'd have to block 5-alfa reductase, with natural or chemical shit, saw palmetto or fina\dutasteride
Also having good hair genetics helps, all men in my family still have most of their hair at over 80.
Mandatory estrogen injections / testosterone blockers.
I didn't start balding until I started drinking coffee and took a very stressful job. Could be coincidence but I don't feel it is.
These fat little high T porn addicts are the only ones losing hair.
Been a strict vegetarian for 15 years, got my full head of silky blonde hair. Thick full beard. Soft, smooth, sunkissed white skin.
I'll be slayin 20 year old pussy well into my 50's. You carnibalds can stay on the couch dreamin.
You fags sound like women
>m-muh appearance
Your diet Dramatically reduces Dioxin exposure
How would I use vineger?
>guy on the left is 47 years old
>guy on the right is 32
Fuck off, a full head of hair and an untouched hairline is a sign of youth and health, means you have good genes. Feels good to have thick glorious hair.
type M is aesthetic desu
it is called getting old
reality != hollywood
All I know that is is a really strange feeling when I go out and see guys ten years younger than I am be balding. I often think that my hair grows too fast.
Going bald is truly like losing your humanity.
Just look at poor William. Girls used to be crazy about him and hang posters of him on their bedroom walls.
Now he looks like a subhuman cuck.
Women's rights. Also, Sean Connery wore a hairpiece in Dr. No. Should I go completely bald, I'd consider trying out some hairpieces. There's plenty people with hair who look ridiculous. So why should they have all the fun?
He chose to go bald
Vegeta spotted.
Type M stage 1.5 reporting in
>shitty beard genetics
>hair is still ultra thick
>tfw low test is literally the best aesthetically
I still have a full head of thick hair but I've started being afraid of losing it.
Gosling and Pitt got transplants. So did Bradley Cooper and Matthew McConaughey
I think he means drinking vinegar. It lowers blood acidity. I've heard of people claiming blood acidity maybe has a relation to balding but really the hard science is pointing to genetics. If your hair follicles are sensitive to DHT then they will shrink to the point of never growing again.
Sure thing Napoleon
[citation needed]
>Type O+M
I've never seen that before in my life.
They say to wash your hair only with cold water. I don't know if makes your hair better, but it's worth a try.
less porn, more wifes
Balding is caused by a chemical called DHT
it's genetics.
Mother's father, to be exact.
All that other shit is funded by supplement companies that can say whatever the fuck they want and sell you whatever the fuck they want so long as it doesn't kill you.
O2 reporting in. you are like a little babby
Matthew McConaughey in 1999. He claims natural supplements fixed it.
>it's genetics.
>Mother's father, to be exact.
Huh that's interesting. My hair looks exactly like my mother's father's hair when he was still young, my mom recently pointed out.
Studies show vegan men frequently have higher testosterone.
no joke i see him younger in left
Fuck man. You planning on shaving it off or are you using minxoxidil and fin?
Yeah I knew about McConaughey.
Pitt and Gosling on the other hand have never had a transplant. They have full heads of hair naturally like normal healthy men.
It's crazy how baldfags think that anyone with a normal full head of hair has had work done.
Bradley Cooper. Most men in Hollywood have either had transplants or have stylists style their hair to perfectly hide Bald spots.
No it isn't
All old men get wrinkles and grey hair
Not true of baldness
>fish oil is in grass fed animals
>American education
>what is genetic?
micro pigmentation is the way to go bros..
look younger forever and perm results
How expensive are implants anyway?
Testosterone causes that dont worry its normal for real men.
''In the 2008 United States American National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 36% of adults were considered inactive. 59% of adult respondents never participated in vigorous physical activity lasting more than 10 minutes per week'' fatso, you should know shit about your fatland
Blame whatever you want while ignoring the true culprit, your shit genetics.
t. 30 year old with full head of hair
Reminder that 70% of men lose their hair before age 40. The normal is not having a thick head of hair.
It's crazy to think that people whose career is looking good don't invest in their attractiveness.
Except that's obsiously not true. My paternal grandfather is bald. His father was bald. My dad is bald in the exact same pattern, as is my uncle. Their maternal grandfather was not. My other uncle has hair like my grandmother's family, and he is not bald. It's obviously genetic, but it was paternal.
Tfw nice headshape
Yeah I mean look at these examples of HIGH TEST alpha males with receding hairlines
Don't really think that a healthy lifestyle applies to having a head full of hair. I see hobos and alcoholics with thick as fuck hair, it could be because they don't use the products that the shampoo jews sell us.
What does a sedentary life style and porn do?
I'm not sure what it's a result of. However, men have been balding for a long, long time.
My hair is fine right now. My hairline has started to recede just a little bit. Still looks great, though.
Age - 25
>Reminder that 70% of men lose their hair before age 40
What the fuck? No they don't.
The percentage of bald men is roughly equivalent to age. So 70% of 70 year olds are bald.
that's true, b4 porn maybe were alpha, now they are alpha, i can relate man
Reminder that only manlet care this much about their haur because it's the only thing they have.
Meant to say show signs of hair loss. It's about two thirds before age 40.
Triggered baldcucks.
Balding is a sign of a nu male cuckold.
Bald men need to be fucking gassed.
If I couldn't grow a decent beard I probably would have just offed myself desu
He looks the fucking same
a huge portion of (((Hollywood))) males have hair transplants. If you look closely you can tell it's fake. After looking into hair transplants myself, it's pretty easy to notice who has them now, and a lot of dudes in the entertainment world have them.
Just shave your head or get the micro tattoo
to stop balding u have to cut your balls off so u don't produce dht anymore. then u can turn into the biebs.
people who say edgy things like this are usually scrawny faggots and or manlets.
Try it cuck.
Balding shows women you have shit genetics and are unfit for reproduction, kill yourselves hairlets
my hair started thinning after trying the vegan diet as well. only took about 5 months to realize how retarded it was
Tfw I'm at that point in life where I'm resorting to trickery to hide my receding temples, thinning hair, and bald spots.
Some of my fixes:
>Blow dry hair to add volume to hair
>Never cut your bangs so you can use them to cover temples
>Take B vitamins to strengthen hair so the don't break and fall out
>Take biotin to grow hair out quicker to replace shed hairs
M 2.5 reporting in.
I razor myself with a 0 every fortnight. Friends who are balding approach me and tell me I'm a dick for taking the bald route and making it my own, cos when they inevitably do the same, people tell them they're copying me.
You're balding? Shave it off before your mates do.
Because he hasn't had anything done except getting a haircut.
Baldlets are so paranoid about hair loss that they think that everyone has hair transplants.
>I don't understand how genetics work
You cant know whether the hairline is receding without before pics
If you do not have MPB but are still getting thinning , stop fapping
In a few months you'll see results
my hair is very thin, but i believe this to be becuase i keep it semi long
No need.
Suicide rates amongst bald men over 30 are the highest in the world.
You'll off yourselves sooner or later anyway.
people kill themself for going bald? jezz
You're done for. Just like me.
Welcome to 2016. Everything is aesthetics now.
Looks like I hit a nerve. Manlet detected.