Why is Sup Forums the main gathering place for young males with high IQ and low achievements?

Why is Sup Forums the main gathering place for young males with high IQ and low achievements?

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neet graduate reporting in

I have a feeling there a lot of accomplished and successful people here, but they keep up the neckbeard NEET meme for the keks

Because the mein steam meteor doesn't allow our ideology to prosper and therefore we can't be politicians. Soon we will I hope.

Because bars are now unbearable places to be and it's hard to chitchat at the shooting range, what with ear protection and what not.

>tfw too poor to be shooting club member so have to use private property

Trump here, what's up

I doubt that

>high IQ

hi mr. trump

i masturbated three times today in my basement

because its comfy here

Not really. People here are super hostile. I've had several threats made against me.

society doesn't like our smart and thought out opinions because it invalidates their sheltered world view

Social alienation. Normies irl bore the fuck out of me.

Kek loves you Sven. Never forget that.

because the world is full of irrational SFs and it takes motivation away

>High IQ
The americans seems to be the most retarded segment of Sup Forums though, maybe because to be here you need to know english as a second language (and with only that you're way ahead in the bell curve) but burgers have no such filter

>high IQ
>Majority Trump supporters with no reasoning for it

Try again OP.

Yeah, but you're also sweedish and you probably also post stupid shit.

I personally feel like people on here are my only friends :'(

Im pretty normal and have friends outside of here, but this place is addicting to me. In my mind, each flag is a single person. I have a mental idea of what each person from each flag looks like and I just picture them talking to me when I see the flags. I have my american friends, my leaf friends, and my tanned european friends. each has their own personality. But I'm just sitting here having fun conversations with my friends all day

Mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

I wish this were true.

Probably because we have limiting beliefs. I want to be in the military but can't convince myself it's for good cause. Along with a few other things.

what if I'm bilingual (Türkische und Englisch) with English flag but do not consider myself as such?

>accomplished and successful
I don't know what you mean by this, but I have masters degree and work in aerospace. I make decent money. Definitely not a NEET anyways.

>TFW mom just brought me a plate of teddies and told me how proud of me she is that I finally showered :)

Feeling accomplished :^)

try harder

>high IQ

>high IQ
Perhaps in the past when Sup Forums was a libertarian board, but look at the posts around you:
We're suffering from a retard infestation.

What do you mean by achievement?

Don't bully

There are a lot of otherwise intelligent men here who just gave up on life.

Hey Ahmed

"Shitpost ironically and real idiots will feel in good company" - Friedrich Nietzsche

because we've been ostracized from mainstream society due to our political beliefs

on a deeper level I think that high intelligence makes it harder to relate to those around you and usually correlates with aspergers, but I have nothing to back that assertion up with

Well if we were overachievers there wouldn't be much to bitch about would it?

>Why is Sup Forums the main gathering place for young males with high IQ and low achievements?

nekkid tittays

>I doubt that
You would be amazed.

This place is packed with autists. Many INTJs. Not many such cases elsewhere.

>Hey Ahmed
I'm Turkish not Arabic, Juan. The kebab meme name is Mehmet you stupid newfag.

>high iq

Oh I know the answer.

Raised by single mother and or raised without strong father or masculine role model.

Reply if this apply in some way to you.

Excuse me please don't talk to white people that way.

>tfw iq 146 and $70k in bank account

>have 142
>exist most life as fat/ undesirable to women
>Really makes you think
>Get skinny and pretty good looking desu
>Get #1 qt but is very sjw
>Accidentally reveal power level kind of
>Damage control
>Doesn't work
This place just has the most unique culture. Plus solipsistic introspection is fun desu. This board basically becomes an internal monologue after a while.

Oh excuse me, but I'm not an entomologist faggot

my mother do her best but a fatherly figure is needed

Iktf user, I've never been fat but I just lost my qt 3.14 Aryan Swiss gf because I accidentally revealed my power level while she was holding a 'not my president' sign

Fugg this is me

So close

>I've had several threats made against me.

Can't handle the bantz can you Sven? take a hike you cuck

My initial downfall was after a minor "mass shooting" when we were discussing gun control. I went the:
>Crime has been falling since 80's
>Media is overblowing
>Not big deal
Route, it all started to crumble from there..

Gave up on my social life at least. Rip

>high IQ

>le smart but lazy xD

Me as well.
We had hard times.

I'm Retarded not high iq.

>Sup Forums
>high IQ




>high IQ

>high IQ

That may be true of /lit/ and /sci/, but this particular board is significantly below the white average IQ. Just look at any one of those meme alegbra threads.

I probably have a high IQ, but that doesn't mean shit. I know people who I used to consider stupid who earn 15x my salary and are on their way to starting a white family in their early twenties. It's all hard work and social skills.

I work an easy job that I like, go home to a pleasure cave of anime, weed, and sleep, and hit the gym three times a week.

I like Sup Forums because most people here share my worldview, and are similarly disgusted by the normie culture that has overtaken our society in the past 50 years or so.

>reasonably intelligent
>normal nuclear family with clear gender roles
>lower to upper middle class throughout childhood
>social failure and very mediocre at school

who else /wasted/ their life so far? Everyone else here seems to have some reason for their issues. I get depressed when I meet social failures who channeled their time into academics and money.

>Exclusively Americans speak English as a first language

witness the legendary logic skills of the Chilean

I for one started browsing Sup Forums in 09 and basically become a lot more politically conservative after Gamergate both socially and eventually economiccally aswell. The marxist sjw left has alienated it's former allies with it's hypocrisy, censorship, lies and slander and it feels damn good to see the victory of conservative ideas.

Sure Sup Forums has stormfags, redditcucks and christfags, but to some extent the transparency the anonymous environment creates makes it easy to filter between different ideas, I'm sure a lot of Sup Forumslacks enjoy politically incorrect humor, but that doesn't make them nazis, and I'm sure a lot are christian aswell, but as long as your belief directly contradict the core values of the west, and I get to think what I want in peace I don't really care about what other people believe. The redditors however, can fuck off.

Exactly the same situation as me. Moved to a new place when I was quite young and lost all my friends and had to make new ones

People dont like your opinions ergo they're the dumb ones. Jesus h Christ man get your shit together. Pol used to actually mean something aside from being a fucking power generator for trump. Pol stood for an acknowledgement and discussion of all thoughts and opinions. You guys fucking sold out man. Became a fucking tool for the system.

beliefs don't contradict**


>high IQ

Ah, my dad is basically non existent in my life because he is on business trips 24/7 so this is probably it.

fucking likewise I lived in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Mexico before moving back to the US in high school because of my dad's work. I partially blame my dad in other ways by how he emphasized fedora style intelligence but detested school culutre and sports so I was essentially a stereotype of the smart enlightened loser as well a large chunk of my life.

its true for me in the classical sense. tested highly gifted. top 15 undergrad. top 10 mba school.

Sup Forums humor is the highest tier ive found.
reddit is full of mentally ill and people who think they are smart but are actually pleb as shit.

You are posting on quite possibly the most sheltered board in existence.

Even tumblr and reddit have more variety of opinions than Sup Forums.

This desu. I mainly just want a comfy home where I can become a wizard and do drugs when I feel like it and be simply happy while having a job that helps people for the most part.

oh shit dat me

Maybe you shouldn't be such a cuck, bitch boy.


Have you looked at the catalog? The only thing similar about us is autism and shitposting.

How'd you hit the nail so right on the head?

I'm enslaved by the filthy fucking American government's directed energy weapons.

They are using the American people as guinea pigs for human experimentation clandestinely--and the worst part is that no one will believe them because mentally ill people are fucking everywhere.

Fuck you hans

I only post full time here when I am both without gf and unemployed.

If I have one of those the posting is diminished substantially.

When I have both I just dont come.

well fuck.

yeah man. the dust hasn't settled yet. we'll come out in the open when it's safe. MDE proved it's still a little too soon.

"Achievements" are little carrots used to keep you along the serf track.

Then stop promoting your degenerate Social-Marxist, ethno-genocidal agenda. Your entire country are a waste of prime white skin.

>high IQ
Sad meme

Remove Turkroach

we're too lazy to create a username and we realizes making another fake email address to register on a website to prove we're not 12 is really just a scam to shit up the place

>I've had several threats made against me
Expecting people to be nice and peacefull on the internet

On Sup Forums?
We're all in survival mode after seeing the threat to our civilization but we refuse to doing anything about because we're all waiting for something that will force everybody's hand at once that may never come. This is one of the few places that we can gather in mass.

Or you're just a spergofag that like anime and traps that got lost

You just nailed me. My dad is a NASA engineer and he has little to no social skills.

I'm decently smart to but I have mental illness, so it's pretty tough for me. Currently still in college though, for now.

Haha fucking Sven

Why not both?

kek'd and check'd

>tfw have an average IQ
>not autistic enough for the autists but not normie enough for the normies

You know me too well. I find this suspicious.

B-b-b-but i'm-m-m-m-m-m a black guy who supported trump and marine le pen!

>young males with high IQ
[poof needed]

No you're not. You're not even American.